Data Management Platforms: Peripheral to Cloud

Today, for most companies and organizations, data is one of the strategic assets. And with the expansion of analytics, the value of data collected and accumulated by companies is constantly increasing. Moreover, they often talk about explosive, exponential growth in the volume of corporate data generated. It is noted that 90% of all data was created over the past two years. 

The growth in data volumes is accompanied by an increase in their value.

The data is created and used by big data analytics systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, etc. The data collected is the basis for improving the quality of customer service, decision making, supporting the operational activities of companies, for various research and development.

90% of all data was created in the last two years.  

According to IDC's forecast, the amount of stored data in the world will double from 2018 to 2023, and the total capacity of data warehouses will reach 11.7 zettabytes, and the share of enterprise databases will account for more than three quarters of the total. It is typical that if in 2018 the total capacity of the supplied disk drives (HDD), which so far remain the main storage medium, was 869 exabytes, then by 2023 this figure may exceed 2.6 zetabytes.

Data management platforms: why are they needed and what role do they play?

Not surprisingly, data management issues are becoming a priority for enterprises, having a direct impact on their work. To solve them, one sometimes has to overcome such difficulties as heterogeneity of systems, data formats, methods of their storage and use, management approaches in the “zoo” of solutions that were introduced at different times. 

The result of this unified approach is the fragmentation of data arrays stored and processed in different systems, different procedures for ensuring data quality. These typical problems increase labor and financial costs when working with data, for example, when receiving statistics and reports or when making management decisions. 

The business model of data management should be customized, adapted to the needs, tasks and goals of the enterprise. There is no single automated system, data management platform, which would cover all tasks. However, modern, comprehensive, flexible, and scalable data management systems often provide versatile data management and storage software. They include the necessary tools and services for effective data management. 

The latest developments allow enterprises to rethink data management throughout the organization, get a clear idea of ​​what data is available, what policies are associated with them, where and how much time the data is stored, and finally, they make it possible to timely provide the right information to the right people. These are solutions that expand the capabilities of enterprises and allow: 

  • Manage files, objects, application data, databases, data of virtual and cloud environments, access various types of data.
  • Using orchestration and automation tools, move data to the place where it is most efficiently stored - in the primary, secondary storage infrastructure, in the provider's data center or in the cloud.
  • Use comprehensive data protection features.
  • Provide data integration.
  • Get operational analytics from data. 

The data management platform can be built on the basis of several software products or represent a single unified system. A comprehensive platform provides unified data management across the entire IT infrastructure, including backing up, restoring, archiving, managing hardware snapshots and reporting.

Such a platform allows implementing a multi-cloud strategy, expanding the data center to the cloud, quickly migrating to the cloud, using the possibility of replacing equipment and introducing the most economical data storage options.

Some solutions can automatically archive data. And with the help of artificial intelligence, they can detect that “something went wrong,” and automatically take corrective measures or notify the administrator, as well as identify and suppress attacks of various types. Automation of services helps to optimize IT operations, allows you to free IT staff, minimize errors due to human factors, and minimize downtime. 

What qualities should have a modern data management platform, and where such solutions are applied in practice?

The “one solution for all” approach does not work with data management platforms. Each company has its own data requirements, they depend on the type of business, work experience, etc. A universal platform should, on the one hand, provide customization for working with data at a particular enterprise, and on the other, be independent of the specifics of the applied industry, scope a product built on its basis and its information environment. 

Practical areas of data management (source; CMMI Institute).

Here are some practical uses for data management platforms:
ComponentApplication area
Data management strategyGoals and objectives of management, corporate culture of data management, definition of requirements for the data life cycle.
Data managementData and metadata management
Data operationsStandards and procedures for working with data sources
Data qualityQuality Assurance, Data Quality Framework
Platform and architectureArchitectural framework, platforms and integration 
Supporting processesEvaluation and analysis, process management, quality assurance, risk management, configuration management

In addition, such platforms play an important role in the process of transforming an organization into a data-driven enterprise, which can be divided into several stages: 

  1. Changing data management in existing systems, implementing a role model with separation of duties and powers. Data quality control, cross-checking data between systems, correction of false data. 
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Companies that work effectively with data, as a rule, achieve greater success compared to competitors, quickly market products and services, better understand the needs of the target audience, and can quickly respond to changes in demand. Data management platforms provide the ability to “clear” data, obtain high-quality and relevant information, transform data and strategically evaluate enterprise data. 

An example of a universal platform for building corporate data management systems is the Russian Unidata, created on the basis of open source software. It offers tools for creating a data model and means of expanding functionality for integration into various IT environments and third-party information systems: from maintaining material and technical resources to the safe processing of large amounts of personal data. 

The architecture of the Unidata platform of the company of the same name.

This multifunctional platform provides centralized data collection (inventory and accounting of resources), standardization of information (normalization and enrichment), accounting of current and historical information (version control of records, periods of data relevance), data quality and statistics. It provides automation of tasks such as collection, accumulation, cleaning, comparison, consolidation, quality control, data dissemination, as well as tools for automating decision-making systems. 

Data Management Platforms (DPM) in Advertising and Marketing 

In advertising and marketing, the concept of a Data Management Platform (DMP) has a narrower meaning. This is a software platform that, based on the data collected, allows companies to determine audience segments for targeting ads to specific users and the context of online advertising campaigns. Such software is able to collect, process and store any type of classroom data, and also has the ability to use them through familiar media channels.

According to Market Research Future (MRFR) forecast, the global market for data management platforms (DMP) can reach $ 3 billion by the end of 2023 with an average annual growth of 15%, and in 2025 its volume will exceed $ 3.5 billion.

DMP system:

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The increasing share of digital marketing has a significant impact on the growth of the data management platform market. DMP systems can quickly unify data from various sources and divide users into several categories based on their behavior model. These opportunities are driving the demand for DMP among marketers. 

The global market for data management platforms is represented by a number of leading players, as well as several new companies, including Lotame Solutions, KBM Group, Rocket Fuel, Krux Digital), Oracle, Neustar, SAS Institute, SAP, Adobe Systems, Cloudera, Turn, Informatica and other

An example of a Russian solution is the infrastructure product released by Group, which is a single data management platform (DMP). The solution allows you to build an extended profile description of the audience segments within a platform integrated with marketing tools. DMP unites solutions and services of Group in the field of omnichannel marketing and work with the audience. Clients will be able to store, process and structure their own anonymized data, as well as activate them in advertising communications, increasing business and marketing efficiency. 

Cloud data management

Another category of data management solutions is cloud platforms. In particular, the use of a modern data protection solution as part of managing data in the cloud avoids possible problems - from security threats to problems with data migration and performance degradation, as well as solving the company's digital transformation challenges. Of course, the functions of such systems are not limited to data protection.

Gartner’s cloud-based data management platform features: resource allocation, automation and orchestration; service request management; high-level management and policy enforcement; monitoring and measurement of parameters; support for multi-cloud environments; optimization and transparency of costs; optimization of capacities and resources; Cloud migration and disaster tolerance (DR) service level management; security and identification; Automation configuration updates.

Data management in the cloud should provide a high level of data availability, control, automation of data management in data centers, around the network and in the cloud. 

Cloud Data Management (CDM) is a platform that is used to manage corporate data in various cloud environments, taking into account private, public, hybrid and multi-cloud approaches.

An example of such a solution is the Veeam Cloud Data Management Platform. According to the developers of the system, it helps organizations change their approach to data management, provides intelligent automated data management and their availability in any application or cloud infrastructure.

Cloud data management at Veeam is considered an integral part of intelligent data management, making it accessible to businesses from anywhere. 

The Veeam Cloud Data Management Platform enables you to upgrade backups and abandon legacy systems, accelerate hybrid cloud deployment and data migration, automate data security and regulatory compliance. 

Veeam Cloud Data Management Platform - “A modern data management platform that supports any cloud.”

As you can see, modern data management platforms represent a fairly extensive and diverse class of solutions. Perhaps, they are united by one thing: focus on effective work with corporate data and turning a company or organization into a modern data-driven enterprise.

Data management platforms are a necessary evolution of traditional data management. More and more organizations are transferring data to the cloud, in a growing number of different local and cloud configurations, new problems arise that need to be addressed precisely from the point of view of data management. Cloud data management - an updated approach, a new paradigm that extends data management to support new platforms, applications and usage scenarios.

In addition, according to a 2019 Veeam Cloud Data Management Report study, companies plan to integrate cloud, hybrid cloud, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things more deeply. These digital initiatives are expected to bring significant benefits to companies.

Enterprises are rapidly adopting data platform technologies and are ready to use the cloud to carry out analytical workloads, but many face problems trying to use all their data to achieve better business results, analysts at 451 Research say. The latest data management platforms will help enterprises navigate the complex processes of working with data in multiple clouds, use data management tools and perform their analysis no matter where this data is located.

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