English-language documentation for Angular

The Russian version of the Angular documentation is now available to everyone on the angular24.ru website .


This is the result of 6 months of work, several unsuccessful attempts to write all the necessary remark plugins, a custom parser and a chain of two Magic Strings, which allow you to translate Markdown files without losing formatting.

Was it worth it to suffer so much? Yes.

Firstly , it was possible to make an extensible utility for translating markdown files without losing formatting, which until now has not been very successfully solved. To make sure of this, take the markdown file with sample code, tables, and html pieces.

Secondly , it will now be possible to translate Angular documentation into all 103 languages ​​that Google Translate supports.

Thirdly , it was possible to pull the Angular documentation code into a separate schematics, which will allow you to add Angular documentation to your project (with support for search, service workers and offline mode).

I will not be able to talk about all this in one article, so now you will find out how you can help, and about what articles await you in the future.

How can you help?

The documentation is not perfect yet, because it was translated using Google Translate, and this is where you can help. How? There are 2 options:

1) When you see a sentence that is not very well formulated or erroneous, select it - a pop-up menu will appear from several options:


Click on “offer translation” and enter the translation option in the window that appears. A Github Issue will be automatically generated for you - the only thing you will need to do is log in to Github and click Submit New Issue.

If you want to see the original of this page, then select "Open original" and then the page will automatically open in the original English version. You can achieve the same effect if you change “24.ru” to “.io” in the browser line. Also, by simply replacing the “.io” address bar with “24.ru” in the address bar, you can switch from the English version of the documentation to the Russian one.

2) If you feel confident enough with Markdown and Github, you can:

  • go directly to angular-ru-docs repository
  • switch to brunch angular-v9-final
  • take any .md file from the aio / content directory, correct it and make pull request in the angular-v9-final brunch

More related articles

Now briefly about what articles are waiting for you in the near future:

1️⃣ What is MagicString and are these lines so magical? (done)

2️⃣ Double Magic String - microparser and markdown translation utility.

3️⃣ Features of Google Translate, nuances and hacks. How to translate for free in a browser?

4️⃣ Add Angular documentation to your project, make the Angular team the core team :)

I hope this list has intrigued you :)

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