We invite to DINS JS EVENING: we are talking about aspect-oriented programming and the Vuejs 3 composition API framework

We invite JavaScript developers and anyone interested in this topic to join the DINS JS EVENING online mitu! We meet on April 29 at 19:00.

At the meeting, Vitaly Perov from DINS will talk about aspect-oriented programming in JS, and Mikhail Kuznetsov from ING will reveal the advantages of the new Vuejs v3 composition API framework. The speakers will show practical examples and answer questions from the audience.

To participate, please register.
Read the detailed program and information on speakers under a cat.



19: 00-19: 40 - Aspect-oriented programming in JS (Vitaly Perov, DINS)
During his presentation, Vitaly will introduce an introduction to the paradigm of aspect-oriented programming and talk about its scope. Vitaliy will show code examples for the basic implementation of AOP and tell how they can be used to solve problems of introducing new functionality.
The report will be relevant for developers who are interested in architectural solutions and new approaches.
Vitaly Perov is a frontend developer at DINS. He began his career in programming as a backend developer of Java and PHP. Now engaged in frontend development in JavaScript and TypeScript.

19: 40-20: 20 - Vuejs v3 composition API: updates and advantages (Mikhail Kuznetsov, ING)
The new version of the popular Vuejs v3 framework leaves beta status in the coming months. Michael will consider the essence of the Composition API approach added in v3 and the advantages that it provides for typical component development tasks.
The report is relevant for those who work with Vuejs 2 and follow the development trends of frontend development.
Mikhail Kuznetsov, lecturer at the Vue.js developer course at Otus, fullstack developer at the international financial corporation ING. Designs and supports WEB development processes. He has been programming on JS for about 8 years. He was engaged in the popularization of the front-end framework Vue.js. He spoke at conferences Frontend Conf Moscow, UtahJS, etc.

How to join:

Participation is free. On the day of the meeting, we will send a link to the broadcast to the email specified during registration .

How are the meetings

Records of previous mitaps can be viewed on our YouTube channel .

About us

DINS IT EVENING is a meeting place and exchange of knowledge of technical specialists in the fields of Java, DevOps, QA and JS. Several times a month we organize meetings to discuss interesting cases and topics with colleagues from different companies. We are open for cooperation, if you have an urgent question or topic that you want to share - write to itevening@dins.ru !

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