How to set up work in ever-changing conditions: Aktion's free anti-crisis courses

At the end of March, our media holding prepared special anti-crisis courses on how to organize the work of a business in new conditions. We have developed programs for company executives, accountants, lawyers, human resources personnel and doctors - they help to understand the legal aspects of the situation and adapt to it. Courses are designed for a variety of companies - from microbusiness to public sector enterprises and HOAs. You can go through them remotely and for free.

About the "chips" of the courses, their preparation, as well as more about the course for business leaders, tell the director of the educational business of Aktion-ICFER Dmitry Zatsepin and the chief editor of the School of General Director of Aktion Antonina Pavlova.

About the project of express courses

For us, as for everyone, the current situation was a complete surprise. But the task of any product specialist is to be one step ahead of the market and be able to predict risks and consequences. Therefore, already at the end of February, we realized that the clouds were gathering, and began to prepare for different scenarios and format tasks in advance. This affected not only educational, but in general all of our products.

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The practice window of one of the courses - all content is available for free.

Courses were created by our editors, but all the experts of the schools we work with took part in their preparation, business practices, people who are regular speakers and newsmakers of our magazines and help systems, lecturers, speakers at our recent emergencyconference“How can companies survive the spring of 2020” - representatives of the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Ministry of Finance, Rostrud, etc. (the conference was held in early April, we formulated the program on the basis of the Aktion customer support hotline questions — see the broadcastshere).

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What do you need to get started?

The project is free, so users need to take a minimum of actions to get access to it. If at our other courses it is necessary to pay, prepare a specific package of documents, then here we tried to create the most comfortable usability, reducing inconvenience to the user to zero. The listener simply registers with the system and gets access to our free products, services and magazines.

Questions on topics relevant to the crisis

In other, “large” programs, designed for 2-3 months of classes, we also made the appropriate changes, made the necessary adjustments, supplemented and enriched with the content that would be useful in times of crisis

- Dmitry Zatsepin

Can I take several courses at once?

Small and medium-sized businesses have been hit hardest by the crisis. In such companies, it happens that one specialist performs several labor functions. Therefore, we have all programs open: one person can take accounting, personnel, and legal courses, that is, we can find the whole range of information of interest to us.

Why take the entrance test before the course?

Entrance test is a tool that helps our products to be more adaptive. The user does not need to spend his time studying issues that he has already learned. After passing the test, only new, unexplored content will be shown.

Question for the entrance test for the course for HR professionals

How long does the course last?

Duration varies. There are programs designed for two weeks, but the duration of most courses is one month. Our regular programs last 2-3 months. Anti-crisis courses turned out to be more concise, but no less capacious. They provide information compactly, rationally and as useful as possible. Programs contain both video and interactive elements, but in preparing the courses we focused primarily on saving time - the faster you get the information, the faster you can apply it to your work.

Convenient material navigation, if desired, the program can be shortened

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As part of the anti-crisis project, we prepared several programs for managers at once and, in particular, a course designed for general directors. The purpose of this course is to help organize the remote work of employees, agree with lessors and contractors about new working conditions, and find internal reserves to deal with stress.

This course also allows students to take on the experience of colleagues - many topics are given on the example of cases of well-known Russian companies. Entrepreneurs and business leaders share the experience of crisis management: we collected their written and video answers to the most pressing questions, and based on them we formed the lessons of the program.

The real experience of entrepreneurs and top managers of Russian business is the “trick” of this course. Managers who have excellent control over the remote team show how to set up such a process. Businessmen from affected industries talk about how they act to save a business. The psychologist explains how, in the current circumstances, the leader does not succumb to fears, remains willing to fight and support the team and company. Fitness trainer gives exercises that can be done on a piece of floor and which will help keep yourself alert and not lose physical fitness. Each lesson is a practice from real people from the business.

The preparation of the course was attended by:

  • Igor Smirnov, founder of the GEMS branding agency and Humaniq service;
  • Alla Manichkina, Director of Ralf Ringer Corporate University;
  • Anna Belova, owner of Devar;
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  • , - World Gym ;
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  • Andrey Nyanchuk, TV and theater director, acting teacher, public speaking expert.

In this case, the list is supplemented, the program will include several more lessons from no less eminent experts.

The course has checklists and material filed in presentation format. Both the checklist and presentation can be downloaded; they are created in the corporate templates of the Aktion Holding. There are also materials in additional documents, they can also be downloaded. We plan to constantly expand the list of materials

- Antonina Pavlova

This program does not provide practical tasks, as well as feedback. All lessons are instructions or a comprehensive description of the experience of our colleagues. The presentation and format are aimed at ensuring that the listener can immediately implement similar approaches at home or use the received advice in management. In the lessons there are illustrative examples of how to do it right and what will lead to errors. In the current situation, when the situation is constantly changing, the main task is to make decisions quickly. Our program gives examples of such solutions.

What other courses are included in the anti-crisis program

In total, as part of the anti-crisis program, we prepared 14 courses :

For the chief accountant. Experts of the Aktion Higher School Glavbukh talk about the new working documents that appeared due to quarantine, and the rules for their design. You will also learn how to reduce taxes in a crisis and organize remote accounting work.

For chief accountants on a simplified account . The course on how to restructure the work of accounting - to execute paperwork, calculate payments and pursue a tax policy - in conditions when the authorities introduce new anti-crisis measures.

For HR Director. As part of this course, we are talking about how to transfer personnel to a new operating mode, reorganize processes associated with the movements of employees, and if necessary, how to properly organize cuts in a crisis, or optimize a company's work without layoffs.

The first thematic block in the course for HR-specialists

Program for the chief accountants of state institutions . This program contains all the new rules regarding public accountants. Here you will find recommendations and examples of calculations that need to be done under quarantine conditions, sample documents to formalize employees in the TC, and memos for COSGU and CWR codes for purchases.

Program for personnel officers. We will tell you what tools for personnel control should be mastered by a specialist in the personnel department. In particular, they will help him monitor employee compliance with preventive health measures. The course contains examples and samples of all necessary documents.

Program for the head of an educational organization . Anti-crisis materials on how to rebuild the business processes of an educational institution: which of the employees to transfer to the remote ’, how to help teachers organize distance learning. And also about what to change in the educational and other processes, if in the current conditions the institution continues to work in person.

Course card for educational organizations on

For directors and entrepreneurs. Specialists from the School of the Director-General tell how to establish a productive team work in the distance, how to negotiate with tenants and landlords, and how to draw up an anti-crisis work plan and adapt business processes to new conditions.

For financial directors . The program will answer the question of how to transfer the financial service to remote work and manage it. There will be tips on organizing workflow with contractors in quarantine and protecting confidential information.

For a specialist in labor protection . This is an opportunity to understand preventive measures and what to do with planned and pre-trip medical examinations, how to organize remote briefings and work of employees of continuously operating enterprises.

For managers of MA, HOA and housing cooperative. The program will help to develop a set of preventive measures for the disinfection of multi-apartment buildings and transfer employees to udalenka ’in compliance with the RF Labor Code. The course also contains recommendations of the Rospotrebnadzor for the organization of office work and examples of documents required to receive compensation for the costs of measures to combat coronavirus.

For lawyers . What an inhouse lawyer needs to know to solve corporate problems in the context of a complex epidemiological situation. The program was developed taking into account changes in business processes both within the company and outside the office.

Lessons from the company's legal security course

For customers and procurement professionals. How to work in the ENI from home and prepare for the purchase of essential goods. Specialists from the Higher School of Public Procurement also tell how to correctly postpone the terms of procurement and terminate the contract in case of force majeure, without receiving a fine.

For the head doctor . The course will help to develop a set of preventive measures, as well as to understand how to act in a clinic, hospital or beyond when identifying a person infected with coronavirus and prevent the spread of infection.

For head nurses. We tell how to organize measures to protect against coronavirus infection in a medical institution: from calculating the need for disinfectants and ending with control over epidemiological safety. We give recommendations on how to prevent panic among medical workers and maintain productivity under conditions of increased stress.

All courses are publicly available until May 31 and are regularly updated to reflect new information and government decisions. Join our program: we hope that the experience and knowledge of our experts will help you work more efficiently in today's difficult situation.

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