Again about BLE, temperature and Xiaomi sensors

Not so long ago, I managed to get the famous Xiaomi temperature and humidity sensors. These sensors have deservedly gained wide popularity, because at their fairly low price, they are quite convenient to use, and they also know how to transmit their readings via the BLE protocol to the same Mi Home. In addition, the entire Internet is littered with options for connecting these sensors to Home Assistant , MajorDoMo and other systems.

But it seemed to me not enough and I wanted to do everything my own way (do not ask me why and why, I just wanted to). Namely, I wanted to read data from sensors that are hung around the house and somehow interesting to work with them. Therefore, I rummaged in my electronic bins and found the ESP32 module there.

A quick google showed: ESP32 is what I need. It knows how to Bluetooth and WiFi, is programmed from the Arduino IDE and will allow me to get readings from the sensor and send them via WiFi wherever I need (at least to the home server, even to the cloud). In addition, a very quick and simple tutorial was found that just solved my problem. But as it turned out, not everything is so simple ...

First problems

, . … , .

, ESP32, . ( , ) . , . , BLE . , , - .

BLE 2- . (discover mode) (connection mode). , Bluetooth . . - . , .

Xiaomi , . . . , .

- ?

. , (advertising ).

void initBluetooth()
    pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan(); //create new scan
    pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());
    pBLEScan->setActiveScan(true); //active scan uses more power, but get results faster


 void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice)
        if (advertisedDevice.haveName() && advertisedDevice.haveServiceData() && !advertisedDevice.getName().compare("MJ_HT_V1")) {
            std::string strServiceData = advertisedDevice.getServiceData();
            uint8_t cServiceData[100];
            char charServiceData[100];

            strServiceData.copy((char *)cServiceData, strServiceData.length(), 0);

            Serial.printf("\n\nAdvertised Device: %s\n", advertisedDevice.toString().c_str());

            for (int i=0;i<strServiceData.length();i++) {
                sprintf(&charServiceData[i*2], "%02x", cServiceData[i]);

            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << "fe95" << charServiceData;


            char eventLog[256];
            unsigned long value, value2;
            char charValue[5] = {0,};
            switch (cServiceData[11]) {
                case 0x04:
                    sprintf(charValue, "%02X%02X", cServiceData[15], cServiceData[14]);
                    value = strtol(charValue, 0, 16);
                      current_temperature = (float)value/10;
                      current_temperature = CelciusToFahrenheit((float)value/10);
                case 0x06:
                    sprintf(charValue, "%02X%02X", cServiceData[15], cServiceData[14]);
                    value = strtol(charValue, 0, 16);  
                    current_humidity = (float)value/10;
                    Serial.printf("HUMIDITY_EVENT: %s, %d\n", charValue, value);
                case 0x0A:
                    sprintf(charValue, "%02X", cServiceData[14]);
                    value = strtol(charValue, 0, 16);                    
                    Serial.printf("BATTERY_EVENT: %s, %d\n", charValue, value);
                case 0x0D:
                    sprintf(charValue, "%02X%02X", cServiceData[15], cServiceData[14]);
                    value = strtol(charValue, 0, 16);      
                      current_temperature = (float)value/10;
                      current_temperature = CelciusToFahrenheit((float)value/10);
                    Serial.printf("TEMPERATURE_EVENT: %s, %d\n", charValue, value);                    
                    sprintf(charValue, "%02X%02X", cServiceData[17], cServiceData[16]);
                    value2 = strtol(charValue, 0, 16);
                    current_humidity = (float)value2/10;
                    Serial.printf("HUMIDITY_EVENT: %s, %d\n", charValue, value2);

, - .

switch, 11 service data . , 11 . .

advertising (payload). , , . . payload ( ):


. ( 0x02) . , ( ). . ( ) .

0x16, service data, .. , . 2:


, , 11 , , switch (0x0A). , , . . , , .


- , , , . ESP32 Arduino. , , getServiceData , . .. , payload service data. , . , ( 1.0.4). Arduino IDE ESP32 Boards Manager . getServiceData() service data. , . , .

. . , , . , payload service data ( findServiceData).

class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {

    uint8_t* findServiceData(uint8_t* data, size_t length, uint8_t* foundBlockLength) {
        //      [ ][ ][]
        //      0x16,     0x95 0xfe
        //   ,       
        uint8_t* rightBorder = data + length;
        while (data < rightBorder) {
            uint8_t blockLength = *data;
            if (blockLength < 5) { //      
                data += (blockLength+1);
            uint8_t blockType = *(data+1);
            uint16_t serviceType = *(uint16_t*)(data + 2);
            if (blockType == 0x16 && serviceType == 0xfe95) { //    
                *foundBlockLength = blockLength-3; //    
                return data+4; //     
            data += (blockLength+1);
        return nullptr;

    void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice) {
        if (!advertisedDevice.haveName() || advertisedDevice.getName().compare("MJ_HT_V1"))
            return; //    ,     

        uint8_t* payload = advertisedDevice.getPayload();
        size_t payloadLength = advertisedDevice.getPayloadLength();
        Serial.printf("\n\nAdvertised Device: %s\n", advertisedDevice.toString().c_str());
        printBuffer(payload, payloadLength);
        uint8_t serviceDataLength=0;
        uint8_t* serviceData = findServiceData(payload, payloadLength, &serviceDataLength);

        if (serviceData == nullptr) {
            return; //      

        Serial.printf("Found service data len: %d\n", serviceDataLength);
        printBuffer(serviceData, serviceDataLength);

        // 11      
        // 0x0D -   
        // 0x0A - 
        // 0x06 - 
        // 0x04 - 

        switch (serviceData[11])
            case 0x0D:
                float temp = *(uint16_t*)(serviceData + 11 + 3) / 10.0;
                float humidity = *(uint16_t*)(serviceData + 11 + 5) / 10.0;
                Serial.printf("Temp: %f Humidity: %f\n", temp, humidity);
            case 0x04:
                float temp = *(uint16_t*)(serviceData + 11 + 3) / 10.0;
                Serial.printf("Temp: %f\n", temp);
            case 0x06:
                float humidity = *(uint16_t*)(serviceData + 11 + 3) / 10.0;
                Serial.printf("Humidity: %f\n", humidity);
            case 0x0A:
                int battery = *(serviceData + 11 + 3);
                Serial.printf("Battery: %d\n", battery);

, . - ESP32 StackOverflow, . , . , -, , , . , .

- , , - . , , , .



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