Twitter suggests editing insulted tweets before posting

On Twitter, a post editing feature may appear before posting. The social network offers users to check once again whether the tweet contains insults or curses.

“In a situation where emotions are heated, you can say things that you didn’t mean. So that you can change your mind and rewrite the post, we are conducting a limited experiment on iOS with a hint that gives you the opportunity to revise your response to a particular tweet before publishing it. The tooltip will determine if the post contains an insult, ”the company said .

The user can reject the hint and not edit the tweet, posting the text without changes. After the publication, it will be impossible to change the tweet. The function still works in test mode, but has already caused criticism from users. In the responses to the post, many indicate that the function is not necessary and that users would prefer to be able to edit their tweets. In addition, users are unhappy with how Twitter identifies abusive messages.

“My friend wrote that he created an unusual regular expression without having to look into the manual. I wrote to him: "Congratulations. Now you can die happy." Twitter blocked my account for threatening behavior, although no one complained about me. I contacted technical support, explaining that my post was a joke and gave examples of the use of the idiom that I used. Technical support was denied to me, saying that I must delete my tweet, otherwise my account will be permanently deleted. So now I almost do not use Twitter. If I have to control every word, why do I need it? I think that by introducing a new feature they shoot themselves in the foot, ” users complain .

A similar opportunity was introduced by the Instagram platform in December last year. The social network has implemented AI-algorithms that identify potentially offensive content before its publication.

“The results of the experimental implementation of the function turned out to be positive, and we believe that such warnings allow people to think over their words when they are given such an opportunity,” the company said.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey previously criticized the idea of ​​introducing a tweet editing feature after its publication. He believes that users will begin to abuse this opportunity. The post factum editing function will make it possible to change the text of posts that will collect a lot of likes and retweets.

“We were considering introducing a 30 second or minute window for editing. But it will also mean a pause before sending a tweet, ” Dorsey said in an interview with Wired in January.

Earlier, the social network turned off the ability to post tweets by SMS message in almost all countries, “except for a few.” Sending SMS was one of the first functions of the service after its launch in 2006.

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