How to get an internship on Facebook and get an offer in London? Ask a Facebook Engineer a Question

We have already said that we are creating a new format: live broadcasts with successful developers and IT specialists, on which you can ask a professional a question and get a first-hand answer.

The first live broadcast will take place on May 5, at 20:00 Moscow time on our Instagram .

Speaker Ilona Papava, Senior Software Engineer at the London office of Facebook. Now Ilona is developing Facebook Portal for Android. Before leaving for London, she went on internships on Facebook twice to the Valley and once to New York in Asana.

How will the broadcast go?

Ilona will be aired at 20:00 Moscow time and will answer your questions within an hour. If you are subscribed and have included notifications, then you will receive a push about the beginning of the live broadcast directly to your phone. We remind you how to enable push only for a specific user.

in two steps

How to ask your question?

We have already collected about 30 questions in our Instagram, you can look at them and understand if you have already asked the question you are interested in. If not, you can ask it right here in the comments or under this post by Ilona .

Since there are a lot of questions, we will give priority to those that are asked in the comments on instagram, then to those asked directly on the air and only then the questions asked on Habré.

Ilona is ready to answer “silly” everyday questions, like whether it is possible to bring a partner with you during the summer internship or how Facebook carries employees, and serious ones, such as moving your development career up and not stop developing.

What besides the answers to the questions, Ilona will tell:

  • how to get an internship
  • how to show yourself there
  • what to prepare for an interview
  • what tasks do interns have
  • what you need to pump to get an internship: what skills, programming languages ​​and frameworks
  • acute social question: is it difficult to advance in a career if you are a girl and where to start

Will there be an air recording?

Yes. After the broadcast is over, we will save it and post it on two platforms at once: on IGTV on Instagram the next day and a week later on our Youtube channel

So if you do not have time to listen to the broadcast online, you can still ask a question and hear the answer to it in the recording. In order not to forget to watch the recording, you can also turn on the notification of new posts: as soon as you post the recording on IGTV, you will receive a notification.

See you!

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