Support for TLS1.3 and expansion of your personal account: what has been done for the first quarter of 2020


Reports on what has been done over a given period are industry standard. We decided to keep up and also collect a small digest from Variti news and new features that were implemented in the 1st quarter of 2020.

New features

Support tickets from personal accounts

Highly qualified technical support is one of Variti's competitive advantages, as experienced engineers work for us in technical support. Now, in case of any technical problems, customers can contact technical support directly from their personal account and create and track tickets there.

We also expanded the number of additional functions and options that can be connected in your account. Now in it you can add new domains for protection, edit black and white lists, enable filtering at the L7 level, integrate CDN and much more. We plan to tell you more about your account in one of our future articles.

Support TLS1.3

Now we have support for TLS1.3, a technology that protects data using HTTPS encryption and at the same time authenticates both the data in each connection and the transport protocol itself. The new version of the TLS protocol is considered to be faster (twice as fast as TLS1.2) and secure, it closes many problems with vulnerabilities from previous versions and refuses to support outdated encryption systems.

New geo features

We have very stringent performance requirements, as our customers are located in different countries, so reliable connections and fast response times are extremely important. A simple example: if a user from Switzerland visits a French site, then due to an increase in the route of traffic, the network delay will be about 15 milliseconds. It would seem that a small increase, but quite noticeable to the user, for example, when opening a page.

Therefore, we are constantly adding new filtering nodes. Now we are working on new sites in the USA and Singapore, so that local traffic is filtered in the site closest to the user, which leads to an increase in the speed of the site.

In addition, we worked on the individual requests of our clients (for example, clients who needed data without disclosure - this is important for many banks) and improving a number of protection parameters, such as the number of requests per unit time or the backend response speed.

Now we continue to actively develop features to improve the quality of filtering, identify bots and accelerate analytics, and will soon introduce new features of personal accounts. Stay tuned!


Vega for gaming

We recently introduced Vega , the new tariff grid to address the most pressing security issues in the gaming industry. As you know, the launch period of any game, the first 1-2 months, is usually the hottest time for game producers, since it is at this time that the potential of the game is understood and the peak of profit comes from it.

As a rule, it is at this time that the largest number of DDoS and other attacks on game servers happen. Therefore, the new tariffs include unlimited protection against bots, fraud and DDoS attacks, taking into account the requirements of online game vendors, as well as premium technical support.

Active Bot Protection in the Cloud

Together with the Cloud Solutions platform, we developed joint SaaS-solutions for information security of websites and API-applications, which are already used by a number of large Russian clients. It is important for them that our Active Bot Protection technology allows not to block the IP addresses from which the attack was recorded, because thousands of potential and existing clients can be located behind each IP address.

Variti at UK Business Accelerator

The London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement (LORCA) has selected Variti as a member of its fourth group of innovative cybersecurity projects. LORCA is a business accelerator that annually selects 20 companies from information security and helps them to scale their business, search for investments and enter new markets. Their goal is to develop the UK cybersecurity industry as a whole and support the development of artificial intelligence-based security solutions.

Variti in international studies

According to the latest review of the global bot detection market from the Databridge research agency , “The global market for bot protection solutions in 2017 amounted to $ 165 billion and is projected to grow by an average of 43.6% annually from 2018 to 2025.” In the market, they also notice fierce competition from new players entering the market. Variti was named one of the key market players.

At the end of 2019, Forrester analysts prepared a review22 bot protection service providers, in which Variti has entered the list of new promising market players. One of the most interesting findings of the study: “Security experts should wait for a complete change in the market, because now the bot management tools will cause the greatest interest of customers, but OWASP solutions will become an additional option."


We attended the RSA 2020 conference in San Francisco as part of a group of 30 of the most promising cybersecurity companies in the UK. This is one of the most interesting world conferences on cybersecurity and is dedicated to the human factor.

Then we demonstrated our Active Bot Protection technology at the Cyber ​​101 Investor Showcase in London. Variti and five other information security startups presented their solutions to investors and venture capitalists interested in developing the UK cybersecurity ecosystem.

Stay safe in this difficult time!

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