Issue # 37: IT training - current issues and challenges from leading companies

Hello! They brought you a new selection of interview tasks.

The tasks are the most real, kindly provided by Leroy Merlin, Russia's largest DIY format company.

Leroy Merlin is a company with serious IT, including internal development. They are the ones who create the most modern and technological retail in Russia.

If you easily solve all the problems from the issue, I advise you at the same time to familiarize yourself with the list of open vacancies in Leroy , is it enough, what if it is fate?

For those who find the solution difficult, the correct answers, as always, will be published in a week. By the way, the answers to the problems from the previous release are here .


1. A sequence of 3 numbers
I make a certain rule according to which I will build a sequence of 3 numbers and call the sequence that fits my rule, for example, 3-6-9. I can be offered examples of sequences, and I will say whether such a sequence fits my rules or not. You need to understand which rule was made. There are no restrictions on the number of attempts with sequences.
PS A specific sequence in the example is not conceived, the logic of the solution itself is interesting, it is interesting by what principle additional examples of sequences will be selected and what questions will arise.


1. REST Headers
There is a REST API that, when requesting GET / hello, gets in one of the headers a value that is an Int32 number. What cases need to be described to verify that the service processed this header correctly?

2. Testing a bunch of services
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