6 home sports apps


COVID-19 is raging in Russia, and the best way to deal with it is to sit at home and try not to lean out. The task is not difficult, but due to the lack of movement, many (and we, too!) Began to grow fat, but you can’t go to the gym or even go for a run. Habr’s editorial office tried for a week sports applications at home, launching new ones every morning.
We decided to tell about fitness applications within the framework of the Marathon of a remote site at Habr Career . We started this soul-saving movement so as not to go crazy in isolation ourselves. And at the same time, we hope that this activity will help someone to pump up remote work skills, make home office more comfortable and just diversify quarantine everyday life.

Topic of the week: Workplace
Curator of the week: Evgeny Rossinsky, Director of Technology at ivi

ProFit - Personal Trainer


Platform: iOS , Android

Pro Fit is intended to replace a personal fitness trainer - this is stated already in the name of the application in the App Store. The developers promise more than 350 “effective exercises for various muscle groups”, their detailed descriptions, photo and video tutorials on how to perform them, and visualization of the muscles involved as a result of exercises. In addition, the application has a built-in training log, timer, calendar and the ability to monitor your progress with the help of interactive charts.

Immediately after launch, the application offers you to choose where you will train - at home or in the gym. In the current realities, of course, we are only interested in the first option. Then Pro Fit determines the goal of sports - losing weight, maintaining muscle tone or increasing muscle strength - and also offers to enter personal data: gender, age, weight and height. You need to indicate which muscle groups, in your opinion, are behind the rest - they will be emphasized in calculating the exercise program.

, Pro Fit (1550 ₽) (3890 ₽). — , . , , . , Pro Fit — , .

Workout Trainer


Platform: iOS , Android

Workout Trainer recognized as the best application for sports in the study of Roskachestvo in 2018. Then it received the highest score for the scientific nature of the information and the number of trainings, including without sports equipment. In the application, you can use audio and video instructions and recommendations of professional trainers about the course of exercises. In addition, Workout Trainer has sections for fans of crossfit and tabata training.

Keep in mind that Workout Trainer is not Russified. The vocabulary in the application for sports does not require any professional level of language, but for those who do not know English at all, this can be a big obstacle. But the Android version of the application supports Google Fit. Workout Trainer clarifies how often you play sports, what your goal is and what types of exercises you prefer - and the list of these types is very long. As in the case of Pro Fit, Workout Trainer asks for a paid subscription, which will open access to training programs, but it is much cheaper - 529 ₽ / month. or 4050 ₽ / year. In addition, a trial period of one week is available.

In general, the Workout Trainer bribed me with wide functionality and an assortment of workouts in a different way. But just because of this, it will be difficult to understand the application for a beginner who decided to go in for sports for the first time. And the lack of Russification is still a pretty significant minus for the application, in which you need to clearly follow the instructions.

adidas Training


Platform: iOS , Android

In adidas Training, you can develop your own individual training in a special constructor. The application has exercise programs for various purposes - losing weight, gaining weight, keeping the body in good shape or a good stretch. In adidas Training, you can watch more than 180 videos in HD-quality, which, moreover, are displayed on the big screen - however, this requires an Apple TV or at least an iPad.

Like other applications, adidas Training starts with a standard set of questions: gender, age, weight, purpose of training and degree of preparation. Personally, I liked the interface - it is intuitive and simple, there is nothing superfluous in it, unlike Workout Trainer. In addition, at the very beginning, it clarifies what specifically interferes with sports - lack of knowledge, motivation, instructions, support, or a tight schedule.

There is still a paid tariff - it gives access to additional training programs and premium features, but the application does not impose its purchase. The cost of a paid subscription is 599 ₽ per month or 2990 ₽ per year. It also unlocks premium features in another Adidas Runtastic running app.

, adidas Training — , , . adidas Training — «/» , .

Nike Training Club


Platform: iOS , Android

Nike Training Club offers 185 free workouts, including yoga, strength training, and endurance and mobility training. The application supports Apple Watch, develops adaptive programs and personalized recommendations. In addition, you can engage in programs designed for eminent athletes: Cristiano Ronaldo, Serena Williams, Michael B. Jordan and others.

The Nike application is very similar to Adidas Training - similar functionality, a similar interface, even the need for authorization. Unless Nike does not have the ability to enter the application through a Google account - only through Facebook or a separate registration in the service using an email address and password.

, — iPad. , , , - — , — . , — . , , — — . .

Unagrande YogaClub


Platform: only iOS

Unagrande YogaClub positioned as a personal yoga instructor. The application supports Apple Health and contains video tutorials, instructions, information on meditation techniques and exercises to enhance immunity and overall health promotion. Unagrande has a point system that takes into account success in exercises.

The application has a convenient interface, many different programs and manuals with video, it tells in detail about how exercises affect the body, and also makes it possible to include suitable audio tracks with recording of a noisy forest or sea breeze.

A paid subscription involves receiving additional programs and disabling advertising - yes, the application regularly includes videos advertising its own products. Subscription cost - 599 ₽ per month or 3590 ₽ per year.

The application has a significant minus - there is no version for Android, because of this, it will not work for a significant part of users. And yoga is probably not suitable for those who, like me, prefer intense strength training, rather than static.



Platform: iOS , Android.

The application format implies exercise only seven minutes a day. The developers claim that Seven training is based on scientific research and provide maximum benefit to the body in the shortest possible time. The application itself develops a program of classes for a week in various categories: general and dynamic training, stretching exercises and unloading exercises. In total, over 200 exercises of varying degrees of difficulty and video instructions for them are available in Seven.

Seven is well suited for people with a busy schedule and those who do not set themselves super tasks like losing tens of kilograms. The application has a simple interface and no paid subscription is imposed. And in the latest update, developers added the ability to engage with other users around the world.

The main difference between the application and the rest is the seven-minute format. It doesn’t have separate programs for crossfit or training for individual muscle groups, and the set of activities is most reminiscent of charging in a children's camp. But since I usually lose in the war with laziness, Seven, with its short and simple exercises, stands out from the rest for the better.


For the most part, applications are very similar to each other in terms of functionality and the number of different exercises. Unpleasantly surprised by ProFit - the application has a rather high rating in the App Store, but without a paid subscription you can’t do anything at all in it - just go through the interface. Moreover, this same subscription is also the most expensive among the entire collection. Personally, I could not make friends with the Nike Training Club - it is completely incomprehensible why such a large company still, in 2020, did not acquire a version of the sports application for the iPad.

But I really liked Workout Trainer and adidas Training. The first captivates with a wide range of programs and exercises, in which you can find anything in your own way - but only if you know English. And the second, on the contrary, without frills - minimalistic, convenient and with full functionality. Seven also seemed interesting, at least as an assistant for morning exercises.

Curator selection

  , ivi:

, 20 . . . , Stark Fitness, . : , ( , , ), .

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