Diving Into the Depth: How to Realize Freedom of Choice in the Digital World

The article discusses the idea of ​​exercising freedom of choice, avoiding linearity, mechanisms of consciousness, psyche, probability vectors, quantum displacements ... And most importantly, how all this can be applied in reality, soon and even now!

First, imagine in the mind several arbitrary living creatures or inanimate objects,
and imagine them in the form of an aggregate set of several dozen parameters. In this article, to facilitate perception, I give only 2 types in the difference in parameters - this is a plus and a minus. But you need to understand, in fact, between them will always lie a whole range of intermediate values.

So, we have several objects that we presented as a set of parameters:

In the picture, each plus and minus is a well-defined Representation that has a meaningful meaning, in the form of one or more words (phrases), and recorded in the database in the same form as is done, for example, in a dictionary.

We begin to fill our virtual database with Representations from simple words, for example: “Grass” - further definition, “Green” - definition, “Cuttlefish” - ..., By sequentially determining and writing down the meanings of words, we complicate, moving towards complex phrases: “Grass green ”,“ Joyful mood ”,“ Height of the mercury column ”.

Continuing to fill the database in this way, we get a serious database of disparate Views, but if you look closely, you can see that simple words are the foundation for more complex ones, describing their meaning, and complex combinations together with simple words make up the foundation of whole sentences.

After the basic filling of the database with Representations, we need to consistently substitute each of the representations we have for the image of our future, as yet virtual object. For example, to form the object: “Postman”, we must sort through all the available Views, and comparing them with the image of the “postman”, draw a conclusion - in case of semantic coincidence, define the View as a “plus”, ie what is characteristic of the Postman, in the case of partial compliance, is defined as “partially”, and in the case of complete non-compliance, defined as “minus”.

More examples of Views:

Resonance or dissonance

So, we have formed a database of objects consisting of many representations of themselves. In the next step, we will complicate the task and now we will compare the parameters of Representations of two composite objects with each other, and for each such comparison process, identify either the Resonation or Dissonational type of relations.

  • Resonance is the coincidence in the sense of the two compared aspects, which in turn is the foundation of another View based on these two. For example: “Cat” and “Sofa” are the basis for the “Cat Sharpen its Claws on the Sofa” View.
  • A partial coincidence is not the full unison of the two Views, but the partial compatibility of some aspects of the compared Views. For example: “Cat” and “Sofa”, may have a common parameter: “black color”. The remaining aspects can be both more resonant and dissonant.
  • Dissonance is the complete mismatch of the two compared parameters with each other.

An example of the unison of two Views:

I also note that the very possibility of interaction between the compared objects depends on the parameters of resonance / dissonation. In fact, the more resonant intersection points, the larger and wider the range of opportunities for interaction. If we observe a picture that dissonance relationships prevail, then this means that the common features inherent in both objects are either a minimum or not at all, which in turn indicates the impossibility of interaction, because such objects have nothing in common.

This is the first basic principle on which we build our virtual reality.

Matrix and quantum displacements

In statics, it is more or less clear, but where is Life itself? How the transition between configurations (characteristic sets of parameters) of objects occurs .

For the reason that the human perception system , like a VCR, is configured to smoothly play sequentially “glued” frames of “life”, we don’t notice the very change of frames. But for the implementation of Virtual Reality, we need to break everything into bricks, which we actually do.

If we consider a short stretch of time, it may seem that neither people, nor other creatures, and objects do not change. In fact, the changes are very significant, but for the most part intra-aspectual, and the visible changes (in the change of Views), we notice after only a long period of time. The parameter of variability of system objects, or the flow rate of the so-called, directly depends on the Minimum Shift

parameter (more simply, frames per second, FPS) synthetic process. This parameter must be at least 24 per second, i.e. so many times per second, the internal parameters of the configurations of objects located in the observation zone should be updated, and at the same time, the external environment of virtual reality should be updated. If we discard capacity problems, then this parameter should be the same for all participants.

The matrixin this context, it is a virtual space in which the gameplay actually takes place. A significant difference between modern games is that each “pixel” of the Matrix is ​​“sewn” (in the form of a database status fingerprint) all the configurations of objects at every moment. And also in the fact that the choice of the further direction, the change of state of the entire system is determined locally, by the participants of the virtual world themselves, and is not some kind of predetermined event or linearity from one or more possible options.

Such a flexible approach makes it possible to truly give the user the necessary freedom of choice and direction of their own development, within the gaming universe.

Next, we will discuss how the user controls his freedom inside the vr system:

Dominance and recession of signs

Imagine that each of the Views that make up one object directly affects the whole object. This influence can be defined as insurmountable strong pressure - we will designate this as a Dominant sign, or it can influence passively and invisibly, i.e. background is a Recessive attribute.

Both types of influence on the system have their own “nature”, and some cannot exist without the others. But one must understand that the dominant features are almost always (ie, in the normal, not distorted case) more stable than recessive ones and act as a kind of “forwarding” in the overall picture of the development of an object. Dominant features are necessary for the quality achievement of goals, in order to reach the goal in the best possible way, and without losing all your good practices on the way. Also, dominant features, by their qualities, are considered somewhat more “masculine”, while recessive ones play a filling role, and in the comparison given above with the forwarder moving towards a common goal, they appear in the form of the whole background surroundings, the feelings experienced in this all on board, and the beauty of the species overboard.

An example with a working person also suggests itself. The main process of work itself refers to the dominant features, and the fact that after work it will take time for relaxation and rest - refers to the recessive.

Dominant and recessive signs are tied directly to the Representations that fill the object, and at each moment of time, either one that takes the upper hand, or several that are in unison with each other, is realized. Where the next shift of the configuration of the object will occur is laid directly in the View itself, which is currently being implemented. The sign that "prevailed" over the system, and determines the direction of its development. Whether a person will continue to work or want to relax, check mail or drink water, depends on this only:

Separately, it is worth recalling the specifics of the displacements of the Configurations of objects interacting together in a pair or in a team of individuals (also - a pack, etc.):

In this case, there is also an “overlap” and comparison of the sets of attributes of each of the participants with each other in order to identify resonance and partial coincidences, as well as obvious dissonances. But the difference from the individual (we can say - less dependent on other participants in the events) bias here is that in the end the dominant feature is determined not individually, but in a complex manner, namely:

Since the interaction of people and objects is always due to some general coincidences, which is called - in terms of interests, the further displacement of the group of objects will be associated with the manifestation of itself as dominant separately for each of the participants, and at the same time, with a resonance-common goal for all participants.


The described approach to creating freedom of choice within the digital world will be effective both for objects of Artificial Intelligence and for a living person acting in a virtual reality system in the form of an Avatar.

If you need to clarify something, or you are interested in continuing my articles on the topic of developing virtual reality, or interesting in-depth into a specific sub-topic, then write in the comments.

All the best and do not get sick!

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