Podcasts Rusbase, Medusa and KinoPoisk

The other day I told you which Committee, Habr and Sports.ru have podcasts . I continue the topic - this time we will discuss the broadcasts of three very different publications - Rusbase, Medusa and KinoPoisk.

NeONBRAND , Unsplash.com

Addition to theprevious material. Vc.ru has thebest articlesin podcast format . They are read by a robot. Not a fan of this approach, but it is increasingly common, and the quality of reading is very decent.

Rusbase / RB

According to my observations, this site did not give in to hype in 2013-2014 and launched its podcasts only this year. It’s just roboticism that helped them get started quickly with audio content - today the Rusbase podcast portfolio already includes  five shows .

Three of them are based on popular headings of the site: doing business in China, the future of technology and profile interviews with entrepreneurs of the new wave. All of them are made using a text-to-speech synthesizer, the reading and audio quality are similar to vc.ru, but it seems to me that flipping through articles is more convenient and faster. Plus, this format cannot be called a show when there is a live discussion or interview.

Against the background of these programs, a podcast called " #NeverNeRano". It talks about beginning entrepreneurs, their projects and work processes. But while the editors are only groping for the format and are not in a hurry with new releases. There are ten of them, and - in my opinion - almost all were recorded remotely, which affected the sound quality and pace of the discussion. To test the hypothesis, the approach is fully justified, but the development of the podcast remains to be seen.


I knew the transfer of this site even worse than  what goes on Sports.ru . The fact is that the big media is dragging too wide a range of topics and directions to seem to the average person the place where you can find "cozy" shows with a "warm palm sound." We expect a picture of the day and spot investigations from such sites, but not many hours of conversations between friends as in NORM .

Podcasts "Medusa" launched in 2016. At the start, the editors started from those materials that were published in text form, but gradually rethought the approach. Then the classic shows of this edition appeared. "Transitional" format - " Text of the week"- the heir to the pilot podcasts. They do not read here, but discuss the most resonant materials. Excellent sound quality and the ability to hear additions from the direct authors of the investigations.

For three years of working on audio content, the editors also tried completely  different formats : they already managed to close some shows, others started to do it with renewed vigor. Of these programs, I would single out the Book Bazaar . I did not master all the issues, but of those that I managed to listen to, I realized that there are more analytics and expert discussions, and there are not so many additions on the topic of books and stories around the publications themselves that the average person expects from a book podcast. Therefore, this format is not “pulled” by all, and this is no longer an easy-listening-podcast, which will be easy for me to return to.


Last year, the editors of this site made one of the most viable attempts to close the demand for add. Content around TV shows and movie premieres. KinoPoisk released two podcasts. The first show is led by Lisa Surganova , she heads the editorial board. The podcast is called " In Previous Series ". Together with Lisa, he is led by Ivan Filippov, he works with film studios and leads a popular cart channel on the topic, so discussions are obtained with the necessary depth and knowledge of the matter.

The second gear is called Noise and Brightness . It is led by Lev Gankin, a music critic and famous radio host. The KinoPoisk team helps him prepare the issues, but nevertheless, the main value of the podcast is a self-sufficient authorial style and presentation of the material.

He talks about what the sound design of films and series is, and most importantly - about why it looks in one way or another. The content here is "dense" and will require attention, but you can start listening from any issue, which gives the necessary compromise and convenience. Here, direct excerpts of the musical topics discussed are put up.

The new program that Lisa told me about is called Through Universes.". It is led by journalist Vasily Sonkin and co-owner of the Chuk and Geek comic book store, Ivan Chernyavsky. They discuss how comics affect movies, TV shows, and how they permeated every aspect of our lives. The other day there were releases about Harley Queen, indie comics on Netflix and the future of cinema in the post-world.

PS If you plan to launch your podcast (personal or corporate), I will be happy to help with the recording, processing and distribution in various formats. Write in PM here or in Fb .

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