Sofa Experts Competition

Well, the leading cryptanalysts, oil industry experts, virologists, your time has come! RUVDS announces a contest in which each expert can test his only true opinion for success. 

No need to build graphs or prove anything in the comments to less educated opponents - to win it is enough to spend a minute of time on 5 simple questions, which will not be difficult for a real expert to answer. 

5 questions

On the page of the competition you need to answer 5 basic questions without peeping anywhere:

  1. The cost of a barrel of Brent crude oil
  2. The dollar against the ruble
  3. The number of coronavirus survivors worldwide
  4. Will self-isolation regime be lifted in Moscow
  5. How many RUVDS servers will be created

True, the answers need not be given at the current moment, but as of May 15, 2020 - on the day the competition ends. And above are the links where at 12:30 PM X we will fix the real values.  

How do we spot Chuck Norris among experts

A popular proverb says: "trust, but verify." Therefore, on May 15 we will record the results and select 20 participants who gave the most accurate forecasts. The prize will go to someone alone - the random number generator will choose the most.

But in general, the algorithm will be a little more complicated. The number of points for questions 1, 2, 3 and 5 is calculated according to the following algorithm:

  1. We calculate the percentage deviation of the sent value from the actual (on the current date)
  2. Subtract the absolute value of this percentage from 100 and multiply by 1000
  3. Summarize the resulting values 

The fourth question is binary: if the participant made the correct forecast, then he gets 1000 points, and if not, then he gets nothing.

Further, the amount of points scored on all issues will be multiplied by a pessimism coefficient - to encourage those participants who made a prediction earlier. The last bet is accepted on May 15th at 10:30.


It is always nice to increase your chances of winning. Especially if it's free. Especially if legal. Here's how to do it in the competition:

  • Sharing your forecast in social networks will give +500 points (one-time). The sharing page will become available immediately after you make your prediction.
  • The correct answer in the mini-forecasts in the Telegram channel will give +300 points (for each correct answer)

Mini-forecasts will be limited in time, they will have to be watched right now. And it's best to do this through a subscription to the channel (or through push in the browser).

Points will be recounted every day (on this page ), at 12:30 - after the Central Bank determines the exchange rates on the next day.


Q1: Pff, so I will send the answers on May 14 or I’ll have time on the 15th!
A1: And the number of points for those who make the forecast earlier will be greater. The earlier bets are made, the higher the winning odds. Here is a plate with a mat.model for playing around.

Q2: Hah, well, then I’ll send two hundred thousand options and take your competition with brute force)))))
A2: Some experts resort to this technique, but in this case the idea is meaningless: each participant must indicate their full name, and all doubles we we will clean. If the name of the winner does not match (on the passport) with the application, then the prize will go to someone else.

Q3: Well, then what to wind up something? Well, this is not interesting!
A3:Alas, this time there is nothing special. Well, maybe the number of servers created is not against us :) And we will even contribute a little: the NOSTRESS promo code will give a 15% discount on all VPS.

Q4: Hmm, sweepstakes ... is this legal at all?
A4: Still, this is a competition. Art. 1057 of the Civil Code: competition is a public announcement on the payment of a monetary reward or the issuance of another award for the best performance of work or achievement of other results, which should be received by one who is recognized as the winner of the competition in accordance with the terms of the assignment. Here is the user agreement for the competition.

Q5: So, what is the prize ??
A5: We will reply with the picture:

(new, 2020)

Make your bets , gentlemen!

UPD To get an additional 500 points per share, send links only to open accounts in social networks. If we can’t check if the shair really exists, then we won’t be able to accrue points. Thank!

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