What happens to transport at the end of April and when to wait for recovery

305 flights in Russia still or already operating

  • Airlines raised prices: Aeroflot , S7 Airlines , Ural Airlines, and Utair sharply raised prices for flights from Moscow in April: tickets with departure in April – May to the 15 largest Russian cities began to cost 50–110% more than they cost in March.
  • 40%.
  • «» .
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  • 300 .
  • . S7 : «, ».
  • Tourists may be required to receive immune passports: “Germany already initiated the introduction of immune passports at the end of March. German scientists have proposed testing residents for antibodies to coronavirus and those who have acquired immunity, issue an appropriate certificate. "
  • Rosstat reported an increase in the proportion of families who only have enough for food and clothing. The Kremlin called for an “analytic” attitude to the data of Rosstat on the incomes of Russians: “It is hard to understand where these data come from.”

But there is a lot of good news on rebuilding Europe. Go!

Aviation (not all news is good)

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  • Boeing 767 Icelandair , . , .
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  • Covid-19. . , . - .
  • 73 , 30,7 % . , . .
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What does it look like on our part?

Air traffic suffered the most. The sales level sagged, somewhere around 12% of flights basically remained in Russia, flights abroad were almost completely closed with the exception of several return flights. World experience - Russia is not an exception here - that almost all refunds are suspended, these are either promotional codes, points or transfers of flights to longer dates. That is, there is still a positive side - at least in Russia - we do not see bankruptcy.

In the bus market, more than 50% of canceled flights in Russia, mainly related to the closure of bus stations in some regions. Here, sales also fell. Which of the positives: returns are normal, carriers return with real money and bankruptcies, too, fortunately, we are not seeing in Russia yet.

Railway shows the most stable situation. Naturally, sales also dipped, but only less than 15% of flights are affected. New measures have been introduced - that no more than 2 people in a compartment - from Russian Railways, can only be more if they are members of the same family. If seats, then through the place. And here, in contrast to the airline industry, on the contrary: refunds even go on non-refundable tickets. That is, for all major carriers on flights from April 1 to June 1, even if some kind of penalty amount for the return was implied, the full amount is now being returned.
We held a press conference with the participation of important market players. Here are very short quotes:

Maya Lomidze, Executive Director of the Association of Russian Tour Operators (ATOR):
, , , … , , , , . … , , : . , , , , , , , - , , . , , … , - , . , , 55 . , — 28 .

, «» ( Lux Express Group):
240 , 20. 100 , 10. , , , 50 , 0. - , . , . 1500 85% -… , , . - 70%, 1000 , , , 150 , . , . , . , , — , .

, ():
, , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , . , . , , , — , 100% , . . , , , 1,5-2 . . . , , — , , , . , … . , .

, «»:
, « ». , , … 26 , 7 . 29 3 , , , , … , . — , .

Radar of Hope

We have added quarantine measures to each Russian city on the Radar of Hope . Now you can navigate by where you need to go: We

use the radar database for the informer when buying a ticket:

Well, and the current status: You can

view each region separately here . There is also a subscription to updates.

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