
Denis never dreamed of realistic dreams. No, they did not have alien monsters or fire-breathing dragons, as well as knights in armor or gladiators in the arena of the Coliseum. But all the places, characters, events present in dreams were fantastically confused, torn from different times, countries, and even continents; people who had never met each other could walk freely together, holding hands, and a nondescript Khrushchev from his native Moscow suburbs could sit next to a house in the style of Antonio Gaudi. What is especially annoying - Denis could never remember the next morning where he was wearing in the next series of an endless movie, which he began to watch in the fifth grade. Only sometimes an event during the day could cause a distant association with what was seen at night, and then an episode of his personal absurd movie appeared in his memory.

Waking up on Monday with a stupefied head, Denis wandered around the apartment, made coffee and firmly decided to go to college with the results of recent calculations that filled not only the entire desktop, but were also scattered across the floor, lying in separate piles on the piano and ironing board.  

Gathering papers in an old diplomat, Denis went to the door, and then the bell rang. At the threshold stood a precinct.

- Denis Valerevich? We have questions for you, come with me.  

Literally a second later a new character appeared, and appeared just as suddenly. The young fair-haired man left the elevator and went straight to Denis. He presented a red crust with the letters of the FSB and offered to follow him. He did not even pay attention to the district police officer.

- Sorry, said the precinct. I have a focus on Denis Volkov.
“Me, too,” said the FSB officer. However, let's go together to a strong point, tell us what you have there. 

At the strongpoint, another police officer was waiting for them, the interrogator “Are you a lawyer?” asked the interrogating officer of the FSB. “No,” he answered. "More likely the opposite."
The policeman whispered something to the interrogating officer, who frowned, but said nothing.

Then at last they remembered Denis. The investigator invited him to sit in an uncomfortable chair.
“Before we begin, I will ask you only one question.” Where were you last night? 
“At home,” Denis answered hoarsely. For three days I didn’t go anywhere. 
- Good. Look here - and the district police officer deployed a computer monitor. 

Denis immediately recognized the picture: it was a view from the concierge on the front door of their apartment building. In a young stooped man who quickly proceeded on his way out, he recognized himself with amazement. The date and time in the corner of the screen showed exactly seven o'clock yesterday evening, the only thing that bothered Denis was some unfamiliar T-shirt.
“I am detaining you 48 hours before the indictment. 

The FSB officer, who was still silently listening, took out an incomprehensible document and presented it to the interrogating officer.” 
“I need to make sure of its authenticity,” the interrogator said displeasedly. “
Not necessary.” Here is the signature of the head of the Moscow investigation. He will just come with me.

Interesting guy, Denis thought to himself. "I am lucky - without security and driving." However, he was clearly not ready to hit the officer on the head and jump out at the intersection.

The officer grinned as if reading his thoughts. As it turned out, not in vain.
“Denis,” the officer suddenly said. “By virtue of my profession, I can predict what can be expected from a person and what not. And, frankly, your appearance does not at all fit with the accusations that will be brought against you. I understood this from the photograph and therefore came for you ... without a platoon of machine gunners, ”he grunted.
“But still, while we drive, tell me if you have something to tell me. The fact that you lied at a strong point speaks against you. ”
“I did not lie!” - Denis answered fervently. I really sat at home for three days.
“But what about the video? Or was it mounted by a district police officer on a home computer? ” 

The FSB temporary isolation ward did not at all resemble descriptions of such institutions, which were completely given away by the Middle Ages: an ordinary room with a bed and a table, except for a barred window under the ceiling and a massive iron door.

“Ideal working conditions,” Denis thought, “if you feed them at least once a day, you can sit quietly and write your own formulas.”
A sad joke. 

Now we need to think not about that at all. But the officer left him here until the next morning, not saying a word beyond what they had time to talk about in the car.

“I demand a lawyer!” Denis said theatrically and grunted: he could not take seriously what was happening. It reminded him of one of his infinitely diverse dreams.
"Lawyer, lawyer" was spinning in his head.
Lord, the lawyer is Leva! 

Leva was a Fiztekhov legend. Physicists from students of the physical education were not always obtained. The people worked at random, often retraining quite radically: among the graduates were bankers, oil traders, and even one cosmonaut. But only Leva went to the lawyers, and right after the second year. He had an incomprehensible and unpleasant story when he was supposed to go on trial. Leva said that he would beat himself off, that to a person who has mastered quantum mechanics, law in general is pah.

Indeed, Lev’s court won, but so got into it all that he never returned to physics. He came to the release of his course on some kind of insane nimbled Gelendvagen, but this was not a desire to show off at all, he just lived like that now. Later, he himself, barely able to stand on his feet, transported completely non-astringent bast homies to their homes, and some of them later claimed that the guards saluted them. Whether it was true or false is impossible to say: on the one hand, Levino’s situation and connections, on the other, they couldn’t see anything like that in the state in which they were taken away from the meeting.

Two things happened here, one unexpected to the other.

First, Denis clearly remembered Leva's mobile phone. This, probably, was not quite surprising, after all, physics studies hone the mind, then, at that graduate meeting, Leva was the only one with a mobile phone, and handed out business cards with the golden emblem and this number to everyone right and left.

And the second, which puzzled Denis even more.

A small piece of wire was visible from under the bed leg, pulling which Denis pulled out a telephone. Ancient, plastic, except perhaps without a disk, but with primitive small buttons.

“Some kind of crap,” Denis thought, but picked up the phone and heard a beep. Almost automatically, he dialed the number of Leva. After a short beep, the phone disconnected. However, it was foolish to expect that you could get through at least somewhere.

In the morning, Denis was finally called in for a conversation.
Rather, it was, of course, the interrogation, but the officer (apparently a good investigator) said exactly the conversation, well, yes, Denis did not mind.
“Denis Valerievich,” he said insinuatingly. “I will not ask leading questions and beat around the bush. Your name and account, opened to an anonymous person, was used in the pay chain for the supply of weapons to destabilize the friendly regime of Tajikistan. ”

The officer paused meaningfully.

"Foreign account, some kind of nonsense," thought Denis. 
The only time he used something like this was when he needed to get money for some kind of programming work, but it was about ten years ago, and it was about a couple hundred bucks.
“What does an anonymous account mean in my name?”
- Anonymous, of course, is anonymous. But last night, you suddenly went to Skhodnenskaya and removed an SSD Bank from an ATM, ”the officer grunted — two thousand rubles. From a card tied to this very account. Very careless of you. That is, you decided that to divert your eyes, it is enough to go to the other end of the city to the branch of a little-known bank. 

Such operations have happened before. But what is characteristic! The money taker always hid his face. It was about much larger amounts. Unlimited banks were chosen with a crazy limit on cash withdrawals, bypassing all sorts of rules and instructions.

And more ... The officer paused, considering whether to continue.

- In all cases, rather quickly at the banks in whose ATMs the money was withdrawn, the licenses revoked. And every time it turned out that the internal accounting was carried out very badly or even been destroyed! It is clear that the main amounts for such transactions do not go in cash and are not withdrawn from ATMs. But, in any case, to ensure work on the spot there should be ordinary performers, a thread from which will reach for more serious players. Here you are stuck in such a story. 

“On duty, what's the noise?” 

A bewildered attendant entered the door, followed by Leva burst into the door, in a chic suit with a blue tint, with an insane crocodile leather suitcase and a hair clip with a diamond in a tie.

For no more than five seconds, Leva looked stunned at Denis, but then he came to his senses and energetically attacked the FSB officer.

We must give him his due - Denis himself did not immediately recover from the unexpected appearance of a classmate, and at first he listened to everything as if with cotton wool in his ears. 

“I want to know,” Leva's voice boomed, “on what grounds did you detain my principal?” In which criminal case, who signed the sanction? ” 
“How did he get here?” - the officer turned red.
The officer on duty ran around frantically and spoke to the officer’s ear, from which Denis only heard the name, which the officer said in a whisper, after which the officer seemed to choke. 
“I’m taking the client,” Leva said with confidence. 
“Well, that certainly won’t happen,” the officer snapped. “He will stay here. By the way, you did not present a power of attorney to protect the interests of citizen Volkov. ”

"Citizen" said to himself Denis. 

“Look, officer, it may happen that you don’t stay here either.” 

This seemed to even amuse the officer. In any case, the tension disappeared from his face and even a semblance of a smile appeared, as imperceptible as that of the Mona Lisa. “The only thing I can do for you is to let your client talk in that office. Is 15 minutes enough for you? ”

"I will decide!" - proudly answered Leva, and they left. 

Denis wanted to start saying something, but Leva resolutely stopped this, showing with a gesture that there was a wiretap around.
“In short, brother, then the details are not here. In short: what are you being charged with? ”
“Some kind of nonsense,” Denis said, “financing the supply of arms to Tajikistan.” 
“Hm,” said Leva - “you certainly didn’t get any credit cards at someone’s request, powers of attorney, or something like that?”
“No, of course, there is still some kind of bank that is not local at all.” 
"Okay. I need to run, I have a very important process. Listen carefully. Most likely, there is nothing on you. He himself is not sure that this is not a mistake. But it may turn out that for some reason they need to keep you here for how many days. For example, to a real performer, he thought he was safe. If so, then they will surely disseminate information that they have covered the criminal network and your physiognomy and surname can be highlighted. I will warn relatives not to worry, you will be home at most in a couple of days. Today I’ll make a couple of calls and write inquiries, maybe I'll get you out earlier. Well, everyone? "
" Svetka warn "- asked Denis. 
“Svetka? You are communcating? Well, yes, old love does not rust. Yes, I know that she is married, do not teach me how things are going, okay? Hi!" 
"Are you leaving already?" the officer inquired. 
"See you soon!" threw Leo on the run. 
“Well, you have connections,” the officer shook his head respectably.
"Studied together," said Denis. 
“Well, they gave me material from the police here for you, I’ll get acquainted, and we'll talk again.” 
“From the police,” Denis automatically corrected. 
“On duty, take me away!”

“Damn” Denis thought “somewhere I heard the name of this bank. He was not interested in banks at all, when he was impatient - he got himself an Alpha card and calmed down on that. The answer emerged from the subconscious mind suddenly as all the ideas in physics or mathematics came to him. In some unthinkable T-shirt, he stood in front of a mirror glass at the base of a skyscraper to the right of the bank sign, and this all happened really last night in the next series of his endless unreal unearthly dreams. 

“Hooliganism,” said the officer. “That's what the Ministry of Internal Affairs presents to you. Debosh at a shopping center in the evening in South Butovo.
” “Exactly,” said Denis, checking his sleep. “I bought Coca-Cola.”
He seems to understand where the wind of all these strange adventures blows from. True, in a dream it was a supermarket in a completely different part of the world, rather on the outskirts of Mexico City, as you might have guessed from the dusty road with cacti along the curbs that stretched over the horizon. 
“You are amazingly photogenic and managed to get under the cameras wherever you can. From the entrance to the supermarket, with an intermediate stop at the ATM. Well, the continuation of the story later, but now a personal question, if you do not mind. 
You are familiar with the computer, apparently. I have a watch until midnight, can you help me learn one program, I want to indulge in video editing? 
"Do you know what?" Said Denis. "Let's try here on these videos with my adventures"
“Come on,” the officer agreed. "What difference does it make to train." 
When the video was mounted, Denis went on to his plan. 
“Pay attention,” he said. “Filming in the supermarket in Butovo and near the ATM on Skhodnenskaya is separated by fifteen minutes. Apparently, a helicopter was sent for me in order to be in time everywhere. Truth?" 
“Flights over Moscow are prohibited,” the officer said on the machine, “unless you are, of course, the President and the Prime Minister. I could say that somewhere the clock was probably knocked down. But this is not so. Of course, I noticed this moment. You have not seen the third video. In it you are outraging in the Alexander Garden. As you know, at about the same time. ” 

“Actually, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has never welcomed such interference on our part in their affairs. But when it came down to trying to explain how you could find yourself in two different places at the same time, they happily passed it on to us. In a secret order, all things of this kind are transferred to our department. 
“And how can you explain all this?” 
“Believe me, Denis, this is far from the most inexplicable case in our practice. There is, for example, evidence of a man who was rolled on a flying saucer for several hours,”
Denis grunted. 
“You are laughing in vain. The testimony of the nearest base station of cellular telephony showed that his cell phone, which was always in his pocket, rose more than two kilometers above the surface of the earth. And he was landed from this plate in a place to which he could not get from the starting point, even by helicopter. ”

“But your case is not only interesting for this. We cannot use material evidence collected by another service. And we requested copies of those same video files from the supermarket and from the camera of the Alexander Garden. And just in case - from the ATM camera. Look, what happened. "These were apparently familiar shots, but with much worse quality. It was as if everything had blurred and shot through the fog. It was no longer possible to say that it was Denis.

" Wow,  "said Denis. 

“I will tell you more. The recording time is different from yesterday. Not much, for some minutes. That is, everything swam. As for the transaction with the card, the bank was covered this morning. We cannot work so fast, but it seems that all the operations in the internal archive are not even destroyed, but cringed. So I will not be surprised if the card number differs from the original by a couple of digits. " 

“Yeah,” Denis said stunned. “And what explanation do you have for all this?” 

“Nothing,” the officer honestly admitted. “Just another mystery in a row of the same kind,” he nodded at the huge iron cabinet in the corner of the room. “The only thing that is clear is that you have nothing to do with it. But, since you are a physicist, and judging by the publications, can you have some kind of very good version? ” 

“This is very similar to what is called wave packet spreading. When an initially completely definite event becomes less and less definite with time. Decoherence, in short. ” 

Denis decided not to talk about the dream.

“Well, I'm sorry that I delayed beyond what was supposed to be, I wanted to talk and hear your opinion about this to everyone. And still - call this your lawyer, otherwise he seems to have already started to pull up heavy artillery. "
" Yes, of course, "Denis answered. 
He scored Leva, stepping around the corner. 
"Where are you?" yelled into the phone Lev. “Yes, I already realized that you were released. I just from the process, struggled for four hours, and not unsuccessfully. Let's have dinner? ” 
Denis was stunned by the magnificence of the interior of the restaurant when they went into a not very noticeable, albeit elegant entrance. Leva nodded to the doorman who hastened to meet, and together they went into a separate office. The waiter arrived in time and filled glasses with drinking water and withdrew, nodding.

“I will be meat on fire, I am bloodthirsty today. I ordered the same for you - it does not seem that you yourself are capable of articulating clearly now. Yes, you relax, brother, everything is already behind, and I told you that there would be nothing serious. Come on, put it in order.

“Tell me, how did you find me?” When you appeared, I was stunned, probably more than when the police and the FSB came to screw me at the same time. ”

“Not,” Leva said smugly, “these guys are the usual setup.” It doesn’t always work, but you won’t believe it - two out of three people planted call their accomplices to say that everything is gone. The phone, of course, does not connect, but the number is lit. By the way, he didn’t have to decide, but I’m not quite a normal device ”Leva grunted. “And I know this number, I pulled a client out of here on a much more serious matter. I decided that he was seized again, rushed, and here you are sitting. And not even completely scared, which filled me with respect. People in much simpler situations behave as if they are being dragged to the block. Well, it’s after the process that I can’t stop at all, I say everything, I say it. Set out now you 

“Well, in short,” Denis said, “the night before last I was at about the same time at three different places and committed various illegal actions - from petty hooliganism to undermining the legal foundations of the state.” 

"How do you correctly state!" Leva admired - “and this is just a day of stay in jail. My clients have been in criminal trials for half a year and are not able to remember how interrogation differs from interrogation. In general, fizteh is fizteh. But go on, you know, it reminds me of something from quanta with a simultaneous finding of a particle here and there. ” 

“Wow,” Denis whistled, “this thought did not come to me right away! But I did not tell you the main thing. All these adventures I dreamed about literally the day before! But not one in one - the bank, whose ATM I gutted on Skhodnenskaya, was in a dream somewhere in Miami. Well, the rest is also minor inaccuracies. Then the same nonsense began to happen with documentary evidence. "  
" With documentary evidence? " revived Leva "Wow!"  
“Well, when I saw this, I completely stopped being afraid. It is clear that this is all otherworldly. " 
" Well, it happens.
" This is called the macroscopic quantum effect. ” 
“By the way, do you know what kind of department of the FSB that was engaged in you?” This is the so-called P. unit Paranormal phenomena and all that. " 
" Why are you! X-files! He reminded me of Agent Molder! ” 
“X-files, just the opposite,” Leva giggled. “They everywhere tried to see the intrigues of aliens and other otherworldly nonsense. And these guys dream of real affairs and serious operational work. And they come across all inexplicable nonsense. Therefore, as soon as he understood this, he immediately lost interest in you. At first, apparently, he clung to this business in the hope that something was worthwhile. And then it turned out as always ” 
“ Listen, and this is your client who was sitting there ... ” 
Leva put a finger to his lips and made a circle over his head with his hand. 
“Is it really a wiretap here?” thought Denis. 
“Hardly,” Leva answered his un asked question. “But just in case - shh. Plus, I still should not discuss other people's affairs with anyone. It was just that there was talked about such a fabulous sum that the leadership simply did not believe it and sent the matter to P.’s department. But everything turned out to be true ”

“ Leva, listen, but is that all ... and your work? I don’t have any money now.
“Listen, Denis, Leva frowned.“ If I studied with you for only two courses, this is no reason not to consider me a member of the fraternity, ok? Just have to adjust to my schedule, I'm not as free as you, mental workers "  

" What do you think, "asked Leva," but such miracles can often happen?  
"You understand how a physicist I’ll tell you physics" (Leva squared his shoulders, he was clearly flattered) "that the age of the Universe is not enough for this to happen. Yes, and in three parallel versions! No, this is simply unbelievable. But this is from the point of view understanding today "
" You would record your dreams, "said Leva," suddenly something else is going to be interesting. "
" You know, I could never remember anything in the morning. Even then, it didn’t come to me immediately. Plus, it’s all wrong in a dream . Some allegories of allegory ... like the dreams of Nostradamus "- Denis found the exact definition. 
" By the way, are there special trainings to be able to remember these things, have you heard? "
“I heard something, yes.” 
“We use them for the opposite purpose,” Leva smiled. “So that the client does not talk too much!” But if you want, I’ll get you along with someone. Boost this ability. " 
“And you know - I want,” said Denis. "The feeling that there" - he tapped the skull - "accumulated over a whole collection of works. When I was a kid, I wanted to write a fantastic saga after I read Dune. Right, let’s do the literature! And then the physics completely stopped feeding " 
" Well, "Leva was upset," and you there too. You were the best on the course! ”
“Well, let's say Arkasha was the best. But he had long fallen to Germany and was engaged there in completely applied things in Siemens. ” 
“Well, decide on the future,” Leva chuckled. “The first copy with the author’s signature is mine! Always proud of your classmates, and you gave me a reason to feel it again. 

"" Thank you for everything, "Denis answered sincerely. 

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