How technology companies help doctors fight the epidemic

This is a ventilator developed by NASA in just a month.

Finally, the warm season has come, and it is quite possible that the epidemic will decline soon, so that we all go roasting barbecue and take to the streets and generally return to the usual way of life as much as possible.

Well, now is the time to remember how technology companies in Russia and the world (and not only them) helped to cope with the crisis. We are talking about the production of medical equipment, including those very scarce ventilators. Due to the capabilities, many helped.


Ford, at the very beginning of the crisis, joined forces with 3M and GE Healthcare to scale up the production of masks, breathing apparatus and other medical equipment. As it turned out, the company can quickly change the existing production lines of enclosures for electronics, modifying them to create non-core systems.

A sketch of one of the respirator models developed by Ford engineers.

Moreover, the simpler the equipment, the faster it is possible to set up an issue. As a result, everything worked out, and now the company's production facilities are involved in the production of the systems necessary for doctors.


The company Ilona Mask also surprisingly quickly launched the production of devices for artificial ventilation. It is assembled from various structural elements of the company's electric vehicles. There is even a video demonstrating the operation of the device.

On Habré it was already reported that the company uses only those details in which reliability designers are sure. The stocks of such elements are in abundance; they can be quickly obtained for further work.

Elon Musk also tried to help by purchasing ready-made devices, but as it turned out, it was not mechanical ventilation, but VRAP.


This is a company that is already engaged in the development and production of medical equipment. She produces, including, mechanical ventilation. To help the medical community, Medtronic has published documentation for one of the ventilator models called Puritan Bennett (PB) 560. Now any other company, including those who have no relation to medicine, can use the documentation.

And not only foreign companies dealt with this issue.

What is in Russia?

According to statistics, Russia takes 8th place in the world in the number of infected COVID-19. To support the fight against the pandemic, Russian philanthropists and entrepreneurs donate funds to fight the pandemic.

Kemerovo plant began producing valves for ventilators two weeks ago. Plant engineers developed the device in conjunction with doctors. Now the plant is seeking to obtain certificates for this product so that it can be distributed without problems.

Gorky and Ulyanovsk plants began to produce not ventilators, but resuscitation models with such devices. And yes, these are GAZ and UAZ .

Rostec supplies about 250-300 units per month, but enterprises can increase production up to 2000-2500 units.

Received permission to produce ventilators and Roscosmos enterprises . They were able to complete the registration certificate for one of the ventilator models, which is designed to work in ambulances and hospitals.

Well, the startup of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) has created special gas mixtures and equipment for their application. According to experts, this project makes it possible to reduce the length of stay of patients on mechanical ventilation.

Funds are also allocated. So, GAZ Group buys dozens of ventilators for help from coronavirus.

LUKOIL Vice President Leonid Fedun transferred over 10 million rubles to the A.V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery for the fight against coronavirus.

Viktor Shaburov, one of the directors of Snapchat and the founder of the Botan Investments fund, donated funds to eight ventilators for hospitals from different regions of Russia: Sochi, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don.

In some regions of Russia , there is still a shortage of mechanical ventilation . To make up for the deficit, healthcare institutions have to order devices from abroad with a mark-up. The situation is complicated by the general hype demand for equipment and export restrictions in quarantine.

In general, work continues, so that mechanical ventilation and related equipment are gradually becoming less and less scarce goods. Business helps prepare for the fall threat - a new epidemic that is likely to be avoided. But then the world will approach the prepared.

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