News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 509 (04.14.2020-20.04.2020)

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Export and process OSM data using a visual editor 1 | YourMaps - Egor Smirnov

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  • On April 17, the next version of the French Ça reste ouvert card was launched , this time in Finland, which was called Ollaan auki . On it you can see what places are open even during quarantine in connection with COVID-19. The service is supported by Gispo and the Finnish OSM community.
  • Recall that there is also a German version of Ca reste ouvert , which covers Germany (, Switzerland ( and Austria (


  • , , «How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap?», «Last modifier», — . .
  • 20 27 2020 . #osmIRL_buildings.
  • eiskalt-glasklar OSM.
  • Geomob — « ». 7 2020 . OpenCage . , , -. , -.
  • OpenStreetMap. , , , , OSM- — 30 50 , . , 44% OSM.
  • , OSM, «OSM Awards 2020». 10 2020 . !
  • . , OSM, — RU-OSM.


  • OSM , . OSM. WikiOSM.
  • , OSM, , OSM: , , . : OSM, , , OSM, /, / . , , . , , . , , , , , « » , , , .
  • OSM . :
    • 23 : ,
    • 17 : ,
    • 9 : OSM ,
    • 12 : Brexit, ,

  • 22 2020 22 2020 , . . 1222 50 .


  • HOT «Rapid Response Microgrants: COVID-19», , , «» COVID-19.

  • - - « ». - . , .
  • Giscience , OSM . ohsomeHEX, OSM.
  • . .

  • () , , , , OSM . , , OSM, , .

  • Geofabrik , , -. , , . , .

  • Overpass API 0.7.56. , .
  • CyclOSM v0.3.5 , … , — .
  • HOT Tasking Manager (v.4). . , 6 HOT.


  • Facebook, , Facebook OSM.


  • ESRI, , OSM .
  • Yandex shot panoramas of empty Moscow streets.
  • The Gigarama project took down the construction of an anti-virus center in New Moscow.

Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram chat room and on the forum . There are also groups on social networks VKontakte , Facebook , but they mainly publish news.

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Previous issues: 508 , 507 , 506 , 505 , 504

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