Moving Online: The Experience of Online Strategic Planning

The situation with the pandemic and the abrupt transition of everyone to online made us urgently translate familiar events into a fully online format. In particular, I would like to share my very recent experience in conducting a remote strategic planning session. We started holding regular strategic planning sessions six years ago. At first we did one session at the end of the year, but recently we switched to a more flexible format with one annual session and three intermediate sessions for revising and adjusting the strategy. In particular, at such a regular session at the end of 2018, it was decided to initiate a strategic project to create conditions for remote work in the company. This topic is worthy of a separate discussion, who are interested, there is a short video and several materials.

Usually the scenario of such a session was built according to the classical scheme. A group of top managers is gathering, for up to 30 people, it is either rented a separate room or taken out to a boarding house on weekends. The event lasts at least one business day, and in case of departure to a boarding house, then a day and a half. First comes the official reporting part: directors take stock, analyze the progress of strategic projects, market research materials, trends, expert forecasts. Further, all managers disperse at the tables and are engaged in the formation of a SWOT analysis in the global cafe mode. Groups ply between tables, complement the ideas of other groups. Then the owners of the tables present the achievements of each group, a final discussion and prioritization of the initiatives are held. Work has always been conducted in full-time format, on flipcharts,the results were then digitized and transmitted for further implementation to the appropriate units. Difficulties regularly came to bring everyone together in one room, but never decided to spend online or in hybrid mode. Some managers were forced to fly from other cities and countries to this event.

This year we did not have the opportunity to hold the event offline, the situation forced us to conduct everything online. So, it’s decided - we are conducting a strategic session online.

The purpose of the session: to update the strategy of the Company.
Expected Result: Prioritized list of priority actions.

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We will try to hold the next event according to a new scenario, I will share the results in a separate article.

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