Ecosystem Low-Code Solutions


It is simply unbelievable how many tools have appeared recently for almost instantly creating business applications.

I would like to consider what kind of tools they are, how exactly they help, and which ones look the most promising.

Translated to 8base .

What is low code?

In my understanding, low code includes tools that can save a significant amount of time for the developer, and which can be implemented using code. Areas of use:

  • Hosting (hosting, scaling)
  • Backend (data collection, data processing, connection to API, data storage)
  • User accounts and payments (user management, membership, subscriptions)
  • Frontend (user interface components, state management)
  • Marketing (landing, email lists, analytics)
  • Extension (informing other people about your existence, collecting feedback)
  • Iteration (collecting feedback, improving your product and marketing)

Low Code Tools

Mobile Application Generator

  • Glide (creates a responsive web application, as yet it is not a real mobile application)
  • Adalo (real application export, database APIs and notifications)
  • Craft bit
  • Thunkable

Add-ons and Pop-ups

Subscriptions and marketplace

These tools help you quickly set up a marketplace or site based on a subscription model.

Backend as a service

These tools address issues related to data management, data storage, user management, and file storage.

Simple backend as a service

These products provide a really simple service, but make it easy to convert a static site into a dynamic one.

  • Easydb
  • Auth0
  • Userbase (good documentation, but do they allow applications to work offline automatically?)
  • EasyAuth (user accounts and payments)
  • JSON Box (good for prototypes only)

Tables as a database

A quick and easy way to get started, but you need to study the security issue.

Application Generators and SaaS

They give a good help at the start.

Automatically generated admin panels

Use a scheme to create a user interface that allows administrators to manage data and users.

Advanced Tables

These tools work as internal admin panels, adding advanced features to the spreadsheet model.

Quick and easy prototyping

I did not immediately decide to add this section, but I think that it is relevant. If only because I believe that the goal of most low code tools is to make full-fledged applications more like creating prototypes. So, look at these tools to find out what development products can achieve in the future.

Simple visual web application constructors

These products are designed to easily achieve a single goal.

Sophisticated visual web application builders

They make some things easier, but do not give much flexibility. I think that they will be useful mainly for creating back-office applications, rather than user-oriented applications. They may also be unsuitable for use on mobile devices.

Constructors for designers of visual web applications

  • Grapes js
  • (very good; this tool is responsible for building three different site designers for three different CSS frameworks)

Simplify development, introduce new concepts

Some of the most interesting and revolutionary tools fell into this category. These tools provide greater flexibility while reducing at least one stage of product development (for example, database, server side, build tool, transfer).

  • Mavo
  • Anvil
  • Elm
  • Imba
  • Canjs
  • Purview
  • Plotly Dash (looks cool, you can build a data visualization application in pure Python)
  • Alan (uses a high-level configuration to output a software application; I think this is the future)

Convert static design to application

It seems rather difficult to implement, but if they can do it, it will be cool.

  • Supernova (translates the sketch into UI code, without moving from design to development)
  • Yotako

Simplify the stack - modern versions

These solutions try to preserve the advantages of modern frameworks (ergonomics, real-time updates, interface components), while eliminating the headache (piling up resources or rendering on the server side or just too much of everything to watch out for).

New types of tools

Tools that are very different from conventional ones and can save a ton of time.

  • Mint and Crystal (I want to try, I will use them to make the Base API)

Database request to application

These tools allow you to generate an application interface from database queries.

Simplify the stack - traditionally, but modernly

  • Rails (robust, stable, still super powerful)
  • Django (reliable, stable, still super powerful)
  • Laravel (lots of activity, big community)

Interesting frameworks and stacks

These are some of the most interesting combinations in the world of frameworks.

Framework for rapid application development

These tools are primarily focused on speed. They may suffer in terms of flexibility, but your ability to quickly enter the market and test your idea compensates for this.

API development frameworks

These tools allow you to very quickly generate APIs from the database, which potentially saves years of work.

Convert third-party sites to API

These tools scan third-party websites, collect their information in a structured format and allow you to use the data in your web application.

Frameworks under development

Cool new frameworks that have not yet been released.

Web Application Definition Languages

These tools allow you to create a high-level concept for your application, which is then easily transferred to your chosen language / framework.


Usually not suitable for creating a full-fledged web application, but great for managing website builder.

High Level / Simple CMS

These tools allow you to focus more on high-level components, allowing you to define content without going into details.

Landing Page Templates

These tools will help launch your marketing website by providing you with HTML and CSS. You will need to edit it and organize the hosting yourself.

CMS with a unique approach

It uses native web tools (for example, online spreadsheets) that are familiar to users and can easily connect to several platforms as a server part.

  • Vapid (one of my favorites)

CMS for blogs

Spreadsheet to website

Workflow Constructors (Process Management)

Workflow designers (marketing automation)

Headless cms

Simplifies data management, so you can focus on displaying it.

Over CMS

More powerful than standard CMS systems.

  • Wordpress (headless CMS, site builder, e-commerce) + Elementor or Sage + ACF
  • Tinacms
  • Factor (it’s not yet clear what it is, but they claim to save a lot of time!)
  • Keystone 5 (CMS / application template)
  • Webiny (headless CMS + ui constructor)

Endpoints for forms

These services allow you to collect information about visitors and, possibly, display it somewhere else.

Quick user interface creation (pre-created user interface components)

These custom frameworks contain pre-created pages and components, so you can just put them together like a puzzle to create a great web application.

Quick UI Creation (Build It Yourself)

You still need to do the backend, but these easy-to-use libraries will make your frontend beautiful without much effort.

Quick user interface creation (generate UI components)

These UI frameworks are partially pre-assembled or allow you to create a user interface using a visual linker.

Fast frontend generation (unique tools)

These tools take a new approach to generating front-end code, which gives you an advantage, and at the same time, they are very flexible.

Specialized Applications

These tools will help you implement one single function really well with minimal effort.

  • Flatfile (adds data import function to your application)

Feedback Tools

Configuration generator

Comments and Tips

“Combine Hasura (automatic GraphQL on top of PostgreSQL) with React Admin (low code CRUD application) and you can create an entire administrative package or application for back-office (API endpoints and front-end administrator) in a matter of hours” - cpursley on HN.

“We ended up using AppSync, and that’s impressive. I highly recommend anyone who works in the AWS ecosystem check this out. AppSync integrates very easily with many other AWS services (Cognito, S3) and allows you to use Dynamo / Aurora / RDS / Elastic as data sources. In addition, you can also use Lambda to implement resolvers that require a stronger business logic that makes the service incredibly powerful ”- afvictory on HN .

“PostgREST is productive, stable and transparent. It allows us to really quickly download projects and focus on our data and applications, rather than creating an ORM layer ”- Anupam Garg from the review .

Conclusion from the translator

Undoubtedly, the author did not list all possible solutions. If he set such a goal, then the size of the article would grow by 3-4-5 and so on. He mentioned the most familiar and convenient tools familiar to him. I hope some of them come in handy for you too. It will be great if in the comments you talk about similar products that you yourself use.

The translation was done at 8base

8base is a GraphQL backend-as-a-service ready to use, which is gradually turning into a full-fledged low code development platform. Our goal is to enable developers with front-end or mobile development skills to create scalable business applications.

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