PyConRu 2020 Program Committee Member answers questions about Python: an up-to-date look and a bit of parseltang

Anton Patrushev is a very experienced python developer, a regular member of the PyCon Russia program committee and an old friend of the conference. He has been working with the python language for many years, began his acquaintance with it in Naumen, now he is a service station in Spherical, and it was Antonโ€™s idea to conduct PyCon in Russia.

We, the organizers of PyCon Russia, talked with Anton on the parseltang, and this is what happened :)

Anton, how many years have you been working with the Python language?

17. I first met Python at Naumen, where at that time I dealt with issues of no less marginal VoIP.

Acquaintance was difficult and ambiguous - by that time I was already a seasoned โ€œplusโ€, but over time I realized that the language and community are beautiful, and there are simply no alternatives.

What topic / problem, in your opinion, can be called the most relevant now for the python community?

โ€“ , Python, . Data science , , , Python . " " , golang , .

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PyCon Russia 2020, ! :)

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