My experience using a vertical monitor

Hello, Habr! I, like, probably, many others, often have the desire to make some changes in my working environment. In this article, you will find thoughts about one such change - turning the monitor 90 °. I hope that the article will help to reorganize the workplace if you have long wanted to do this.

My work place

How did i come to this

4.5 months ago (December 1, 2019) for some reason I wrote to a friend that I want to buy a bracket to install the monitor vertically. As the saying goes, it was evening, there was nothing to do, so I came to the simplest, most budgetary and, probably, collective farm decision of the possible: to take a monitor and put it on its side. On the same day, I unscrewed the stand, secured a more reliable monitor and was like that. Incidentally, I still have not bought a bracket, because I don’t see much point: you don’t need to raise the monitor higher, it stands firmly, it doesn’t collapse anywhere. Checked by two cats.

About the location of monitors

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  • Pomodoro
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Despite the fly in the ointment described above, I will continue to use the vertical monitor, because I read a lot on the computer. By the way, according to my observations, 95% + sites work fine with this resolution.

If you have an experience of use that you would like to share, or a question - welcome to comment.

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