The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 342 developer (on April 20 - 26)

Another digest for mobile developers - we talk about endless scrolling, about erroneous map binding, about updates and losses, A / B testing and reduction of advertising revenue.

Each developer for mobile platforms is constantly faced with a task that cannot be solved in one single way. There are always several ways, some quick, some complicated, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+13)  Error is not UIAlertController
(+10)  Build time optimization - Part 1
(+6) AppCode 2020.1: performance improvements, auto-completion to the end of indexing, documentation generation and much more
(+3) CoreData model from the code. Or “How to do without .XCDataModel” (Part 1)
(0) iOS field validation is quick and easy
2 critical vulnerabilities were discovered in iOS
Everything you wanted to know about the Sign in with Apple function
New iPhone SE caused a stir
Spectacular rainbow animation on SwiftUI
How to make a multi-line text field in SwiftUI
A collection of sliders for SwiftUI
Using TensorFlow.js in the iOS application to detect objects
Notification banner on SwiftUI
Function Builders in Swift and SwiftUI
Returning users to the application: deep links in iOS
Distribution of compiled static Swift libraries and Swift static frameworks
GraphQL, Combine and SwiftUI
Injecting dependencies in iOS on Swift with Swinject and SwinjectStoryboard
Proton: best UITextView


(+4)   AndroidStudio
(+4)  Android in the industrial controller
(+3)  Backend-Driven UI using widgets
(+3)  Get and switch WebVTT subtitles in ExoPlayer
Embed In-App Updates in the application
The third preview version of Android 11 has been released
Android Broadcast # 14: Android Avito infrastructure in Open Source
Android Broadcast # 13: Android SafetyNet. Is it reliable?
Yandex released its Android TV
How we used Kotlin to create a mobile design application
Android Dev Podcast # 112: News. Subscriptions best practices. Merge Adapter LayoutInspector 3D. CameraX
Google has demanded that application developers clearly show the cost and conditions of unsubscribing
Scan QR with CameraX
Realtime Database vs. Firestore: 9 key differences
Database Inspector
One Tap sign in for Android applications
Creating a YouTube player on Kotlin
How to set up biometric authentication in Android
Cancellations in coroutines
Custom Listeners in Android
ProtonMail: secure mail
Uber Car Animation Android: machine animation
Kiwi Browser: fast browser for Android


(+53)  Yandex automatically links the card to another account
(+25)  Stories of the developers of your favorite games about what they are proud of
(+23) How to eradicate viruses on the Corona SDK
(+19) Optimization of rendering for Mobile, part 2. The main families of modern mobile GPUs
(+15)  Creating an interface for the game
(+12)  Hive - fast local base for Flutter, Dart
(+8) Errors that will ruin a project of any complexity. The experience of Redmadrobot managers
(+4)  How to test remotely so as not to ruin the product and your life
Podlodka # 160: Machine translation
500,000 developers use Flutter every month
IT industry may be reduced by 18–20 thousand programmers
Google announced Cloud Healthcare API Availability
How I spent half a year updating the application and lost 10 thousand users
How to make beautiful Low Poly art for the game (Blender, Unity)
If the programming languages ​​had honest slogans
Firebase Realtime Database and login to the system for Android and iOS
7 steps to to become the Mozart of programming until the end of quarantine
Migrating Flutter applications to the Web
Audio Player for Flutter: Apple Music-style player
33 GitHub repository for mobile application developers

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+44)  How to stop worrying and get started believe A / B tests
(+6)  Great guide on A / B testing
(+6)  Postman - Autotesting metrics in AppMetrica
(+3)  9 ideas for A / B testing of clips for mobile games
Superposition of analyst: Paradoxes and cognitive distortions. How analytics to maneuver in a data stream.
App Annie named the most popular applications among Russians from January to April 2020
Surrendered at Epic Games - Fortnite went on Google Play
OneSignal launched Advanced Analytics
FunCorp: mobile advertising revenue fell 50% in March
Houseparty: video conferencing with games
The frank history of a Russian startup that attracted more than $ 1 million to an application for children
How to promote the application: a complete guide for 2020

AI, Devices, IoT

(+57)  We deal with traffic jams in a small city for a small budget: results of 6 months of the project
(+18 )  Artefact: AR in the museum through the eyes of a developer, analyst, art critic
(+13) Databases in the IIoT platform: how Cloud Solutions work with petabytes of data from many devices
(+12)  Object Detection. Recognize and rule. Part 2
(+5)  Errors in the design of the VR, VR interface for interface designers
(+4)  Frequently asked questions about VR helmets and games
Magic Leap fires half of employees and leaves the consumer market
Artificial intelligence Accenture, Sulubaii and Intel helps maintain a coral reef
The fall in the smartphone market in the third quarter of 2020 will be at least 40%

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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