Phone number through State Services

If during remote work you still need to make and receive calls, you cannot do without a virtual number. But what if there is no way to go to the operatorā€™s office, or if you want to send him scans of documents?
Everyone who has a verified account in GosUslugi or in large banks can include a virtual number and a free PBX in a few minutes - without downloading documents or visiting offices. How to do this quickly and simply describe below.

Why is it necessary?

Of course, authorization through State Services is needed when the virtual number itself is needed.
What is a virtual number for? If you are somehow in touch with offline (customers, suppliers, partners, employees, couriers, etc.), then a virtual number and automatic telephone exchange for business are necessary. Plus, they are important when switching to a remote site.

Authorization through State Services gives:
  • Connection speed: now the connection of the Russian virtual number is really instant. No need to wait for document verification or go to the operatorā€™s office / store. It is only necessary to log in through the State Services, replenish the account and thatā€™s all - the number is connected and working.
  • Convenience: of course, it is much easier to log in after a couple of clicks than to go to the office / salon of communication or upload a document.
  • Calm: if earlier you were afraid to upload a scan of documents on the network (even to the telecom operator who needs it by law), now you can be absolutely calm. The scan of your document is not transmitted to us, we receive only text data from the portal "State Services".

Connection process

We tried to do our best to speed up and simplify the inclusion of numbers:

  1. On the page of telephone numbers, select the number and click on the ā€œConnect Numberā€ button. You can choose a number in any city in Russia, a mobile number or a free 8-800
  2. You get to the registration page and click on the button ā€œIdentify through the portal of State Servicesā€
  3. In the pop-up form, log in to the portal of the State Service. Need a verified account. You can create it, including through the online bank of your bank, without leaving your home.

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Everything is standard: between Zadarma and State Services (ESIA) API integration is configured. When, when ordering a number, the user clicks on ā€œAuthorization through State Servicesā€ and confirms this action in State Services, State Services (ESIA) transmit to the operator user data (name, address, passport number) and, most importantly, the note that the account has been confirmed.
Next, the number is connected according to the standard procedure (after replenishment of the account, it is turned on automatically if it has already been booked). The process of selecting, connecting, setting up the number is fully automated for a long time, as a result, the process takes no more than 3-4 minutes. The user does not need to contact managers (exception - corporate clients - legal entities, but there it is enough to leave data once and continue to work through electronic document management).
All other settings occur in your account, and also many functions are available through the API. Moreover, for numbers and PBXs through the API, you can use even more functions than in your account (for example, a multi-level voice menu).
Note that recently in the ESIA updated the API. The new version contains oauth2 authentication using GOST2012 encryption. And in general, the API access module has become more modern (the ability to change encryption in the config, more logical file construction).

A bit of history

Zadarma service was the first (back in the fall of 2017) who suggested connecting the number without loading a passport. Later we were forced to temporarily suspend authorization for new numbers (previously connected ones continue to work). The reason is that as a result of changes in the legislation, discrepancies appeared and ESIA ceased to give the data we need by law (without them you canā€™t issue a number), leaving an extremely truncated version.
A year and a half we corresponded with various authorities. The idea of ā€‹ā€‹becoming a mobile operator for the sake of integration with State Services flickered. Until finally we received an official response that we can work with ESIA and receive the data necessary for connecting numbers.

Who is available for?

To connect the number, you must have a personally verified account on the State Services and the data of the identity document are loaded in the State Services system.
If you are a client of one of the banks - Sberbank, Tinkoff or Post Bank - then you can create an account on State Services online through your bank.
On the website of the State Service there are three types of user accounts:

  1. A simplified account with limited access to public services. To register it, it is enough to indicate the name, surname, e-mail or mobile phone number.
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PS The possibility of obtaining a confirmed entry on State Services through online banks of three popular banks (without full-time visits to branches) has additionally expanded the number of potential users of cloud telephony. Plus, almost three years after the first successful integration with ESIA, among telephony services, we remain the only ones (waiting for comments) who can connect a virtual number, including mobile and 8-800, without downloading additional documents using the State Service account. We hope this integration eliminates many user issues and facilitates their transition to the cloud.

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