Briefly about SAFe, LeSS and other Agile frameworks

Disclaimer: Attention, this is not an article, but rather a topic for discussion in the comments, if someone is interested in such a topic!
I’m not sure if such a format will come in, but the attempt is not torture :)

So, the very thought:

“Green” organizations, organizations where a person breathes freely and happily, and teams easily exceed their potential, cannot be “designed” and “built”. They can only be grown. Like a tree.

And if you are trying to create a “framework” by predicting and pre-creating and covering them with all the possible nuances and activities, then you plant the sprout in a jar or cell. The tree in this framework will always grow exactly according to the framework, but it will be a broken, stooped freak.

The only way to “grow” a truly “green” organization is to let it grow freely by concentrating not on creating corridors and guiding fences, but on respecting values. Namely, three values: Psychological safety, Free communication and Continuous improvement.

If you take into account and do not contradict these three values ​​in each of your processes, procedures and business decisions, your organization will grow strong, healthy and beautiful.

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