Read on the weekend: a selection of materials on the history of DNS, IT regulation and hardware

We talk about how the domain name system has evolved - from the ARPANET era to disagreements regarding the DoH / DoT protocols - and also discuss the infrastructure of the IaaS provider.

Photo - Bruno Cordioli - CC BY

DNS History

How the domain name system has evolved: the ARPANET era . The first part of a series of articles on DNS, where we talk about the problems of the ARPANET network, we came up with a domain name system to solve them. In particular, we will talk about the addressing difficulties that appeared after connecting to the network of three hundred computers from universities across America. Engineers Paul Mokapetris and John Postel then proposed a new host identification framework.

The history of the domain name system: the first DNS servers . The concept of domain names, proposed by Paul Mokapetris and John Postel, took root in the IT community quite quickly. Berkeley engineers put it into practice almost immediately - that is how the first BIND DNS server appeared. It was followed by other decisions that we talk about in the material.

DNS History: When Domain Names Become Paid . Top-level domains are now managed by ICANN. But before her, Network Solutions Inc. did this. (NSI) hired by the US government. It was at NSI that they decided to charge for domain registration. The IT community has not met this initiative in the best way, so enthusiasts have organized alternative namespaces. The article talks about several such projects - AlterNIC, eDNS, Iperdome, dotBERLIN and the well-known GNU Name System.

The history of the domain name system: “war” protocols. The DNS mechanism proposed by Paul Mokapetris did not take into account many of the IS requirements that came with the development of the Internet. To close the flaws, the protocols EDNS, DNS over HTTPS, and DNS over TLS arose. Their implementation still causes heated debate among experts - we decided to discuss the most popular points of view.


What tools will help meet GDPR . This is our selection of utilities and frameworks to understand the requirements of the European regulation on the protection of personal data. It includes free products from startup Algolia, whose services Twitch uses, as well as bots for monitoring cookies on your site.

How to remove yourself from most popular services. The reasons may be different - for example, you simply abandoned one application in favor of another. Be that as it may, leaving unused accounts is dangerous in terms of information security. But on some sites, deleting data about yourself is not so simple - sometimes you have to send a paper application to tech support. The JustDeleteMe library is able to simplify these procedures - we explain how it is useful. We also discuss the initiatives of large IT companies that help the townsfolk “cover the digital footprint”.

Photo - ujesh - CC BY

Screening devices at the border - need or violation of human rights?The practice of screening devices at the border is quite common. This is done by the customs services of the USA, China, Canada and other countries. We decided to discuss the pros and cons, and also collected some recommendations for travelers on how to protect our personal data .


The evolution of cloud architecture 1cloud . For a long time, the backbone of our architecture was the classic three-level model . But this approach did not scale well, which began to cause certain inconveniences. Therefore, we decided to make the infrastructure modular, where each module contains its own database and corresponds to a specific service - for example, “ Virtual Infrastructure ” or “ DNS Hosting ”. We share the experience of implementation.

We have new equipment: Cisco UCS B480 M5 . Anboxing of one of the most powerful servers included in the resource pool. We talk about the characteristics, demonstrate the appearance and show the "inner world" of the machine. Caution, a lot of photos .

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A computer that refuses to die. We talk about the Japanese FACOM 128B, which was commissioned in 1958. Let's talk about the principles of its operation - for example, the binary-quaternary code (bi-quinary), which greatly simplifies the maintenance of the relay.

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