Finally we deal with the Modbus baud rate

Modbus data refresh rate depends on several non-obvious parameters. At the design stage, the problem arises of how to evaluate the speed of a future interface line. In this article, we consider the factors affecting the speed of updating data on Modbus RTU, make some standard calculations, and at the end of the article there will be a link to a web calculator of the speed of the Modbus RTU line.

Modbus is still the most widely used communications protocol for industrial equipment. A description of the protocol and the reasons for its prevalence can be found in many articles, for example here . It is further understood that you are familiar with the basics of how the protocol works.

We will consider Modbus RTU, but the findings will be partially applicable to Modbus TCP.

To calculate the speed, we start by considering the physical protocol (1st level of the OSI model). Modbus RTU uses the physical interface RS-485, RS-422 or RS-232 (the latter is practically not used for Modbus). For signal transmission, these interfaces use UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter). You can read more about UART here .

A standard UART package consists of:

  1. start bit (
  2. useful data (
  3. parity bit (
  4. stop bit (

That is, for every 7-8 bits of useful data, 2-4 auxiliary bits are transmitted. Payload Rate (

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