The top ten reports of DotNext 2019 Moscow

At the beginning of November, DotNext 2019 Moscow was held, and while we are waiting for the next DotNext, it's time to see the top ten reports of the Moscow conference. Hardcore, low-level details, maximum performance, best practices, architecture and much more - all the details have been collected for you usinggolodnyj under the cat.

Asynchronous streams

Speaker: Stephen Cleary
Place: 10
→ Presentation of the report

Stephen, one of the top 100 users of Stack Overflow, opens the top ten reports of the Moscow DotNext. The report begins with a little insight into the story, and Stephen explains why asynchrony is important. And after that, the author of the book “Concurrency in C # Cookbook” thoroughly arranges C # asynchronous streams, and a little bit goes to JS and Python.

Pragmatic memory management

Speaker: Anatoly Zhmur
Place: 9
→ Presentation of the report

An unusual report by Anatoly Zhmur with the main message “when to help GC and when not” took the ninth line. The beginning of the report is particularly pleasing to astronomers and history buffs. Anatoly perfectly, from an engineering point of view, moves along various cases of working with GC. The report concludes with a series of “secret GC settings” and the “empirical laws of the .NET GC”.

Everything the .NET developer wanted to know about deep learning, but was afraid to ask

Speaker: Dmitry Soshnikov
Place: 8

Technology Evangelist and one of Microsoft's experienced speakers in an hourly report tries to debunk the myth that there is no machine learning in .NET. In the report of Dmitry, a significant part is devoted to the theoretical foundations of machine learning and neural networks. At the same time, the report is equipped with a lot of practical examples of using .NET, and not the one unloved by many Python.

From ETW to EventPipe: dig into .NET monitoring pipelines for healthier applications

Speaker: Christophe Nasarre-Soulier
Place: 7
→ Presentation of the report

The first report of the second day from Christoph gathered a lot of positive feedback. In his talk, he shows how to monitor applications using CLR Events using Linux as an example on .NET Core.

The power of composition

Speaker: Scott Wlaschin
Place: 6
→ Presentation of the report

Fans of LEGO designers will especially enjoy watching the closing keynote from Scott Vlaschin. Scott is one of the avid popularizers of functional programming and the author of Domain Modeling Made Functional. This report can be safely considered one of the best reports of the conference and recommended for viewing to colleagues in almost any programming language.

.NET 5: runtimes

Speaker: Egor Bogatov
Place: 5
→ Presentation of the report

Egor in his report parses innovations in .NET 5, and this is an excellent report for those who have missed something recently in the .NET universe. It's also fun to hear about some mathematical optimizations around LLVM.

Nullable reference types - advanced guide

Speaker: Andrey Dyatlov
Place: 4
→ Presentation of the report

A useful report on the use of a new feature of the language - Nullable reference types, from one of the developers of ReSharper Andrey Dyatlov. At the same time, a colleague talks about how to quickly start using a new feature in an already large, weighty project and how to get around different regional cases. And of course you can enjoy the small quiz at the end of the report.

Distributed Request Tracing in .NET

Speaker: Egor Grishechko
Place: 3
→ Presentation of the report

Egor Grishechko's speech was included in the top three most popular lectures. On the one hand, his report is theoretical, and on the other, purely practical for those who are faced with distributed query tracing in .NET for the first time. It is impossible to get around the topic of distributed applications, microservices, and that's all in the current realities, and it is not necessary. Yegor briefly and succinctly reviews Jaeger - a system for collecting trace tags in distributed systems, written by Uber. And if you plan to work with microservice architecture, you will find a lot of useful information in this report.

Platform Wars
Speaker: Cyril Skrygan
Place: 2

The opening keynote from Cyril Skrygan from JetBrains climbed to the second line of our report top. And this is well-deserved, since Cyril begins with a very interesting historical analysis of some product solutions in the field of IDE and moves to product solutions at the platform level. This report well illuminates the decisions of large companies, helps to understand what is happening in the business world, if you look at it through the eyes of the developer.

Fantastic biotechnology and where they live

Speaker: Alexander Panchin
Place: 1

Candidate of Biological Sciences Alexander Panchin incendiary speaks about the resurrection of dinosaurs, cloning, the creation of artificial viruses and human genetic modification. It is very interesting, together with Alexander, to follow what is right and what science fiction was wrong about.


Right now, you can familiarize yourself not only with the top ten, but also choose the most interesting to your taste from the open playlist with DotNext 2019 Moscow reports.
And the next DotNext invites you online .

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