High technology (N.-F. raskaz)

I leaned my wrist against the reading element.

- Good morning, Maxim Petrovich. 3 minutes 23 seconds remain before the start of your duty, ā€said a mechanical voice.

I did not answer, going inside the Health Optimization Center. In the working room, the previous shift completed work. Behind their backs, in accordance with the established routine, my team was expecting - all, with the exception of Skvortsova's intern, who was late as usual.

Fifteen seconds before the start, Skvortsova appeared, in a defiantly red dress. She is useless, she doesnā€™t know anything yet - an intern, one word, but sheā€™s at least not in trouble.

The men made no sound, but squinted together. I, too, did not deny the pleasure of looking at the hips covered in red fabric, then I gave the command:

ā€œGet ready to step on duty.ā€

ā€œGet ready to pass the duty,ā€ the head of the outgoing shift commanded.

- Change! - we both said when the counter on the monitors reset.

The outgoing shift put her wrists to the reading elements, rose from her chair and freed herself from the hypnotic helmets. My team, which at the same time put its wrists to the reading elements and waited for confirmation, put hypnotic helmets on their heads, thereby intervening on duty. Workplace monitors were charged with updated technical specifications.

First of all, I cast a glance at the affiliated centers: the

controlled Center for Health Optimization - -92;
Monitoring Center for Health Optimization - -584.

At that moment, something clicked in my temples, and I remembered why I was here - as if I had infiltrated another person. The lot was called controlled by TsOZ-92 in Biarritz - which means today. Today something that I have been preparing for throughout my life will happen. It's time to act.

First of all, it is necessary to occupy the team with work: immerse yourself in current worries so that less attention is paid to the boss's manipulations.

ā€œLeonid, manual verification of culling,ā€ I ordered. - Sergey Ignatievich to help you.

Typically, culling was carried out in automatic mode, but manual training was allowed for training purposes.

- Got it, I'm getting started.

Leonid and Sergei Ignatievich will have to choose the persons intended for culling in our shift, then check: the lifetime and diagnosis should correspond to public utility. The procedure is quick and dreary even for two experienced workers. Leonid is experienced - will replace me over time - but Sergei Ignatievich has reached the career ceiling and will not advance further. Accordingly, his reaction is not high, so a manual check will stretch not just for a long time, but for the entire shift. Which in this case is required.

We figured out the men - now weā€™re using women.

- Elena Vitalyevna, take care of areas of increased brain activity. Pay special attention to Butovo, something suspicious is going on there.

- Good, Maxim Petrovich.

Elena Vitalievna was employed, the trainee remained.

- Sveta ...

Skvortsova's head raised inquiringly above the chair:

- Yes, Maxim Petrovich?

- It is absolutely necessary for you to tighten the use of the hypnotic helmet. This is the main tool of the hypnoperator. Your skills in this area are unacceptably low, I have no idea what you were taught at the Health Optimization faculty. We have been practicing for a year, but no progress is visible. Choose a suitable object and practice. Only to death do not torment, otherwise you will get a reprimand.

- I will try, Maxim Petrovich.

- But before pumping skills, bring everyone to coffee.

Dissatisfied Skvortsova got up from her chair and, shaking her hips, went to make coffee. And I had to do protection from the controllers.

Today I am controlled by TsOZ-584 - Czechs who are able to interfere with plans. So that the controllers do not have time to identify my actions as unlawful, they will have to palm off on them a false task.

I opened additional windows on the working screen - to the maximum, to make Czechs more difficult to perceive - and at that time I began to search for a suitable type for setting a false problem. We must pay tribute to my professional experience, the type was quickly found.

Stepanov Antip Robertovich - a blogger engaged in writing the next post. The text is entitled: ā€œThe Horrors of a Pandemic in Medieval Europeā€ - is so headily defiant that the automatic system puts it on the list of potentially dangerous ones. At this time, such headlines cannot be abused, Antip Robertovich, oh, no!

I activated the hypnotic helmet and plunged into Antip Robertovichā€™s mind while in passive mode. We both felt faint clicks in the head, after which our minds mixed up, but did not mess up. I could have exerted strong-willed influence on Antip Robertovich, while the unsuspecting blogger acted, as it seemed to him, depending on the situation and the thoughts that came to mind.

First, I connected to the visual receptors of the object, and in front of me - in my individual consciousness - a picture arose that was currently being observed by Antip Robertovich. As expected, the blogger saw the laptop screen, as well as his own fingers on the keyboard. The fingers moved, and the incomplete line on the screen began to lengthen.

I read:

ā€œThese were terrible days for mankind. Half of Europe lay in ruins. Crowds of ragged, constantly coughing people ran after each other with scimitars in an attempt to find edible food. But the monasteries that kept the last remnants of food on Earth did not open their doors, despite desperate pleas. Big-bellied schemniks shouted to disadvantaged crowds from high monastery walls:

ā€œThere is nothing to spread viruses, apostates!ā€

I put the hypnotic helmet into active mode and strained my will. The alien fingers froze for a second, then, following my desire, dutifully continued:

ā€œThen the townspeople cut the monastery gates with the grinders and plundered the food supplies. Then they ran around the monastery for a long time, leaving behind an infection and candy wrappers from chocolates. ā€

I did not hesitate to switch from active to passive mode and could watch the blogger trying to comprehend the added phrases. At the same time, our minds remained mixed, for which reason Antip Robertovich had to comprehend the situation from the height of not only his own, but also of my experience.

The equipment was functioning properly - it was time to start implementing the plan.

I called the Czech on duty to officially report:

- Guys, hi. There was a small problem, I want to consult. I have a blogger, working on text of dubious content. So far, nothing criminal, but suspicion tormented: if this goes on, the guy will agree before a heart attack. I think to react proactively. Do you think third-degree migraine will act as a sedative? Or wait for the end of the article to condemn based on the results? I canā€™t figure out how best.

In response, they muttered with displeasure - in Czech, but with an online translation:

- The topic has been accepted for assessing public danger. Notify by readiness.

Leonid looked at me doubtfully. I shared his indignation: I am obligated to resolve such petty and non-exclusive issues on my own. But Skvortsova arrived in time with a tray on which were displayed cups of hot coffee, and Leonid's awakened interest faded away by itself.

The preparatory phase is completed: the employees are employed, - it is time to proceed to the implementation of the basic plan, simple and effective to indecent.

I reasoned as follows.

There are not many hosts on Earth, otherwise they would not have been encrypted, but would have directly announced the colonization of the planet. If they donā€™t announce, it means they are afraid: for the obvious reason that they are among people and may suffer on occasion. That is, it is possible to get the owners, but how, if reality is controlled?

Oh yes, everything has been tightly controlled for a long time!

The location is tracked in dynamics, since the time of the so-called coronavirus. It is not difficult to track the location of a person, with the exception of employees of tracking structures. These guys appear in the system, but their location is blocked at the system level.

Diseases are controlled to the extent that they are prescribed in the Administrative Code as punishments for offenses committed. I am silent about the Criminal Code, its application has always been associated with a significant loss of health.

Not only diseases - death itself is controlled: in the absence of force majeure, people die as planned. For humanistic purposes, the date of the impending death is not brought to the attention of the patient, which does not cancel the fact of culling itself.

With the help of hypnotic helmets, preventive measures are taken to prevent crimes. Hypnoperators penetrate the minds of suspicious persons and, in the case of the preparation of a crime, have a neutralizing effect: they intercept the consciousness of the future criminal so that the intended crime is not committed, and if it is impossible to intercept, they include an emergency stroke.

Thus, earthlings are under control, while the masters of humanity are not microchipped, therefore they are invisible to the system. The owners are not known, neither who they are nor where they are located - nothing at all. Their health cannot be optimized, and how do you order to deal with this disaster?

By means of high technologies - by influencing those who are in contact with the owners!

- Maxim Petrovich, will you have coffee?

- Thank you, Sveta. Of course I will.

I took a cup of coffee, and the freed intern went into the work chair. Nothing, let it be mastered. Health Optimization Centers need experienced professionals, not spinworms who can brew coffee but donā€™t know which side the hypnotic helmet has a switch on.

Where did I stop? Ah, yes ...

When in my youth I realized the power of high technology, I decided to devote myself to the liberation of mankind from annoying owners. This required:

firstly, conspiracy. I could not devote any of my friends to my plans, literally not a single person. Obviously, our conversation could be intercepted, in this case I was threatened with a stroke, in extreme cases, a serious chronic disease;
secondly, I had to get access to hypnotic helmets. There was only one way to do this: enter the Faculty of Health Optimization of the Institute of Management, graduate with honors and apply to one of the regional Health Optimization Centers.

Having become an employee of the Center for Health Optimization, I got access to the desired hypnotic helmet, but still did not know with respect to whom to use it. The masters of mankind remained in the shadow, inaccessible to my revenge.

The identification of places in which the masters of humanity take refuge took some time. I conducted a search through the controlled Centers, obtaining further information subsequently, as far as possible.

In total, I identified three suspicious places: mansions in resort areas owned by nameless owners or firms of unobvious jurisdiction. The mansions were staffed, but the owners did not appear in them - this gave reason to suspect: the owners of these mansions are alien creatures.

The problem was that the suspicious mansions were outside the area of ā€‹ā€‹responsibility of the Moscow Regional Center. The controlled Centers changed at each duty, so it was not possible to schedule an operation on a specific day in advance.

Having decided to destroy at least one of the masters of humanity, I began to wait for the lot to point to the regional Center I needed, and finally waited.

- Hello, Moscow ?!

These are Czechs: apparently, they figured out a blogger - now they will issue official recommendations.

- I'm listening.

- We have adjusted the reality of the object you indicated. The guy was carried away by historical fantasies, but we corrected them.

I tried to give my voice a worried tone:

ā€œIs the article finished?ā€

- Not yet.

- Should I stop tracking? You know, as they say, one mind is good, and two is better.

- Do not stop. We will track until publication. I want you to keep your finger on the pulse ...

This is what I achieved: so that the Czechs continued to monitor the actions of Antip Robertovich, and not mine.

I made a connection with the controlled TsOZ-92 in Biarritz and plunged into the consciousness of the local hypnotic operator. Judging by the thin brushes lying on the keyboard, it was a young woman. Probably beautiful. However, I was not interested in the French in the form of a physical shell, but in access to her consciousness and professional equipment.

First of all, I got the coordinates of the mansion I needed - with the hands of a Frenchwoman, of course. A map with moving red dots representing people registered in the system was displayed in the window. Mansion "Deluny": the staff is fully staffed, but the owners - judging by the system that allows you to identify each of the chipped ones - do not appear in the mansion. I do not believe! Surely, they appear - only the owners are not microchipped, so the system does not see them.

I had to penetrate the consciousness of a servant in the Deluni mansion. With the help of a hypnotic helmet, this was not difficult, however, it was necessary to act not directly, but through the altered consciousness of the Frenchwoman. The so-called double indirect effect. It took a lot of work to learn such a trick. I do not think that they used this seriously before me, although such attempts have certainly been made.

I trained for nothing. Soon - not from the first, but from the fourth attempt - I managed to penetrate the consciousness of consciousness. Now I was in the mind of a Frenchwoman, who in turn was in the mind of a servant. I could not see the Deluny mansion directly - the French woman saw it in my mind - but certain mental emanations reached me.

Today I was lucky with women, because I did not establish a connection with a servant, but a servant. The servant girl dusted it with a damp cloth ā€” from chairs, a table, and some shelves, while she was in a mansion supposedly belonging to one of the masters of humanity: it is possible at a walking distance from him. The task was to locate the owner and punish him with the hands of the maidservant.

- Maxim Petrovich, nothing serious in Butovo. Increased brain activity caused by an accident at an electrical substation. The lights were turned off for twenty minutes, residents began to worry. Now everyone has restored, brain activity is approaching normal.

- Thank you, Elena Vitalievna. Check Otradnoye, just in case.

Should not distract me! I almost fell out of someone else's consciousness - I managed to gain a foothold at the last moment.

ā€œAmanda, go melt the fireplace in the library!ā€ Monsieur Nyuburzhe is cold.

This is not addressed to me, but to the servant in the Deluni mansion. Very successful: a legitimate opportunity to walk through the rooms in search of a lurking host.

Immersed in the consciousness of the Frenchwoman, I saw on her working screen a moving red dot - a maid, heading to the library to kindle the fireplace. Through double mediation, I was simultaneously in the mind of the handmaiden, but so far I did not control her, that is, I did not force him to take certain actions. First you need to find the owner, then figure out how to act.

The maid approached the fireplace and began to lay birch logs in it. I didnā€™t see any of this, but by emanations in my mind, the French woman clearly felt the uneven, rough-barked wooden bars, the metal rods of the fireplace, the smooth wooden handle of the hatchet used by the maid to chop wood for kindling.

At that very moment, the owner showed up - in the library, in which the maid was located. Well, of course, the servant girl melts the fireplace, because the owner of the mansion Monsieur Nyuburzhe froze. The location of the creature in the mansion "Deluny" is established!

Then I reacted. I sent a mental impulse to the Frenchwoman - so that she exerted her will and forced the maid to squeeze an ax in her hand for splitting wood chips, rise from her knees and step to the sofa. The green nape of the master of mankind loomed ahead of the coveted goal.

I didnā€™t see, but only caught the residual emanations: how, in the distant Biarritz, a servant led by a double mediated will waved an ax with her hat, opening the green skull to the master of humanity sitting on the couch, how they gushed out, very dirty the cover, brown brains interspersed with a disgusting white mantle, like a green one chopped over my head fell over on the other side of the sofa cushion ...

I did it, did it! The master of mankind is destroyed - sooner or later the rest will follow him. The long-standing alien yoke has cracked - this allows humanity to look to the future with optimism. We will free the planet from alien invaders!

Now you should cover the tracks. The technical parameters of the working hypnotic helmets are recorded - therefore, they can calculate me. To spoil the hypnotic helmet, making it impossible to remove technical parameters from it, it is possible the only way: to burn the electronic board. I have to strain and generate a strong brain impulse - this is fraught with health, but it's better than exposing and executing.

- Maxim Petrovich, there is a problem with culling. The discrepancies in the database. The request was sent to death at 14:30 due to separation of the parietal thrombus, but confirmation came to death at 15:45 due to acute appendicitis. When and how to reject?

This is Leonid. Not at the right time, but have to answer, otherwise it seems suspicious.

- Discard it at 15:00. Come up with a diagnosis yourself.

- At 15:00. Come up with a diagnosis yourself.

Leonid is behind - now you can continue.

I connected to the bloggerā€™s visual receptors - the working window with him remained open - and immediately fell into the wrong mind. Antip Robertovich was still sitting at his laptop and trying to finish writing the text. It is curious that the article was no longer called ā€œThe Horrors of a Pandemic in Medieval Europeā€, but ā€œThe Society of the Futureā€. The Czechs probably tried, but at the moment it was not important - with the willpower I had to burn the electronic board. Then my guilt will be unprovable.

However, without ordering anything concrete, I sent a volley of maximum brain impulses to Antip Robertovich. The blue arrow crept gaily toward the limit indicated by warning red. I added brain impulses, and the blue arrow reached the edge of the scale, then crawled through. A warning sign flashed.

Antip Robertovich hardly got up from his chair ā€” or a chair, I didnā€™t see what he was sitting on ā€” and immediately the walls with the ceiling swayed. It seems that the blogger managed to get to the sofa - at least a banked sofa flashed nearby.

I closed my eyes and added more brain impulses. The hypnotic helmet on my head trembled finely, then it exploded. In principle, it's okay. I had occasion to see a burnt electronic filling: a little melted plastic, a pair of crawled wires that came out from under the protective cap. At that time, the hypnoperator remained alive - I was hoping, and I will be lucky.

However, no luck. Opening my eyes, I found myself lying on the floor, with a headache and a sharp misunderstanding of what was happening.

What happened to me? It seems that I entered the consciousness of a female hypnotic woman from Biarritz to enter the consciousness of the maidservant of the Deluny mansion, to enter into bodily contact with the master of all mankind, Monsieur NebĆ¼rger, in order to split his green skull. But why should I crack a skull ??? What a fad about plotting against an alien yoke ?! I am well aware that I did not prepare any conspiracy and did not commit anything reprehensible. What is happening here in the end?

As a professional, I instantly realized that I was a victim of hypnosis. The maid in the mansion, splitting the green skull on the owner, believed that she acted independently - in fact, the Frenchwoman acted on the maid. Which in turn believed that it acts independently, although in reality I acted on it. It turns out that I, too, did not act on my own - I was also affected by brain impulses. The memory of the preparation of the conspiracy is false, arising as a result of a mixture of consciousnesses.

Who could have done this to me ?! Anyone who has a hypnotic helmet and knows how to use it is either one of my employees or an employee of the Control Center.

- Maxim Petrovich! Maxim Petrovich!

My eyes were covered with a whitish fog, but I saw how my colleagues bowed over me: Leonid was doing a heart massage, Elena Vitalyevna supported her head, and Sergei Ignatievich simply bowed with a frightened look. And in the distance, looking indifferently at my helpless body, floated through Skvortsov's blurring space - impudent and majestic in her red dress.

I crossed my eyes with Skvortsova. The intern moved her lips contemptuously - at that moment I realized who had the forbidden effect on me. The girlā€™s lips movement contained complete information about how cleverly Skvortsova conceived and realized the murder of Monsieur Nyuburzhe, the master of all mankind.

It is she, Skvortsova - I am absolutely sure! Pretending to barely cope with a hypnotic helmet, while she is able to maintain a triple indirect connection! Influenced by brain impulses on me, so that I acted on the Frenchwoman, so that she acted on the maid in the mansion ā€œDelunyā€.

I would like to know where Skvortsova studied? Or is she from birth so strong hypnoterium? In this case, her inclinations are phenomenal. In order not to pay attention to such inclinations, you need to deliberately hide them in kindergarten, then at school, then at the faculty ā€œHealth Optimizationā€. For such secrecy, you need to have a clear life goal, for example - to expel space conquerors from our planet. A worthy goal, speaking between us. I could have one, but it didnā€™t work out - I had to solve personal problems. Really ...

I did not have time to think up a thought, because the whitish fog covered my eyes and forever turned off my consciousness.

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