2020 Gartner Quadrant for Application Monitoring Solutions (APM)

A few days ago, Gartner published a new report on APM systems (Application Performance Management). In my telegram channel, I asked subscribers about their forecasts for the leaders of this quadrant before its publication. In general, the intrigue did not work. Details under the cut.

Although the intrigue did not work out with the leaders, new ambitious players appeared in the quadrant - Datadog, Instana and SignalFx (now part of Splunk). They are developing very actively and, I suppose, in the next couple of years have the potential to become market leaders along with the long-livers of this sector - Appdynamics, New Relic and Dynatrace.

By 2025, 50% of new cloud-based monitoring applications will use open source tools instead of vendor agents to increase compatibility, compared to 5% in 2019.

And a lot of attention was given to this trend in the report. The presence of open technology support is described as a vendor advantage, and the absence as a disadvantage. Below I will provide a list of vendors participating in the quadrant and their strengths and weaknesses according to Gartner.

This year, the criteria for including an APM solution in the report all also include three key requirements (but, compared to last year , the requirements have changed slightly):

Front-end monitoring. This approach to accessibility and performance monitoring is part of the Digital Experience Monitoring ( DEM ) methodology . For the purposes of this report, the approach will include support for monitoring real users ( RUM) and monitoring synthetic transactions for users of web and mobile applications. Front-end monitoring is the development of last year's magic quadrant for APM solutions , where this requirement was called digital experience monitoring. DEM contains a larger set of technologies than those used in APM.

Application Discovery, Tracking, and Diagnostics ( ADTD ). This applies to the automatic discovery of web servers, application servers and microservices, as well as application environments and platforms (such as containers, orchestrators, and service mesh). ADTD determines the relationship between these elements by monitoring the behavior of the HTTP / S transaction of the application using the bytecode toolkit (BCI) and / or distributed application tracing.

Analytics: The APM solution should provide domain- oriented AIOps using AI / ML , collectively referred to as analytics here (see Gartner's AIOps Solutions 2019–2020 ). To do this, the APM solution should use event correlation, anomaly detection, and root cause analysis ( RCA ) algorithms based on the data available in the APM in the context of the topology. The solution may also provide the ability to receive events from third-party sources. This criterion is the evolution of last year's magic quadrant for APM solutions , where this requirement was called AIOps. AIOps in itself can cover a wider range of approaches to use than there are in APM solutions.

Gartner Magic Quadrants are divided into 4 sectors: leaders, challengers, strategists, and niche players. Each vendor is placed in the quadrant based on its strengths and weaknesses, market share and user reviews, as well as other indicators. 15 vendors that Gartner included this time: Broadcom (CA Technologies), Cisco (AppDynamics), Datadog, Dynatrace, Instana, IBM, ManageEngine, Micro Focus, Microsoft, New Relic, Oracle, Riverbed, SolarWinds, Splunk (SignalFX) and Tingyun.

So drum roll ...

Last year's quadrant here

Link to the original report

Broadcom (CA Technologies)


  • Broadcom supports distributed tracing using open source technologies and receiving data collected from third-party vendor agents.
  • Broadcom PLA , APM Digital BizOps.
  • Broadcom Digital BizOps Starter Edition APM , . .

  • DevOps Broadcom .
  • , APM- Broadcom - , , .
  • , .

Cisco (AppDynamics)

  • , - AppDynamics Business iQ APM-.
  • Cisco, AppDynamics Visibility Pack Cisco Enterprise Agreement AppDynamics .
  • AppDynamics Cognition Engine ( ) .

  • AppDynamics (, OpenTelemetry) .
  • AppDynamics Cisco .
  • AppDynamics -.


  • Datadog , , , service mesh, , , DevOps, Internet of Things (IoT), OpenTracing.
  • Datadog — .
  • , Datadog , .

  • APM- Datadog, 2017 , workflow , .
  • Datadog APM , .
  • Datadog .


  • Dynatrace OneAgent , .
  • Dynatrace , .

  • Dynatrace , , , Chrome .
  • Dynatrace's Digital Business Analytics , .
  • , Dynatrace .


  • IBM APM-, .
  • IBM APM middleware IBM WebSphere.
  • IBM Red Hat DevOps, OpenShift.

  • IBM , CloudOps, APM , , .NET.
  • , Gartner IBM - APM, IBM.
  • IBM Cloud App Management APM, , , .


  • Instana APM , .
  • Instana , .
  • Instana , APM, , .

  • Instana APM-, , .
  • Instana - (ITSM) ServiceNow, -.
  • Instana , APM, , .


  • ManageEngine , , , . , SaaS.
  • ManageEngine COTS , .
  • , ManageEngine , .

  • ManageEngine .
  • - , ManageEngine , , , , ManageEngine , .
  • ManageEngine DevOps, APM- ManageEngine CI/CD.

Micro Focus

  • OpsBridge COSO Data Lake , Micro Focus ITOM.
  • Prometheus , Micro Focus .
  • Micro Focus APM ITOM.

  • APM Micro Focus APM. .
  • APM Micro Focus .
  • Micro Focus , .


  • Microsoft Azure Monitor Azure DevOps. , .
  • Smart Groups Microsoft Azure Monitor , .
  • Microsoft Azure Monitor , Azure.

  • Microsoft, APM , Microsoft — SCOM.
  • , Microsoft Azure Monitor , Microsoft .
  • Microsoft Azure Monitor , , .

New Relic

  • New Relic One — , .
  • New Relic IOpipe.
  • New Relic , , .

  • New Relic , .
  • , New Relic , .
  • , New Relic One , , .


  • Oracle OMC .
  • OMC , SaaS, .
  • OMC -, E-Business Suite, Siebel, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fusion Applications, .

  • Oracle APM, , Gartner APM, Oracle-.
  • Oracle , Java, .NET, Node.js, Ruby Java .NET.
  • Workflows Oracle APM, , .

Riverbed (Aternity)

  • Aternity .
  • Aternity Riverbed R&D APM DEM, , Aternity .
  • Aternity , APM, DEM, .

  • Aternity, , Riverbed. , Riverbed , , Aternity .
  • Aternity - DevOps, , DevOps.
  • Workflows Aternity APM, , .


  • SolarWinds , , APM.
  • SolarWinds , .
  • SolarWinds APM , , , , .

  • SolarWinds , , AppOptics SAM.
  • SolarWinds AI/ML .
  • SolarWinds APM .

Splunk (SignalFX)

  • Splunk, SignalFx, ITSI, VictorOps Splunk Enterprise, - , .
  • Splunk , Accenture, CDW Carahsoft, Splunk.
  • , SignalFx , .

  • DEM workflow SignalFx .
  • SignalFx , .
  • , Gartner, SignalFx - APM-.


  • Tingyun , WeChat.
  • Tingyun -, -.
  • Tingyun AIOps, .

  • Tingyun - , .
  • Tingyun .
  • Tingyun .

Tell us if you are using any of the Gartner quadrant solutions. There are special options at the end of the list if you have something else.

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