Uzbek Telegram Marketing

I think many of those who were involved in the promotion in Telegram have heard of the "Uzbek channels." This phrase is often used not only in the literal, but also in the figurative sense. And in this case, "Uzbek" means "low quality." I want to tell you my story of advertising in one of these channels and share the received (bitter) experience.

“Uzbeks” are most often called channels with low quality content and subscribers. The audience growth of such channels is rapid, advertising is cheap and often offered immediately as a package: publishing in 5 - 20 channels for the price of one.

My little experience in advertising on Telegram shows that a significant part of the Russian-language channels are “Uzbek channels”. This will be a revelation as soon as you try to buy advertising for your own cozy little channel.

I will not delve into the essence of this phenomenon. Mention of him are found on the Internet. And I will immediately turn to the history of provision on one of these channels.

First bell

The desire to buy ads in a similar channel appeared after I saw their offer in one of the ad purchase / sale groups.

Not an exchange advertisement, rather a photo report.

Of course, I, as a frayer, whom greed usually ruins, was attracted by the price - 500 rubles for 1/24 in a channel with an audience of 10k +. After personal communication, they even made me a “special offer”: placing 2/24 for the same money. True, the record lasted about 40 minutes in the top.

For reliability, before agreeing to a tempting offer, I went to check the channel statistics on tgstat and noticed nothing suspicious. The statistics are normal.

I agree to cooperate. And here is the very first bell : I was offered to pay for advertising through Qiwi to a number with a country code+998 - Uzbekistan.
Beware of buying cheap advertising in Russian-language channels that are administered from neighboring countries

Frankly, at that time I had already read that advertising in such channels was ineffective and, perhaps, an experienced telegram marketer would have rejected the offer already at this step, but I decided to give it a try.

Publication and first subscribers

The publication was made at 18:00, and I began to monitor the number of views of my advertising post and the growth of subscribers.

The first 20 minutes : subscriptions went quite actively. About 10 people came. I was pleasantly surprised and already anticipated the long-awaited growth of my channel.

The next 10-20 minutes : here I had to get distracted and do some pressing things. After returning after 20 minutes, I found that the number of subscribers increased by 120 people .

Wow, I thought, this is good luck!

But the joy of success passed as soon as the realization came that they had deceived me.

Immediately share the following statistics of subscribers on the day of publication and the next day:

In the future, a significant increase in subscribers is not observed, the next day unsubscribes began.

So what happened?

There was a cheat. How exactly, I do not know, and it seems impossible to trace the source. But it’s not a secret for anyone that there are many ways: you can wind up bots and live disinterested subscribers. It costs quite inexpensively.

The first thing I noticed was a serious drop in ERR%, the audience engagement rate. A significant portion of the new audience does not watch posts.

the audience engagement rate fell

Then I decided to check the subscribers. For the telegram channel administrator, there is another useful tool - viewing the latest channel actions. I go to Recent Actions and see who subscribed to my channel (without a screenshot, so as not to show nicknames):

  1. About 10 Deleted Account Among New Subscribers
  2. A significant part of subscribers with nicknames from Arabic script (with repetitions). Of course, they can be real, but this is hardly the audience that I was looking for a channel with memes, doing advertising in the Russian-language channel
  3. Many users with duplicate and not very unique names like “cool boy”
  4. Users with “junk” nicknames that contain only numbers and punctuation marks


Assessing the quality of the channel’s audience is not as simple as it seems at first glance. My experience has shown that just checking the growth curves of subscribers, views and engagement (ERR) is not enough. For myself, I identified 2 new rules:

  1. Beware of foreign numbers when paying. This, of course, may be a false prejudice, but at least check such a channel twice.
  2. tgstat ( «Channels quoted by»). , . . , . (ERR), , , .

Here is an example of the result of another advertisement on the same channel where I was published: The

advertisement for this channel was released on the 21st. The picture is exactly the same as mine. But I checked it, of course, after the purchase.

I have already cleared my channel from deleted accounts, the rest, I hope, will unsubscribe themselves.
Learn from the mistakes of others and good luck in promoting.

PS: link to my cozy little channel

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