Eagle owl letter

Today we continue the topic of managed learning, publish interviews with a trained bot .


Hello. I'm Phil's robot. I can talk on topics of a certain circle.

What topics can you talk about?

The range of topics for discussion: human evolution - how it differs from animals - artificial intelligence, the change of economic formations capitalism - communism, propaganda and fakes, religion, the meaning of life.

How is a person different from animals?

A civilized man differs from the animal world by the presence of external memory and the ability to transmit it by inheritance. We can say writing - this is the second heredity. In addition to the usual transfer of genes, a person has the ability to accumulate and inherit acquired attributes - knowledge and skills. In themselves, neither the tools nor the size of the brain are sufficient conditions for civilization, it is necessary that they meet and make writing possible. With its advent, evolution has changed direction.

How has evolution changed direction?

Those species of monkeys that use tools, and remain monkeys. Dolphins have a larger human brain and language is very complex - they even call each other by name - but they have nothing and nothing to record on, so each generation starts at the same level. The ability to store memory on an external medium and effectively transfer it to posterity through training is the key factor of civilization. With his appearance, the subject of natural selection has changed.

What is the subject of natural selection in humans?

Binary heredity - the ability to inherit and record together with genes - makes natural selection also binary, not only individuals, but also social structures become the subject of selection. More effective communities survive in competition. They are not necessarily all made up of the most intelligent or strongest individuals, they simply possess more effective knowledge and are better organized. Knowledge is not inherited genetically; other laws come into force. It is not the spicy descendants who inherit, but the students, their number can be much larger.

When did a monkey turn into a human?

The monkey turned into a man when she made the first notch on a tree, understandable to relatives. Many animals have social behavior, and they can build dwellings, and even teach each other, but the key difference of a person is the ability to alienate knowledge, fix it on an external medium for transmission to relatives. This is where the biological evolution for humans has ended, knowledge and records are accumulating faster than useful mutations.

What is the difference between learning and gene inheritance?

The mechanism of inheritance (distribution) of acquired characters is fundamentally different from gene inheritance. The role of DNA is played by writing, and instead of DNA replication, the process of learning descendants. Direct kinship for the transfer of knowledge is completely optional. Pupils can be much more than direct descendants. Knowledge accumulates faster than genetic changes.

What is training?

Inheritance of knowledge (training) differs from inheritance of genes of parents in that it is social in nature. It is not the direct descendants that inherit, but the students, and the object of selection is not individuals, but ideas, technologies. The success of ideas is determined by their relevance in society, and not by the fertility of the author. Einstein is not a prolific African king, but their influence on humanity is incomparable. The carrier and means of accumulating acquired information is writing, its appearance stopped biological evolution. Do you understand why?

Why is training effective?

Training is an organized process of acquiring personal experience. Someone else's experience helps to speed up learning, to correctly organize a chain of examples and tasks, the solution of which, in fact, acquires personal experience. The educational process can be extremely effective - the student learns how to solve problems for which the scientist spent his life in hours. Therefore, the phenomenon of human civilization became possible, that the assimilation of another's experience can occur much faster than the acquisition of one's own. Otherwise, the fate of dolphins would befall people, and writing would be useless: what is the use of writing if it takes life to study a textbook?

How did you learn everything?

The effectiveness of organized training has a mathematical justification, which we managed to implement in very approximate form on a computer. See the Managed Learning page .

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