What to do on the weekend: an overview of some board games for those who are tired of blue screens

At the end of April, International Board Game Day is celebrated. Or in June? At T-Systems, we play table games regardless of the holidays and the time of year. We conducted a public opinion poll to find out what games our colleagues prefer and make a short review - perhaps on the eve of a long weekend it will be useful to you.

Alias ​​and UNO

Alias ​​and UNO - simple but no less fun games - came first in terms of the popularity of games in our opinion poll.

UNO - at first glance, an elementary card game. You need to get rid of your cards, but the task is complicated by special cards that can substitute other players. Beginners will understand the rules in just one lap, the game is addictive and the evening will be guaranteed fun - what else is needed for happiness?

By the way, UNO has a Russian version - Svintus, in which there are more special cards with tasks: for example, do not touch the table, do not stand up, say compliments to other players in each circle or, conversely, do not say a word. 

Alias ​​is a great test for understanding with friends and charging for the brain. As in UNO, the rules are simple: explain your words to your partner as quickly as possible without using the same root words. However, the game gets wild passions when you compete with other pairs of players: adrenaline rolls over, cards with words fly in all directions, half of the game you find out who cheated where ... Or was it just with us?

Codenames (Codenames) - Second Place

Codenames is a team game in which players also need to guess words, but the process is very different from Alias. Team captains in one word encrypt what fell on the field. For example, if you are lucky, and such words as a GARDEN, VOLGA, CHERRY are caught on the field, the leader may try to combine the word DACHA, relying on the team’s hunch.

The main thing is that they are not knocked off by other words from the field, so in this game it is important not only to correctly associate the words, but also to pay attention to all other words on the field. It requires attention and a decent speed of movement of the brain.

Ticket to Ride - Honorable Third Place

In Ticket to Ride, or Train Ticket, you must create your railway empire by laying routes between cities, thinking through logistics and competing with other players. The game is cooler than Monopoly, however, according to colleagues, you are guaranteed not to quarrel during the game, unlike some strategy games (for example, Game of Thrones, where conflicts can hardly be avoided).

To make it more interesting, colleagues even made their own craft Ticket to Ride:

Photos providedultral


It will take you two hours to figure out the rules of Sickle, but colleagues are sure - it's worth it! The plot of the game revolves around the alternative history of Eastern Europe in the postwar period. The sickle will appeal to those who love long, thoughtful games of strategy and logic, and will captivate with their aesthetics - the design of the game is simply amazing. 

Dungeons & dragons

Dungeons & Dragons - a cult role-playing game created back in 1974 - is not suitable for all board game lovers. Role-playing games are specific and complex enough to quickly understand all of their diversity. For example, the DnD universe includes several settings (game worlds) inhabited by various characters and fantastic creatures. The development of the plot in role-playing games does not limit the set of rules - only the imagination and the degree of kindness of the Master, that is, the host of the game. 

In our company, guys playing DnD usually gather on Wednesdays in the meeting room and play until midnight. Cyril, the permanent DnD Master, has been playing for five years and, having got a job at T-Systems, three weeks later he gathered like-minded people and founded the team.

β€œI like to play DnD, because there is no framework in it, there is no clear set of rules - you can do almost everything,” says Kirill. - Imagination runs wildly, the storyteller skill is pumped. As a master, I help children take a break from the routine. In addition, it’s very fun, funny and trashy stories happen all the time: from handcuffed naked sorceresses to talking magic mushrooms, from which the characters start to have glitches and phobias - role players will understand me. ” 

In DnD, each player can have his own miniature depicting his character. The guys even made them themselves by printing on a home 3D printer. 

We hope that our short review will inspire you with new options for hanging out with your partners in self-isolation or throw up an idea for the first quarantine party. Write in the comments what you play!

PS Photos are kindly provided by colleagues, and also taken from Mosigra's website and boardgamer.ru.

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