Upgrade your skills in DevSecOps: 5 webinars with theory and practice

Hello, Habr!

The era of online events has come, and we are not standing aside, we also conduct various webinars and online meetings.

We think the DevSecOps theme needs special attention. Why? Everything is simple:

  • It is now extremely popular (who has not yet had time to participate in the holivar on the topic "How is a DevOps engineer different from a regular administrator?").
  • One way or another, DevSecOps simply MAKES those who previously interacted by email to communicate closely. And that is not always the case.
  • Theme is a hoax! Everything in it resembles classic administration, development, and security. It seems, but "differently." As soon as you start to delve into, you understand that your laws and rules work here.

At first, even the basic aspects are not easy to understand. There is so much information on the topic that it is not immediately clear how to approach it. We decided to structure everything and help everyone to understand what's what, with the help of a series of DevSecOps-webinars.

At the webinars, we will go step by step with you from simple concepts to technical details and live demo solutions. We will share the “combat” examples and life hacks that we received on the projects: from application testing automation to embedding information security into the development pipeline.

Webinars, although they reveal basic things, may be of interest to a wide audience:

  • Management - to see the whole process from above, get an idea of ​​the interaction.
  • To developers - if you write pipeline configurations, container images and know everything in the world with your eyes closed, then you may be interested in the information security block: what “innovations” security will bring and how your pipeline can change. If not, we’ll talk about how the developer can “move” to automation and implement autotests.
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  • - – DevOps, , DevSecOps? . «» , !

In preparation for the webinars, we had a cool "index of interest" for different audiences - a "slide / console" indicator.

The first two webinars will be general and theoretical for a smooth immersion in the topic of all participants. “Slide / Console” - 100% / 0%. Pure theory. We are just talking about the complex. The remaining three are for those who want more shows, code, configs and console. “Slide / Console” - 20% / 80%. A small introduction, and then white letters on a black background.

May 7, 16.00 | Fingers DevOps

Let’s tell in simple terms what technologies are used in DevOps, why they are needed and how to use them correctly to create a development pipeline. The webinar will be interesting to those who have never heard of DevOps, but would really like to know what it is. Participate >>

May 8 16:00 | DevSecOps. Total immersion

Why include Sec in DevOps? How to do this with "minimal losses"?
How to automate information security in the development pipeline? It will be useful for IT professionals,
developers and information security professionals. Participate >>

May 15, 16:00 | DevOps. Getting started in Kubernetes cluster

Let's talk about resource management in the Kubernetes cluster. The webinar will be interesting to developers, testing and operating specialists who have an understanding of containers and who want to get acquainted with Kubernetes. Participate >>

May 22, 16.00 | SecOps. Security and Cluster Access Control

Let us raise the security issue of the DevSecOps process from the point of view of
IT infrastructure management , show how to control access at different levels in an orchestration environment. The topic will be interesting to information security experts, as well as IT professionals who want to look at the process through the eyes of information security. Participate >>

May 29 16.00 | DevSec. Embedding information security in an automated development pipeline

We show examples of embedding information security checks in the development pipeline. We’ll show you where to start, on which side to approach the management of defects found. Developers will look at the world through the eyes of information security, and information security specialists will understand how to interact with developers. Participate >>

Come, it will be not only interesting, but also fun!

Your Jet Infosystems
DevSecOps Team devops_team@jet.su

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