What podcasts does the “Committee”, “Habr” and Sports.ru have

I’ll tell you what kind of programs the media make. Using three well-known UGC platforms as an example.

Fernando Lavin , Unsplash.com

We will be honest, while we can’t talk about the Russian market in this niche. Few people know how to make adequate advertising in podcasts, and there are fewer buyers for it.

By the way, we already had a hype for conversational content ... six years ago. In 2013–2014, iTunes was full of podcasts on IT, design, and even audio gadgets. People did most of the programs enthusiastically and could not wait for the mass audience, which was just discovering this format. Therefore, today the place of amateurs is increasingly taken by professional publishers.

I’ll tell you about attempts to do something in this area - programs that are written by the teams of large Russian-speaking UGC-media: “Committee”, “Habr” and Sports.ru.

Publishing House "Committee"

Everyone knows that the “Committee” has three platforms for a fairly young and active audience from all points of view - DTF, TJ and vc.ru, but not everyone knows what podcasts these publications release.

Interestingly, Zuckerberg Calls made its first attempts back in 2013. Then we recorded  17 issues , and stopped at that. At the end of 2016, the guys from DTF launched the program “ More Minerals ”, but this podcast didn’t live as much. Later on, the UGC section with podcasts was opened on the project’s website  , and thematic activity in it is the highest of all ID sites.

TJ in the spring of 2019 began to issue " Field Notes”, In the recording of which the editors and their colleagues participated: from Likhachev to Zhigulina and other employees of the publication. But the project, in which the hosts and guests discussed the best materials, news and “cuisine”, hangs for almost a year on a pause.

On the other hand, and TJ now have a subpage " Podcasts ." At one time, it published the announcements of the programs of the Habr editorial office, about which I will tell more in more detail later.


The podcast headliner of the site is called “ Habr Weekly ”, and it is worth recognizing that it justifies the announced release schedule. To some extent, there is a merit of the third-party studio "Podkasterskaya".

It helps Habr with recording and editing, but from the point of view of content preparation, the editorial board plays a key role. The program has been released since May last year. Usually, the conversation is conducted by Ivan Zvyagin, chief editor of Habr, Daler Aliyorov, PM platforms, and their colleagues.

The show touches on the most discussed materials on the site and topics of the week, which always correspond to the current IT agenda, but are also suitable for retrospective listening.

There is also a “ Habr Special ” in an interview format. The topics depend on what the speakers are doing, which the editors are inviting.


I can’t boast of significant experience publishing articles on this site - “Habr” and vc.ru I know much better, but I did a little research on the podcasts of this publication.

Some activity with audio content began on Sports.ru in the fall of 2018. This is confirmed by the  official version of the  history of the podcasting publication, which only adds in this area. When I started looking for shows related to Sports.ru, I found five programs.

Now there are more of them. One of the most famous podcasts is called “ Cappuccino & Catenaccio ”. It is led by Lukomsky and Poroshin, journalists of the new and old schools. Issues last from an hour to two, and talk  about football . I would also highlight the show " Cart, bro!"- it is for hockey fans. To get acquainted with other programs you can open the official site site .

PS If you would like not to limit yourself to listening and launch your technological podcast (personal or corporate), I will be glad to help - from organizing remote recording to processing audio, publishing and distribution. Contact in PM here or on Facebook .

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