Why do people relearn

Today, millions of people who already have an established profession and career are studying new disciplines. What makes them do it? We interviewed 2,300 Skillbox programming course students. Under the cut - the results of our observations.

We study statistics

Let's start with the most impressive number. 82.9% of students said they were studying to “gain new knowledge”. Does this mean that for them, knowledge itself is as important as other goals? For some, it’s possible. But most likely, this is a secondary cause of much more compelling motivations, which are hidden in the following numbers.

Increase in income, diploma, increase - understandable pragmatic reasons that do not need to be explained. We want to dwell in more detail on the fact that almost half of Skillbox students said they did not want to stay in their current job. And as many as 60% said they thought they would completely change their profession. Let's see why this happens.

Problems of external motivation

Over the life of several generations, a social success template has developed:
Kindergarten → School → University → Work → Status

If a person followed this scenario, at the end he was waiting for well-deserved wealth and recognition. That is, people tried to build their lives in accordance with external motivation: this system is based on constant supervision with encouragement and censure. In Drive: What Really Motivates Us? "Such a model is called" Motivation 2.0. "

But many university graduates learned from their own experience that such a model does not guarantee stability and even employment. Training programs in most universities change slowly and rarely meet the needs of the labor market. This situation is especially acute in IT. Large companies even create their own educational programs and conduct internships in order to independently train young professionals.

However, even if the university gave the graduate the necessary knowledge for employment, everything changes so quickly that soon you have to sit down again at the desk. And in the case of external motivation, such a cycle becomes torture.
On the topic: a checklist of 14 questions that you need to regularly ask yourself in order to set goals correctly, use incentives effectively and discard anything superfluous.

Benefits of Intrinsic Motivation

Today, a “humanistic” approach to education is gaining popularity in society: a person independently builds his learning process, guided by his goals and desires. Here, the main guideline is internal motivation. Thanks to new knowledge, we get new tools for self-realization, gain freedom of choice and purpose in life.

In this case, continuous training will not be a burden. This is important, because continuing education plays a central role in a career throughout life. Intellectual potential is revealed with the help of new knowledge, hard and soft skills. Learning and expanding skills makes it easier to change jobs, city and country. This is evidenced by statistics: 21% of our students study with us in order to move.

Knowledge is property that you will not lose. And if your motivation comes from within, if you are guided only by your goals and desires, new knowledge will help introduce yourself to this world and get something important in return.

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