Top 100 fastest growing and falling quarantined items

We have translated a study by the Stackline team , which shows a list of the fastest growing e-Commerce product categories in the United States in March 2020 compared to March 2019. The second half of the study is the categories of products with the worst declines.

What is most often on the online shopping list during a coronavirus pandemic? The dynamics of the e-commerce market over the past month shows which products caused a stir, and which ones began to plummet.

March 2020 was marked by panic purchases. Consumers tried to stock up on products with long storage: cereals, flour, pasta - and in addition bought milk and food in packages.

Here are the results.

What is best selling online right now?

-100 - / 2020 2019

  • . (+670%). , .
  • โ€“ โ€“ (+652%). , , . .
  • . (+535%). . โ€“ , .
  • : ( โ€” fruit cups) (+326%), (+397%) (+377%). , , .
  • (+307%). , - .
  • - , , (+190%), โ€“ (+260%).
  • (+210%) (+160%).
  • During the pandemic, many Americans thought about health: monitors and medical devices jumped at (+ 182%), and vitamin supplements jumped at (+ 166%).
  • Hair dye (+ 115%). Beauty salons are closed - women are trying to maintain their hair color at home.
  • Due to the remote mode of operation, the demand for computer monitors (+ 172%), mice and keyboards has grown. But that's not all. Sales of office chairs increased (+ 104%): people are trying to create a working environment at home.

What is now the worst selling online compared to last year?

Top 100 most falling product categories in e-commerce USA / March 2020 compared to March 2019.

100 product categories were selected that showed the largest decline among online purchases. Here are the most noteworthy trends.

  • ยซ ยป (-77%). , .
  • . 2019, 2020- (-64%).
  • โ€“ - / (-59%) (-64%).
  • (-63%). . COVID-19 .
  • People were less likely to pitch tents and go out onto the streets and beaches - this caused a decline in attention to sunglasses (-43%) and camping products (-39%).
  • Public life was sharply limited - the demand for goods for events and parties fell by (-55%). Balloons, souvenirs and many other related products fall into this category.
  • Clothing and footwear in general - women (-47%), men (-49%), children - sank heavily in online sales. People go out less, do not go to visit and to work - now they are trying to spend money only on goods for domestic life.

During self-isolation and quarantine, consumers focused on products that help their families wait out this hectic time.

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