What to see in quarantine? A selection of materials from Technostream (part 2)

We continue our selection of interesting materials (the first part is here ). This time, one educational course of the Technosphere, two programs from talk shows for IT specialists “Oh, my code” and the announcement of the new season.

IT Project and Product Management, Technosphere, spring 2019

Technosphere is one of our joint educational projects, in this case with Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

The course will examine the theory and practice of managing the product and everything that is inside (or next to it): processes, requirements, metrics, deadlines, launches and, of course - about people and how to communicate with them.

  • Lecture 1. What is project management and product management? The difference between a product and a project. Why separately manage the product and the project. The role and competencies of the product and project manager. What to do if one of them is not. Value proposition. Value proposition canvas tool and Lean Canvas. Market analysis. Target audience and client segments. Consumer experience and satisfaction metrics.
  • 2. Customer Development UX-. ? CustDev UX-? ? ? ?
  • 3. A/B . ? ? ? ROI, LTV, CAC, DAU, MAU, Retention, , , . , ? . . A/B-? ? , ?
  • 4. (roadmap). . ? ? ? ?
  • 5. . «» . . «» . . .
  • 6. , , . . ? ? ?
  • Lecture 7. Marketing . The right questions are: who are our customers, who are our competitors, and why, what market trends can we use? Different types of analyzes: situational, consumer and competitive. Promotion strategy. Positioning. Promotion
  • Lecture 8. MVP, startup . What is MVP and why is it needed? How to make it? Prototyping and user testing.
  • Lecture 9. The final lesson . Practical exercise in data processing and analysis using Jupyter.

Video recordings of lectures .

How I became a VK developer at 16

We spoke with VKontakte business product developer Seva Zhidkov and discussed technology development, the future of programming, and how the data of 100 million users is processed. Seva also shared what goals should be set for himself in order to create successful and modern products, as well as how to get an internship in Vkontakte.

How to become a leader in IT

How to become a technical director, what to do in emergency situations and how to achieve higher salaries and career growth, as well as how the development of Am.ru is arranged - Alexander Melnichuk, technical director of Am.Ru, spoke about this in the fourteenth issue of talk shows for OH, MY CODE programmers .

Promised Announcement

Friends, we invite everyone to the new - third - season of our talk show for IT specialists “Oh, my code”. Now the conversations will go live.

The first broadcast of the third season “Oh, my code” #StayHome Edition will be released this week on April 30 at 20:00. Away - Kira Kuzmenko, founder of the hunting agency New.HR and the service of anonymous job search in IT and digital sphere Geekjob.ru . We will talk about the trends of the IT labor market in a pandemic, about how the employer now thinks and how candidates behave.

You can personally ask questions to the expert in the comments. To join, follow the link .

Recall that current lectures and master classes on programming from our IT specialists are still published on the Technostream channel . Subscribe not to miss new lectures!

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