Case Study: Increase LTV by 18% via Super-Dynamic Email Content

And without taking a second from the development :) The case is described using the Timepad example (this is a service through which the organizers create events and register participants) and consists of 4 parts:

  1. A little background
  2. 7 steps to implementation
  3. Live example of a letter
  4. Email Campaign Results


A little background

August 2019 . Artyom Shabalin, Timepad Commercial Director, is contacting me to come up with a New Year's gift to all our organizers. TK was extremely simple:
"Give something to each of the 160 thousand of our organizers, and if you offer a pen with a notebook, I will kill you."

After some time I came to him with an idea, presented it and saw how it spreads out in a smile. “Do it, I more than like it,” he said.

The idea was simple - to present all our participants with personal consulting based on the data that they produce in the service, and to emphasize all the available services with a diploma.

7 steps to implement

1 step: highlight user events

To begin with, we have identified more than 2500 events that we track from the user, and left those 35 that we could play on. After that, determine the recipient base. Namely, from total subtracted:

  • VIP clients (we gave them wine of the 2008 harvest, in the same year Timepad was born);
  • those who either did not create events for 2 years or could not get a single participant.

Step 2: Determining KPI

Since we made up a fairly clear pyramid of metrics, I could very well determine how a change in the percentage of use of a particular feature affects the company's revenue.

Our Pyramid of Metrics Leading to LTV

Multiplying this by the percentage of writing openings and the “elasticity of writing efforts”, we predicted how much money we will get. Then they made a dashboard, so that after sending, compare the fact and the plan.

Step 3: create a body of a letter A

body of a letter is a text that lists all cases of dynamic content, including pairwise incompatible ones.

For example, in the body there were paragraphs like “This year you did not create events” or “This year you created X events”. Where it was necessary to substitute the numbers, we highlighted “X = the number of user events since January 1, 2019”.

Step 4: create SQL queries We

created all the SQL queries and transferred the data to a single table of 36 columns: in the first there were user id, in the rest user events. The lines were data.
For example, at the intersection of “” and “earnings for all the time were 70,361 rubles. »

What was table

5 step: make up the letter

The body of the letter has become graphically designed. New Year’s header, footer, images from the brand book appeared (you can see it in the section “Live example of writing”).

Step 6: Link the table with the letter

The most corrosive part. Together with our mail service ExpertSender, we scrupulously linked into one:

  • recipient emails;
  • his data;
  • typesetting of the letter;
  • diploma*.

* Yes, we did the pdf diploma, which was attached to the letter. Of course, for each user he had his own. For example:

Such a diploma was received by those who earn much more than the others. Alternatively, we could use the LiteracyDel service through which it was possible to create diplomas and, moreover, send all registered letters by email. Since we wanted to send both a diploma and recommendations in one letter, we refused the service. But we can recommend, very responsible and involved people work there.

7 step: 3 tests and sending the

first wave: they took 100 random users and sent their letters to their mail. At first we looked at the general state of the letter: how accurate the layout from the desktop and mobile, how the title is displayed, whether there are working links.

The second wave : they tested the letters on the first hundred recipients and watched the response. For example, the percentage of deliverability, mention on social networks, the words "thank you, very cool" in response to a letter or simply in a technical support message.

The third wave : we had 5 options for headings, each option for 1000 users. We chose the one with which the openability was greater (80%).

Sending : sent all other letters with the most conversion header. To my surprise, the results were in line with expectations (more on that in the section below).

Instead of the name of the organization - " Organization_Name ."

A living example of one of 100 thousand letters

The winning subject of the letter: "Organization_Name, New Year's gift inside!"


Organization_name, you have been with us for more than six months. And we remember how you created your first event: “EventName”. It was January 22, 2019 , it was a cold winter day outside the window. It’s good to remember, it was all as if yesterday.


  1. In total you created events: 12 . And further. In the past year, you have created events more than 90% of other organizers. Oh, you are smart!
  2. Attracted participants: 2156 . And what's more, in 2019 you attracted more participants than 95% of other organizers. Yes, you know a lot about promoting the event!
  3. And they earned on this 762 771 ₽


Organization_Name , you earn more than 90% of other organizers Timepad. And it is worth respect. And to emphasize this merit, we send you a personal diploma. Continue in the same spirit!


We want to wish you more profitable events in the new year. Well, so that they really were like that, our team has formed personal recommendations for you to attract participants.


1. On average, your events collect registrations in the amount of: 180 . Great, but better. We have collected for you more than 30 cases to attract participants.

2. We noticed that you had 2 consecutive events with the same name. Hmm, but you canCustomize and manage recurring events! So it will be more convenient and faster.

3. You have never used the function of attaching a video to an event page. But participants like to watch beautiful promotional videos, sometimes it’s better to watch the trailer once than to read the description several times. Take a video and publish it on your page, this should positively affect the conversion.

4. Well, how so? Your participants are registered, but you have not yet trusted us with ticket validation. Let’s do this: if more than 20 participants register at your event, download the TimePad Check-In for iPhone or Android and scan the participant’s tickets without looking for his name and surname in long lists.

5. The average number of days from creation to the start of your event: 54 . We would recommend opening a registration at least 120 days in advance if it is large, and at least 30 days in advance if it is small. The earlier the publication, the more views and registrations.

6. You have an average of 31% of the tickets that you ordered, but did not pay. Unload the participants database and filter out those who booked the ticket but didn’t pay for it. Come up with a discount for them and make a newsletter like Only Today.

7. You did not set the pixel for Facebook and Vkontakte to show ads to visitors to your page on a social network. Remind yourself! Write to us in support, we will arrange everything.

8. One head is good, and two is better.You are the only organizer - you do not have a team in Timepad. Connect another person or an entire team to the organization and agree on areas of responsibility. 75% of the top 500 most popular events were not done alone.



And then a personal diploma was attached.

Email Campaign Results

Recipients of the letter were tracked and compared with other users and their own metrics, which we recorded before sending. That is, below are the gains to the current metrics of users who opened the letter.

  1. Returnability (that is, how much the organizer creates more events): +12 %.
  2. The number of those who publish the event (but do not leave it hidden): +5 %.
  3. Conversion from the organizer of the free event to the organizer of paid events: + 12 %.
  4. Average number of participants in free events: +14 %.
  5. Average number of participants in paid events: +7 %.

Considering all these basic coefficients that directly depend on LTV, by one mailing we increased earnings from the recipient of the letter by 11 %. The lifetime of these organizers is still coming, and the number is getting bigger. According to our calculations, it asymptotically approaches 18 %.

And since Timepad earns a commission from sales, it is quite logical to assume that we also earned 18 % more revenue on these users . One mailing!


If you want to increase revenue from a user or influence his retention, feel free to write:

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