Payment hourly, for the result or salary?

I regularly have to protect hourly wages for programmers. Including, if it is a payment of hours to fix what turned out to be inoperative and was revealed already during the operation by the customer. Customers are often indignant: “Why should I pay for a remake! I already paid for it 1 time, and I do not want to pay more. Let them redo them at their own expense, so that in the future it’s not bad! .. ”And I have to explain again and again that this approach will not lead to more responsibility for programmers, but only drive them into the need to increase the price of an hour in order to put“ free »Repair work.

The second scheme has another problem. The customer and the contractor fall into dispute mode with each other about the need to include or exclude any work from the prepaid pool. Legal red tape begins, which should protect the interests of each of the parties, but they both lose from this state of affairs: both strength and time, and therefore money. And if you sit down and honestly calculate these empty costs, then they can make up to 40% of the cost and up to 60% of the project time. The data I personally received empirically from comparing the cost and terms of implementation of similar projects in comparable companies. Surprisingly, much later, when I read Stephen Covey’s book “The Speed ​​of Confidence,” I read about similar data he had already obtained for American companies.


There is also a salary or subscriber payment system, which may seem even better than hourly pay, since you do not have to spend time and energy on counting and setting hours, as well as protecting them from possible overstatement. But I do not like it because then the programmer is not always happy with the work, as is the case with the hourly hours, and the customer does not always realize how much he spends the company’s money, as it uses a kind of free resource for him.

Yes, if that, I’m a customer myself and always work on the customer’s side, so I wrote all this from this position.

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