A word about the delivery of goods

So far the peak is still far away, but I really want to click on the fence, with one eye - but look at the future. Which, in everything, will change in order. All forecasts agree that the virtual, remote part of the life of the average person will grow significantly. Probably for those employed in ITthis is rather good news. More precisely, less poor than the general population.

It seems that Amazon should be especially good - and quotes confirm this.


Moreover, Bezos has unique problems amid a 26% increase in sales in the quarter ended. How to make customers buy less? And now he spends billions on hiring hundreds of thousands of new workers, increasing wages and other measures.

But all this can be read without me at the link above or in hundreds of other publications. I wanted a more mundane and less rosy. In our unusual time - unusual acquaintances. Whenever in normal life I came across mail logistics other than a private client. But now we raised a volunteer project (makemask.ru, but it's not about him). It took delivery to hospitals, and not only in Moscow. Well, it would seem - DELIVERY is a big word of our time. Time for market players to work and earn. But no. The partner company of our project, which organized the hot line, has recently encountered unpredictable, up to weeks, increased delivery times even in the Moscow region. Up to the point that she was forced to refuse CDEK services and go to the suburbs for delivery via taxi drivers.Well, their next step was to ask for the return of undelivered items - it is quite natural, is not it? The answer was amazing, richly illustrated - and I will even show it:
“Your shipments are now somewhere here”

And not only to get them back, even to find it is not possible. That is, we have the classic Denial of Service, a denial of service for a system that was choked due to overload and got up a stake. In the same way, as not so long ago, mobile communications stopped working on New Year's Eve, as a traffic jam forms.

I think that the Post of Russia is now something similar. In any case, today I received a small package and SMS from PR, which, they say, you can call and bring the package home. I called. The robot said that it would take tens of minutes for the operator to respond - everyone was busy. I hung up, of course.

Why am I writing all this? Good question. Not at all then to punish the same CDEK. To convey even to them, even to their competitors (it just doesn’t matter to me) the need to do something so that we ordinary people can normally use their delivery services today and tomorrow, when the load still grows - and it grows! In CDEK, by the way, in my personal experience there is generally a problem with bottom-up communication. Last year, they opened their point near my house - beauty! MSK275, if that. That's just to make it possible for this item to be chosen as the delivery location on their website took about six months. Already I called the hot line and wrote letters and went to this point and talked with them - a concrete wall. It only helped that I began to wrap my parcels at this address as my apartment. That is, the courier supposedly came to my house - and oops!And here it’s not me complaining - you have a problem, my dears :)

So, CDEK and competitors - you need to do something, you need to invest in infrastructure. Bezos has 200,000 warehouse robots in the Amazon, in the rest of the world - two to three times less. At the same time, he is now hiring another 175,000 temporary staff and dumping 4 billion in the next quarter, all planned profits. And in a year it will cost not 1.2 trillion as it is now, but much more. Trillions, obviously, do not shine for domestic players in the logistics market. But here are the prospects to grow both multiply and to be littered with boxes - IMHO are quite real.

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