DP-3T - Open Protocol Contact Tracking via Bluetooth

Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing ( DP-3T ) is another blueprint for tracking contacts using Bluetooth to prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The protocol was developed by the international scientific community and announced in early April, two weeks earlier than the Apple & Google protocol, but detailed specifications and source code appeared only recently. The governments of Switzerland , Austria and Estonia have announced that they will use the DP-3T SDK to track contacts in their applications.

Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing

PEPP-PT (Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing).


Apple & Google, . Bluetooth :

iOS Android BLE- service UUID characteristic UUID.

, Bluetooth , Bluetooth- (characteristic UUID), , Apple & Google. .

Bluetooth service UUID characteristic UUID, , , .

— , - , .

, Apple & Google DP-3T?


DP-3T Apple & Google:

  • 32- ,
  • SHA256 ( ).
    , .
  • ID EphID’s (ephemeral ID, Apple & Google — Rolling Proximity ID). 24*60 ID , .

    Contact exchange

    BLE , 1440 EphID’s, , .

    . , , EphID’s Apple & Google.

    EphID’s 16*24*60 , AES CTR HMAC (“broadcast key” || Daily Key)
    “broadcast key” — , Daily Key — , || . .

  • EphID’s RSSI, .
  • 14 , .
    , 24*60 EphID’s .
    , .

, , :

  • , , 32 , , .
  • , , .

    Apple & Google, 16
    HKDF , DP-3T 32 , SHA-256 ( ).

    , , , Apple & Google , .
  • 16 (- BLE), . , , .

    Apple & Google 10 , DP-3T , , Apple & Google, .
  • , Apple & Google, . BLE , 16 .

    BLE .

    Core Bluetooth iOS , , BLE , DP-3T iOS .

    Apple , Apple & Google iOS, , Apple Core Bluetooth .

    , Apple & Google , Apple . .

Apple Google Contact Tracing Protocol.

AES , DP-3T.


, , , DP-3T open-source .
DP-3T Github SDK iOS Android, open-source backend.

DP-3T open-source , .
DP-3T , .. , DP-3T, .

DP-3T , , , , Apple & Google , .

ID, .

, EphID’s Bluetooth.

, , , .


Apple & Google , , .

, , , , .

iOS Android, , , . .

Apple & Google , (10 ).

, DP-3T .

DP-3T — Apple & Google open-source .

Apple, Google , , , , .

Apple Google? , .
, Apple & Google.

, , id .

DP-3T , ?

, , .

open-source OpenCovidTrace, .

, .

OpenCovidTrace, .

Apple/Google v1.1

, .

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