Video Live! Badoo Localization Meetup April 21

A week ago Live! Badoo Localization Meetup . For us, this is the first meeting on such a topic, and even in an online format. Separate sections on localization are rarely found at conferences, so it was pleasant and unexpected to bring together four speakers and more than 100 interested listeners.

Mitap was conceived as a guide to action: speakers from Badoo, Yandex.Direct, SmartCat and Alconost shared experience and tools that are suitable for projects of different sizes and at different stages of development.

After all the reports, we discussed and sorted out the problems for another 2 hours. And some of the guests even received a document with a scheme for solving precisely his question.

In this article, I have collected an overview of presentations and links to materials.

Fear and loathing of localization in large projects

Dmitry Andriyanov, team leader at Yandex

Dmitry told how localization differs from just translation. And using the example of Yandex.Direct, I examined the features of localization on a large project - with more than 40 developers, 20 thousand pieces of text and constant functionality updates.


Connected Translation: How to Work Effectively with Various Content Sources and Manage Mixed Translation Teams

Andrey Lezhnin, Product Manager at Smartcat

Andrey cited the cases of several companies that use the SmartCat platform for localization and translation. And he spoke in more detail about why continuity is important for localization and how to ensure it using modern tools.


Languages, platforms, versions: we scale localization

Alexey Timin, lead developer in the Badoo localization team

In the case of Badoo, we are talking about two different products, 52 languages ​​and a huge number of versions and clients. The translation and application development processes go in parallel, which allows you to speed up the entire release cycle of new functionality. In the report, I tried to answer the question of how to manage to translate new functionality in 48 hours and not burden developers with a routine. And also considered in more detail:

  • integration of localization and Jira,
  • automatic screenshots
  • A / B testing
  • ensuring the unity of style with the help of a glossary and translation memory.


Continuous Localization: the nuances and tools of projects of various types and sizes

Vadim Khomchik, CTO Alconost

Vadim spoke about localization scenarios for different types of projects: small pet projects, large services with a dedicated team and several localization languages, and for legacy systems with a dozen content managers. The report will help to understand the features of building processes of different projects and find the tools they need:,,,


If you want to discuss reports and ask questions to speakers, go to the Badoo Localization Meetup Telegram chat : there we continue to discuss localization and help solve complex problems.

And in order not to miss the next meetups, subscribe to the Badoo Tech Telegram channel .

Thanks to all of the Localization Meetup participants. Come again!

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