May online events digest

We continue the monthly review of events for IT specialists, who, during quarantine, shifted their focus to virtual platforms. In May, we are waiting for a variety of webinars on programming languages, major conferences that successfully master the online format, attempts to jointly cope with the problems caused by a new lifestyle - in a word, an encouraging level of community activity.

Free IT Webinars

When: from May 4,
Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required.

ITHub College this month launches a series of free trainings and webinars aimed at teaching gamedev, development and design - online college students will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of Unity, HTML & CSS, Python. The full May lesson program and a detailed description of each event are provided here.

#StayHomeClub Meetup # 2

When: May 4
Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required.

At the second meeting of couch potatoes, participants are invited to think about the future - to estimate what changes and difficulties await IT companies as the country leaves quarantine and whether the remote employee will strengthen its position as an alternative option for office work. As a “buildup”, the program included two reports on the organization of homework, the rest of the time will be given to a general discussion of the topic.

Hack the Crisis Russia

When: May 7-16
Terms of participation: free of charge following the selection results

A joint initiative of the IT community HackTheCrisisRussia, Cloud Solutions and Ontico is called to launch the process of creating anti-crisis IT solutions. Teams (3-5 people) and independent developers are invited to participate, who have product concepts that can help in the fight against a pandemic and implemented without external sources of funding. Applications are accepted until May 4 inclusive, after which the jury will select the most promising ideas within three days. The semifinals and finals of the hackathon will be held on May 10-11 and 16-17, respectively.

Web security in practice. Lesson 1

When: May 5
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

The first of the series of master classes on information security will be devoted to the storage of files and directories on the server: what threats are exposed to sensitive data, how hackers act and what can a developer do to protect himself from attacks. During the lesson, the speaker will clearly illustrate all the points, solving a number of practical tasks on the Hacktory platform together with the audience.

React Native Best Practices

When: May 7
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

. ITVDN has prepared several free May webinars with various topics for developers. The first one will be interesting to those who write or are going to write in React. The topic of the webinar is a review of related technologies that are so regularly combined in the stack with React Native that their use can be considered the best practice in itself: TypeScript, Redux, Redux Saga, Clean architecture. For each item on this list, an analysis of the benefits and specifics of the application will be carried out.

JavaScript Tetris in 3 days

When: May 12-14
Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required

Online training for JavaScript developers is an opportunity to create a classic Tetris in a pleasant company from scratch with your own hands from scratch. The organizers recommend intensively for those who want to better understand the structures, data types and functions of JavaScript, practice working with the DOM and HTML / CSS, and also master the logic of creating games. The best students will receive an award - training certificates from CyberBionic Systematics.

PHP Russia online 2020

When: May 13
Participation conditions: free, registration is required The

calendar of the largest domestic PHP conference this year underwent some changes: the classic offline event will be held in September, in the spring the community will be able to take part in a slightly less large-scale, but meaningful online equivalent with free the entrance. Now the program has announced seven reports from Russian and foreign experts (security, message queues, acceptance testing, ORM, SQL, Symfony). The organizers intend to make every effort to maintain as many communication formats as possible, including online consultations and development discussions.

ML Party: Online Mitap

When: May 12
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

Yandex continues to gather in its office (now virtual) developers who are interested in hearing about the company's products and processes. In May, employees prepared a story about what happens with projects that use machine learning: how new features were introduced into the CatBoost library and Alice, and what unexpected changes the pandemic made to roadmaps for products such as Taxi, Food and Shop.

Mobile Party: Online Mitap

When: May 13
Terms of participation: free, registration is required

Following the ML-Party in the Yandex online space will be another party, this time for mobile developers. The speakers will give listeners the opportunity to look under the hood of several projects: Yandex.Maps for iOS, the Beru marketplace and the on-board computer Yandex.Avto. Developers from the respective teams will talk about the most interesting technical nuances of the implementation, answer questions and willingly communicate with the audience on free topics in Zoom.

How to become an Android developer

When: May 14
Participation conditions: free, registration is required

A short introductory course from ITVDN for everyone who is interested in the Android platform and wants to pursue a career with it in the future. The speaker will introduce the participants to the webinar with the technologies that are used in development, touch upon the features of data storage and creating interfaces on the platform, talk about the process of preparing the project for publication and indicate useful resources where you can find additional information.


When: May 16
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

The annual conference, where newcomers to the IT world can get career advice, useful contacts and just words of encouragement, will be held this year on the online platform. The program consists of twelve reports on topics relevant to entering the work market (choosing the right direction, effective training in courses, writing resumes, interviewing, finding the first job) and live communication.

Snake in C #

When: May 16-17
Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required The

second intensive of the do-it-yourself cycle from CyberBionic Systematics - this time the game “Snake” is the final goal, and the language of the event is C #. Work on the game will be carried out in two stages, after which the participants will become more familiar with OOP, the procedural approach, algorithms and the .NET Framework. A prize pool of certificates is also provided here.

Laravel + Docker. Setting up the development environment

When: May 19
Participation conditions: free, registration is required.

The third ITVDN webinar will consistently describe the features of setting up a local environment for development on Laravel using Docker in an option adapted for long-term projects. The speaker will break the process into a sequence of steps, dwelling in detail on each: understanding the basic principles of Docker, setting up the environment using Docker Compose, creating a project structure, installing and launching Laravel.


When: May 22-25
Conditions of participation: 2500 rubles.

With the assistance of the Slillbox online university, Strike has successfully adapted most of its activities to a virtual environment. This time the event will be especially long: three days allotted for reports, and one full time for master classes. Networking will be held in discussion zones, chat rooms and spontaneously organized mini-meetings on the hottest topics. The program has six sections - Development, Digital, Management, Career and education, Trends, IT and the state; in the Development category, more than fifty appearances are expected in the subsections Backend, Frontend, DevOps, Mobile, QA Information Security, Analytics, Open Source, Artificial Intelligence.


When: May 25-26
Terms of participation: from 5900 rub.

The festival of Internet technologies also does not recede under the pressure of circumstances: the organizers intend to present to participants 32 presentations by experts and 30 workshops, which will continue until the first of June. The program is at the stage of formation - you can track changes and apply on the festival’s official website.

Creating a REST API on Fastify

When: May 27
Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

The last ITVDN workshop in May is designed for JavaScript developers who want to deepen their knowledge of Node.js and its frameworks. Students will receive answers to the basic questions related to the topic of the lesson (why Fastify is good, how it combines with the Lodash library, how the question / answer schemes work) and in practice will master all the stages of creating an application.

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