AMA with Habr. # 18. Marathon, Promo and Updated Digest

Posts with AMA (Ask Me Anything) are published on the last Friday of every month, which means this initiative is already 1.5 years old. But never before have we been in the same situation as now. We will not talk about the theme of the year (we hope that other topics of this kind will not happen and any flashes on the Sun and asteroids will not surprise human civilization even more), but try to find something positive. Fortunately, Habr is working in full force from home and is ready to please his readers.

To begin with, two small events that are important for the history of Habr:

  1. The situation with the virus affected attendance: in March, Habr was read by record 13.5 million people. So, even more people learned about Habr and a little bit joined the IT world (what if someone is sitting quietly at home and already learning JavaScript or Python?).
  2. We took 1st place in the ranking of digital rights of users (from RosKomSvoboda). Because we can and are trying for you.

And yet, and yet - we came up with cool activities for the audience. They are useful, free and will not allow the abyss. Join now!


In April, the guys from the Habr Career team (formerly "My Circle") launched a pilot Marathon udalenki . In fact, this is a series of lessons, webinars and other jokes that will help you not lose your mind when working from home. But in general, this is not just entertainment for the evening - it is a well-thought-out layer of benefits and knowledge shared by employees of IT companies: ivi, Rambler, Yandex, Dodo Pizza, Wrike and Skyeng.

→ It's not too late to hop on this train:

In general, I like this: even though “My Circle” climbed harmoniously under the Habr’s wing, it continues to remain a separate world, with its ecosystem, movement, research , etc.

Habr Promo

Colleagues from the commercial department decided to open the Habr Promo section on Habré . By and large - a huge piggy bank of various promotional codes and promotions / offers (from our partners and not only), which will save a couple of rubles in difficult times. Share the link with your friends, as well as drop in before every online purchase.

You can learn more about the section from the post-announcement .

Updated Digest

We updated the type of digest sent to the post office - we did it with love so that it was convenient to read. Now you can immediately see which articles are the most rated and which are the most viewed.  

Site Changes

Desktop version

  • Improved guest subscription to editorial digest
  • The mechanism for deleting jobs in the user profile has been improved
  • Fixed display of company news / posts counter
  • Fixed display of the last message in the list of dialogs
  • Fixed popup behavior with voting reasons
  • Notifications for moderated comments fixed

mobile version

  • Did lazy-loading for pictures (jpg through a blurred preview, png and gif via a loader)
  • On the onboarding page of new users, the opportunity to subscribe to the editorial digest
  • Added to the user profile ranking position, location and date of birth
  • : , , ,
  • client-server,
  • html-entities
  • title
  • overflow-wrap
  • «»
  • iPad- ( )

Now I am finishing this "series" of the AMA and I think where and what I will write about next, and in June - what will happen? The world has fallen into a state of relative unpredictability. But we move on, work for you, and really hope that you are with us. See you on May 29th.

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