Flutter 1.17 released

Today (May 6, 2020) we are pleased to present Flutter 1.17, our first stable release this year.

Our goal is to release stable releases about a quarterly. However, this release took a little longer because we were changing our infrastructure for a new release process . For us, quality is priority No. 1, and we believe that the new release model will improve support for the stable branch.

The 1.17 release is full of fixes: an unprecedented number ( 6339) of problems have been closed since the last stable release 1.12. This amount is largely due to our partnership with Nevercode , which made it possible to better respond to emerging issues (issue). This year we closed more errors than it was open, which led to a reduction in the number of problems to ~ 800. Many of these errors were resolved using 3164 pull requests that we received from 231 contributors. These are huge numbers, and we sincerely thank everyone for their work and contribution, especially in this difficult time.

- , flutter.dev. , Metal iOS, Material , ! Dart 2.8, Dart .

. Flutter 1.17, , . 20%-37% ( ). CPU/GPU 40% iOS, ( PR 14104 PR 13976).

, . , Flutter Gallery Android 2019 9,6 , 8,1 , 18,5% .

70% , .

- ( , )

, Metal iOS.

Metal 50% iOS

Metal iOS API Apple. iOS, Metal, Flutter , , 50% ( ).

iOS OpenGL Metal ( , )

, Metal ( , A7 , iOS 10), Flutter OpenGL, , . Metal iOS Flutter wiki.

Material : NavigationRail, DatePicker

Material -, Flutter, . NavigationRail, , . Google Material Design . NavigationRail , -, BottomNavigator .


NavigationRail , GitHub web_dashboard DartPad.



DatePicker , Material Design, . Material Date Picker.


Android iOS, , . , .

animations, , Material motion .


Implementing Motion Material Design , : Container transform, Shared axis, Fade through, Fade (. , ). Flutter, animations . !

TextTheme API

Flutter Type Scale 2018 Material Design , Flutter. β€” β€” PR 22330 2018 . , API, , , . TextTheme API Material , , . (deprecated), , , (. , ).

2018 Material TextStyles .

, TextStyles, body1 body2 Material Design, bodyText1 bodyText2 API Flutter TextTheme. , TextStyles, 1-6 , headline1-headline6 – TextTheme API.

Google Flutter

, , TextTheme API, , , Google Flutter v1.0.

Google Flutter

Google fonts.google.com . , , , API, .

, , Flutter , . , , . GitHub. . .

, IMEs Samsung, . , , , , .

: Dart DevTools – Flutter, Android

Dart DevTools Flutter . , DevTools "beaker" DevTools.

Dart DevTools, Flutter, , , , Network.

Network Dart DevTools (, ), , :

$ pub global activate devtools

Network Flutter, Record. , , main():

void main() {
  // enable network traffic logging
  HttpClient.enableTimelineLogging = true;

Dart DevTools " " (β€œfast start”), Flutter 70% Android. .

flutter run β€” fast-start -d <your Android device>

, , Dart assets. flutter run , Dart assets APK. Android "", . , , , : , . , Android , .

, , , AndroidX – Flutter . AndroidX Android, Android Jetpack. Android AndroidX . --androidx flutter create . , AndroidX, Flutter, , .

Android Studio IntelliJ, , Hot Reload . , - , Hot Reload . , – -, , , , . , Hot Reload, VM.

Flutter Android Studio IntelliJ, dev IntelliJ, . dev , Flutter , . " " Flutter tooling, , !

Visual Studio Code Dart: List Outdated Packages, pub outdated.

, .
, : , Flutter, .

, , , , .

: MGM Superformula

, Flutter , . , , Superformula. Superformula MGM Resorts, , Flutter. , " Flutter , , , ."

Superformula MGM Resorts, MGM - . Flutter , , MGM 9%.

Breaking Changes

, Flutter, , Flutter , API, . , , . API. .

At the same time, as our mobile support continues to evolve and we bring the web closer to the required quality for stable development , Flutter promises to solve the problem that our industry has struggled with for decades: is it possible to create great applications with one source code base for several platforms? With all the power and capabilities that Flutter provides, we think that we are on the right track to answer this question. What are you going to create?

PS I will be glad to hear all criticism, questions and suggestions for translation in (personal) messages.

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