How to reuse code with symfony 5 bundles? Part 5. Configuration

Let's talk about how to stop copy-paste between projects and transfer the code to a re-usable symfony 5 plug-in bundle. A series of articles summarizing my experience with bundles will lead in practice from creating a minimal bundle and refactoring a demo application to tests and the bundle release cycle.

In a previous article, we talked about how to extend the functionality of a bundle in a host application using tags. In this article, we add the flexibility bundle: create a configuration file and define several parameters.

  • DI container parameters and their redefinition
  • Bundle configuration file
  • Work with configuration

If you are not completing the tutorial sequentially, then download the application from the repository and switch to the 4-extend branch .

Instructions for installing and starting the project in a file You will find the final version of the code for this article in the 5-configuration branch .

DI container parameters and their redefinition

There is already a configuration file inside the bundle config/services.yaml, where the configuration of the services of the DI container is determined. There you can define the parameters.

, -.

, . , soft-delete ( , «»). , .

config/services.yaml :

    bravik.calendar.enable_soft_delete: true

venodor.package.parameter. snake_case : . , .

EditorController . $enableSoftDelete, false:

public function __construct(
    EventRepository $eventRepository,
    bool $enableSoftDelete = false
) { 

, services.yaml :

        $enableSoftDelete: '%bravik.calendar.enable_soft_delete%'

, -   «».  , ,     « »,   .  false,   ,   «-».

services.yaml -. , , !

, :

  1. -, . , - , «  ». , . , ,
  2. -, .


: , , , , .

, . Symfony .

config/packages/, , . . , .


load() DependencyInjection/CalendarExtension.php :

public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container) {}

, ContainerBuilder $configs. dd($configs) : .

config/packages/ calendar.yaml:

calendar:                     # extension key
  enable_soft_delete: false

, Symfony config/packages/ . CalendarExtension::load(), Extension-, Extension snake_case. , .

, $configs:

^ array:1 [▼
  0 => array:1 [▼
    "enable_soft_delete" => false

PHP , - . ?

, . packages test, prod dev .

, . , , framework , $configs. .

(extension key) Symfony , load(). .

. 1 , dd($configs) .


, ? , .

CalendarExtension Configuration:

namespace bravik\CalendarBundle\DependencyInjection;

use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface;

class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface
    public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
        $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('calendar');


        return $treeBuilder;

TreeBuilder, , enable_soft_delete boolean.

TreeBuilder , , . , , .

, CalendarExtension::load() :

public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container)
    $configuration = new Configuration();
    $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs);

processConfiguration() , Configuration, , , $config.

$config, .

, :


, bravik.calendar.enable_soft_delete config/service.yaml.

   , «»   .

services.yaml bravik.calendar.enable_soft_delete. enable_soft_delete :

//    'bravik.calendar.enable_soft_delete',
//    $config['enable_soft_delete']

$definition = $container->getDefinition(EditorController::class);
  '$enableSoftDelete' => $config['enable_soft_delete'],

, , .

true/false :

Exception: Invalid type for path "calendar.enable_soft_delete". Expected boolean, but got string.

, ,

Exception: Undefined index: enable_soft_delete

: . . Configuration.

//            ->defaultFalse() //    booleanNode()

, , . :


, . , deprecated.

. Symfony bin/console config:dump calendar, .

            ->info('Enables soft delete mode for articles. Articles would be marked as `archived` instead of deletion')


      per_day: 10
      per_month: 100

                        ->ifTrue(function ($v) { return $v <= 0; })
                        ->thenInvalid('Number must be positive')
                        ->ifTrue(function ($v) { return $v <= 0; })
                        ->thenInvalid('Number must be positive')

. : .

Symfony , .

: .

c , . .


              - { code: 'en', label: 'English' }
              - { code: 'ru', label: '' }


-, .

. .

, , Symfony .

, — . , .


Symfony .


Part 1. The minimum bundle
Part 2. We take out the code and templates in the bundle
Part 3. Integration of the bundle with the host: templates, styles, JS
Part 4. Interface for expanding the bundle
Part 5. Parameters and configuration
Part 6. Testing, microapplication inside the bundle
Part 7 Release cycle, installation and update

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