The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 413 (April 27 - May 3, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


podcast CSSSR podcast: Automated refactoring, migration to TS, TypeScript 3.9 RC, Redis 6, NodeJS and RoR releases
podcast Web Standards podcast No. 227: Web Standards site, cssunderhood, Chrome, colors, custom properties, Brotli, price of frameworks
podcast RWPod Cafe 15: Andrey Sitnik
podcast CSSSR Podcast. Argumentarium - Place of layout in the Universe
video I. Subbotnik on interface development 2020

Web development

habr Opium.Fill - standardization of the color scheme through the eyes of a programmer
habr Modern front-end architectures
habr Modern SEO: AMP stories
What every developer should know about https
en Some innocent fun with HTML video and Progress
en Storage for the web. There are many different options for storing data in a browser. Which one is best for your needs?
video How not to fall into the browser cache trap

  • en


habr Fully responsive design is more than just media queries
habr Flexible layout without media queries: min (), max (), clamp () functions
habr My favorite CSS questions with detailed answers
en Atomic CSS-in-JS
en Selection in CSS
en Fake 3D elements with CSS
en Thoughts on Container Queries implementation in browsers
en CSS “content” property accepts alternative text
en How to solve Z-index problem in 1 minute
en 3 insanely simple ways to switch your website to dark mode
en Create a beautiful input range with CSS only
en What do we miss when learning CSS?


habr The road to hell of JavaScript dependencies
habr I switch to JavaScript
habr Advanced TypeScript
• The habr price of JavaScript frameworks
• The habr non-ironic hatred of JavaScript
en Alpine.js: The JavaScript Framework, which is used as jQuery, is written as Vue and inspired by TailwindCSS
en Continuous refactoring of 100,000 lines of code - TinyMCE on TypeScript
en Crib by window.location

Browsers. Free translation of Jeremy Keith's article “User agents”
Firefox Preview 5.0 for Android is available


Mozilla is testing Firefox Private Relay's anonymous email address service
Microsoft has opened its implementation of the QUIC protocol used in HTTP / 3
Since 2006, Google has closed 200 projects: 23 applications, 16 devices and 161 services
A new dress of capitalism. How IT companies turned into supervisors
LinkedIn added a tool for rehearsing interviews: the program finds weaknesses in speech and makes recommendations
Google made available old mini-games dedicated to various events

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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