Philosophy in IT as the pinnacle of creating life

Good day, Khabrachane!

With great pleasure, I present to you my new article on art in the IT world! You actively read, comment and vote for my last article . Thank you for that! As a grateful author, I tried to take into account all your wishes and in the shortest possible time was able to collect a lot of information about different films and series.

Today, the selection turned out to be very difficult. Here I have collected the best, in my opinion, films and series about philosophy in IT. In addition to a simple story about the paintings, I tried to understand their philosophy and I’ll tell you about the result of my work. I myself was engaged in the creation of artificial intelligence, although I am a network administrator. I already spoke in one of the previous articlesabout how these two directions began their merging. I mentioned this for a reason, but in order to tell you that I have an idea of ​​what I am writing about.

Also, I must warn you that the selection of films is strictly 18+ (in almost all films). There are many hidden places in philosophy that a young reader with a fragile psyche should not know.

Already traditionally, I should warn conservative readers of Habr.


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If you continue to like this format, I will continue to pick up the Internet in search of the best works for you. The nearest plan is an article about the only art series in IT, built on the historical facts of the 80s and the best desktops for the company of geeks. Well, enough words! Let's get started!

Caution! Spoilers

I tried to compile the entire selection from paintings with the simplest philosophical context to the most complex, but for a start - a small introduction to the theory of philosophy in the field of IT. Do not worry, I will not talk about any theories of the type of "cosmos-chaos" and "essence of being." Only harsh IT.

Philosophy in the IT sector

Philosophy is translated from Greek as "love of wisdom." Whatever one may say, in the 21st century the wisest people work in IT. It is we who create the systems that help billions of people (if not more). It is we who are creating at this second that which did not exist before. Now I am writing this article, but in order for me to write it, and you can read and evaluate it, it took coordinated work for more than 30 years. From the moment of creating the data transfer protocols to the work of each member of the Habr community (yes, I have not forgotten about you, UFO). We were able to change physics, create new worlds (hello to all game devs). They were able to process data streams, which are more than particles in the universe (sysadmins and data scientists). They conquered space and even transferred a person to another world! I can continue this list for a long time, but I think you understand what I mean.

In my opinion, now IT is not only the most promising area of ​​work, but also the most difficult area. I do not compare physical and intellectual labor, but IT is the only area in which the key to success is continuous self-development . As soon as a specialist stops developing, he remains overboard. That is why the face of a successful IT person is the face of a young intelligent person. Pensioners with the thought that the project needs to be done as it was in his youth, of course there are, but they are many times smaller and they are not in the most successful IT companies.

I am sure that we can achieve more, but what is the price of this “greater”? What are we ready to go to achieve what was not there before.

Some facts:

Again, you can continue the list for a long time, but it is already clear that this process cannot be stopped. Artificial intelligence has long surpassed human intelligence. In some areas it is used actively, in some it is not used at all, but in 10-15 years it will be widespread use and the role of IT specialists in the world will increase significantly. You can sit and wonder how it will be, but you can turn to art and see what philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists and science fiction writers think about it.


We start with a relative novelty. The film "Upgrade" was released in 2018. The country is Australia, the slogan is “Not a man. Not a car. Something more". Genre - Fiction, Action, Thriller, Detective, Crime.

The action takes place in the near future. At the center of the story is the auto mechanic Gray, who lives in a luxurious house with his wife Asha. In the world described by the film, high technologies are so developed that most people have chips and implants built into their bodies, which can greatly facilitate their life. People with a fortune can even afford fully automatic cars that do not require the presence of a driver. However, Gray is suspicious of modern technology and remains “clean” from chips and implants. His wife works in a high-paying position in a large company, while Gray is busy all day fixing vintage cars for private clients.

But one day everything changed. A young family has an accident. A group of bandits kills his wife, and Gray remains completely disabled. His "friend" Eron offers a way out of the situation - the STEM system (a chip that will be implanted by a cripple in the spine). This chip will transmit signals from the brain to the limbs. The operation was successful and Gray goes in search of Asha's killers.

Subject twists and analysis of philosophy
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Love, Death & Robots (Love, Death & Robots)

I think not so often in the Russian media there is a story about Netflix experimental series. However, this is the case.

“Love, death and robots” is not a series in the traditional sense, but rather an anthology of animated works: 18 short films were shot by different directors. Among the authors there are also quite famous ones, for example, Tim Miller (the director of Deadpool), he just belongs to the idea of ​​this collection. Among the other directors are Spaniards Alberto Mielgo (who worked on the recent film Spider-Man: Through the Universes and the television series Tron: Rebellion) and Victor Maldonado (who directed the film Under the Cover of the Night).

Talking about the plot in this series is useless, since all 18 episodes are not connected with each other and talking about what is happening in this or that series and depriving you of the curiosity of watching it would be honest with me. See for yourself.

Spoiler Upgrade
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Cyberslav is the only project that has not yet had time to come out, but it has high expectations and is being made by the Russian studio Evil Pirate Studio.

Neon domes, digital gusli and carbon fiber bast shoes - this is what we call the ancient Slavic cyberpunk.

KIBERSLAV - it’s not for you to tuck a fur coat into your underpants, it is the coolest teenage epic with an abundance of action in the most unusual setting that you can remember.

Are you ready for the shooting of Russian folk evil from plasmagans? Hold on to the chair, it is coming!

- Evil Pirate Studio

There is almost no information about the film, but I could not mention it (and would not want to do it). The project looks, at least, interesting. What to expect next is a big question, but I am still waiting for this picture and the moment when our cinema will reach a new level.

A robot named Chappie

The film was released in 2015. The country is South Africa and the USA, the slogan is “I am discovery. I am wonder. I am Chappie "(" I am a discovery. I am amazing. I am Chappie "). Genre - Fiction, Action, Thriller, Drama, Crime.

One of the distinguishing features of the film is the actors. Well, in what other film can you see Hugh Jackman and Sigourney Weaver together with the singers of Die Antwoord?

South Africa swept a wave of crime. The government is ordering a series of armored police scout droids. They help the police in the fight against criminal gangs, although one of the droids at number 22 regularly receives damage in each raid.

At home, Deon Wilson creates a prototype of artificial intelligence that completely imitates the human mind and allows its owner to experience emotions and have his own opinion: he can develop, think, feel and create. However, the director of the corporation Michelle Bradley forbids Deon to conduct an experiment on one of the police robots, since the company is not interested in this.

Deon is forced to take the security key, which is stored in the corporation and used to update the software, and abducts one of the droids - at number 22. He suffered serious damage during the last raid when the anti-tank missile damaged his replaceable battery, and was preparing to go under the press until Deon intervened.

On the way to the house, Deon finds himself captured by a gang of gangsters, which includes the Ninja, Yolandi and America. It was the grouping of this gang that damaged the droid at number 22. They demand from Deon to tell how all the robots are turned off in order to get the necessary money without much effort, but they are disappointed: Deon says that the latch inside the robots will not allow this. Then they demand to reprogram the droid collected by Deon that he worked in their interests. Deon has to install new software right in the shelter of the bandits, and thereby creates a new personality of the robot, which in its behavior does not differ from the child. Deon and Yolandi calm the robot and teach him the words, and he gets the name "Chappy." Despite Deon’s desire to be with the robot, the Ninja drives Deon out of his shelter, believing that he is not getting into his business.

Yolandi is trying to educate Chappy and teach him the simplest things: he grasps on the fly almost all the jargon from America.

Philosophical context
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People (Humans)

One of my favorite TV shows. It consists of three seasons, the first of which started in 2015. People is an Anglo-American science fiction television series co-producing Channel 4, AMC and Kudos. The basis was taken by the Swedish science fiction television drama "Real People". The series explores the topics of artificial intelligence and robotics, focusing on the social, cultural and psychological aspects of the invention of anthropomorphic robots called "synthetics".

The plot. The events of the series take place in the near future. Android has become widespread in society, which are called "synthetics." They work in production, in auxiliary positions and in the household. "Synthetics" looks quite similar to people, but unemotional and unspiritual. One of the synthetics, the prostitute Niska, suddenly finds emotions and a human character. She kills a client who forced her to violence and runs on the run.

I will not tell further in the preamble. The series is quickly gaining momentum and not stingy on plot twists. I will not spoil your impression of him.

Subject twists and analysis of philosophy
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Better than people? Seriously?!
, . , Netflix ( , «Humans» AMC). - . — ( , ). — .

Modified Carbon (Altered Carbon)

Another amazing series. Altered Carbon is the science-fiction American television series Laeta Kalogridis, based on the novel of the same name by Richard Morgan, published in 2002. The series premiered on February 2, 2018 on Netflix. On July 27, 2018, the series was extended for a second season. The premiere of season 2 was held on February 27, 2020. Also, the film got an anime series called “Modified Carbon: Recovered”

In the courtyard of the XXVII century. Unsurprisingly, we are on Earth. The main character - Takeshi Kovach (an elite killer) dies from a bullet shot. All. We diverge.

Okay, joke. We are not easy in the 27th century. You just won’t die like that! Technology has evolved to the point where it is possible to scan the brain and load its scan into the so-called stack. In programming, the stack is implemented (most often) in the form of a unidirectional list (each element in the list contains, in addition to the stored information in the stack, a pointer to the next element of the stack). In the future, it looks like this:

Takeshi wakes up after 300 years in a new shell. Yes, now body and death mean nothing. The only way to kill a person is to shoot him a stack. He was resurrected not just like that, but by order of the maf (the rich man in the new world). Maf paid for Takeshi to investigate his murder.

Subject twists and analysis of philosophy
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The Terminator

James Cameron. If this name is not enough for you and by some miracle you are not aware of the existence of the movie “Terminator”, firstly, welcome to the Internet, and secondly, watch this great classic of world cinema.

The plot focuses on the confrontation between a soldier and a terminator robot, who arrived in 1984 from a post-apocalyptic year 2029. The terminator's goal: to kill Sarah Connor - a girl whose unborn son will win the war of mankind with cars in the possible future. Soldier in love with Sarah Kyle Reese is trying to stop the terminator. The film raises the problems of time travel, fate, the creation of artificial intelligence, people's behavior in extreme situations. Talking about the plot of the film is something else - it makes no sense. Let's talk better about the philosophy of the picture.

Philosophy Analysis
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How to watch the Terminator
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Robocop (RoboCop)

Robocop is a fantastic action movie directed by Paul Verhoeven in 1987. The film received five Saturn awards, one award and two Oscar nominations, and a number of other awards.

After the death of one of the best police officers, experimental doctors create from him an invulnerable cyborg Robocop, who alone fights against a gang of criminals. However, robust armor does not save Robocop from painful, fragmentary memories of the past: he constantly sees nightmares in which he dies at the hands of cruel criminals. Now he not only awaits justice, but also seeks revenge!

Analysis of the echoes of philosophy
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Johnny Mnemonic

The 1995 painting was released with the slogan “The hottest data on earth. In the coolest head in town ”(“ The hottest data on Earth. In the coolest head in town ”). The main role is played by the progenitor of the Cyberpunk genre in cinema - Keanu Reeves. The film was defeated by film critics and although not without reason, the picture to this day remains extremely entertaining (at least due to an interesting idea).

In the courtyard of 2021. Johnny works as a mnemonic - a courier transporting important information on a chip implanted in the brain, the memory for which is allocated from the general memory of a person (because of this, Johnny does not remember his childhood). He wants to save enough money for an operation, after which he can remember who he is.

When Johnny once again comes for a new piece of informational load, he starts to get into trouble. Firstly, the amount of information received (320 GB) exceeds the maximum permissible safe limit of 160 GB, and if you don’t get rid of what was laid in his head as soon as possible, Johnny will die. And secondly, it turns out that the Yakuza are hunting for information in his head. They kill Johnny's employers, and now he has to hide and look for help, which he quickly finds in the face of a professional bodyguard - the pretty girl Jane.

Analysis of the echoes of philosophy
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The Matrix

The peak of Keanu Reeves' career is the film The Matrix (I'm talking about the first part). The Matrix is ​​an American-Australian sci-fi action film shot by the Wachowski brothers. The film was released in the United States on March 31, 1999 and marked the beginning of the film trilogy.

The plot will not tell here - too large spoilers.

Analysis of philosophy and large spoilers
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Alan Turing

Before parsing the next film, I would like to talk about the father of computer technology. About Alan Turing.

I happened to read all of Turing's works. The main one, in my opinion, is a work entitled “Can a machine think?” ("Can the Machine Think?"). Turing worked his test as follows - you correspond with two interlocutors (say, A and B). Can you understand who the machine or person answered you? If not, the test is passed and the car can be considered reasonable. Turing called the “The Imitation Game”. A computer imitates a person and his answers. Turing wrote a lot more about the criteria for assessing artificial intelligence, about what a game is, about the universality and learning ability of machines. There are 7 sections in the article, and Turing wrote about this, think about it in 1950, and his work is still alive.

About Alan Turing made a film called "The Game of Imitation." The film was about Turing Enigma's hack, and not about our topic today. Watch this movie. Many residents did not even know about the feat of the IT man who saved millions of lives.

She (Her)

Before us is an American fantasy melodrama directed and written by Spike Jonze. This is his solo debut. The film "She" received various awards and nominations, with special praise for Jonze's screenplay. At the Academy Award, the film was nominated in five categories, including Best Picture, and Jones won the Best Original Screenplay nomination. At the 71st Golden Globe Award, the film received three nominations, continuing to win "Best Screenplay" for Jones. Jones was also awarded the Best Original Screenplay Award from the Writers Guild of America and at the 19th Critics' Choice Awards. The film also won the nominations for “Best Fantastic Film”, “Best Supporting Actress” for Scarlett Johansson (voice acting), and “Best Screenplay” for Jones at the 40th Saturn Award.“She” also won the “Best Film” and “Best Director” for Jones at the National Council Review Award; The American Film Institute has included the film on its list of the top ten films of 2013. It is also important to note that the main role is played by the Oscar-winningJoker Joaquin Phoenix.

As for me, the film turned out to be very “vanilla”. The protagonist is Theodore Twombly, a lonely man of thirty. He works for a handwritten romantic writing company. Theodore is the best compiler of such letters. Colleagues even gave him the nickname - "a man with a female soul."

Technology has evolved very quickly. Voice input has become commonplace. Operating systems have been created that adapt to the user. During installation, the user is asked a few questions. He answers them and receives an adapted system. Read intonation, and sighs, and human motility from the camera. So Samantha was born - Theodore's OS.

Philosophy analysis and spoilers
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Out of car (Ex Machina)

I can not say about the translation of the name. Ex is not "From." Ex translate as former / former. Let's call the movie “Former Car” correctly. Feel the pun The former car, that is, the car that ceased to be her or the former as a girl.

The director of this beautiful film was made by no less beautiful Alex Garland. We’ll talk about it today.

The plot focuses on a young man who is hired by a billionaire who made a fortune in high-tech developments. The employee’s task is to spend a week in a remote place, testing a female robot with artificial intelligence. I will stop there. See for yourself.

Analysis of philosophy and large spoilers
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Ghost in the Shell

It's about the 1995 anime. It doesn’t matter whether you like anime or not. Not to see this movie is a lot to lose. He exceeded the expectation of everyone (from manga lovers to Hollywood screenwriters).

Here I’ll post not just a soundtrack, but an opening. Animeshniki know that this is a certain ritual in the picture.

The film takes place in a dystopian future. By 2029, thanks to ubiquitous computer networks and cyber technology, almost all people had implanted a variety of neural implants. But cyber technologies have brought a new danger to humans: the so-called “brain breaking” and a number of other crimes directly related to them have become possible.

The ninth division, a special police squad engaged in the fight against cyber terrorism and equipped with the latest technology, is ordered to investigate this matter and stop the hacker, who is hiding under the pseudonym Puppeteer. In fact, the Puppeteer is the artificial intelligence created by the government to carry out diplomatic tasks and provocations. He is hidden under the pseudonym "Project 2501", allowing you to achieve the goal by any means, including hacking ghosts of people around the world. In the process of work, “Project 2501” develops and its own ghost arises in it. The ninth department is trying to neutralize the Puppeteer, but only puppet people with hacked ghosts fall into their hands. The activities of the department attract the attention of the Puppeteer, he is especially interested in Major Motoko Kusanagi, seeing her as a soul mate, and trying to get in touch.Taking the opportunity, he transfers his ghost to an android who falls into the Ninth Division.

Analysis of philosophy and large spoilers
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Blade Runner

This picture is lucky. Both films are beautiful ( Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 ). It is best to watch them together, as the characters are the same and Runner 2049 is a direct continuation of the film shot in 1982. The director of the film is Ridley Scott, the man who gave us Alien.

Retired detective Rick Deckard was reinstated in Los Angeles police to search for a group of cyborgs led by Roy Battie who escaped from a space colony to Earth. Everything else is spoilers and philosophy, which we will discuss below.

Analysis of philosophy and large spoilers
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Developed (Devs)

The culmination of philosophy in IT and the world at large is the recently released Devs series. The director of the film is Alex Garland (yes, the one who shot "Ex Machina"). The series became the standard of philosophical and esoteric paintings for many years to come. At least I hope so.

To name the main character is already a spoiler. Therefore - immediately to philosophy.

Analysis of philosophy and large spoilers
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The finish

This is my biggest movie and TV show of mine. There are already 15 paintings in the selection! I would like to end it with our traditional vote, but with the choice of not one film, but several.

If you agree or disagree with me, let's discuss our points of view in the comments. It will be interesting to everyone!

If you liked this article, I will definitely continue my work. The promised "Freeze and Burn" is just around the corner. :-)

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