
Several decades ago, when I worked for Dave Weiner in UserLand, I learned about the concept of maintenance after a major release.

If you are an application developer, then it might seem that your goal is to achieve release day. Complete the application, make it available, publish the announcement, and then return to programming. Then let the world do what it does.

In other words: smoke a joint and back to work.

But this does not increase the chances of making a good release. You need to accompany - you need to move on.
For example, you could:

  • Post tips on using the app - one per day or so
  • Replenish the site with comments, reviews and good reviews.
  • Be available and communicate about the application
  • Go to some podcasts
  • Write about the release day
  • Write about plans for version x.0.1
  • Thank you for responding to error messages and feature requests
  • Thank reviewers who did a good job
  • Provide reporters and reviewers with the easiest access to the application and to you
  • Create a community of users in Slack or something similar

I'm sure you can come up with something else. The above is not all, and all applications are different.

But the main thing is that you do not just release and stop. Instead, show that you are responsive, show that the application is gaining momentum, show that it excites you enough to continue to be announced.

For me, at least, this is the most interesting. I understand that this is not for everyone. But you should still do it.

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