Rosbank Java-school - learning outcomes

Hello everyone!

We continue to share with you the stories of young people whom we help to find ourselves in the field of banking IT. At the end of last year, we wrote that we were opening a school for Java developers in Nizhny Novgorod. Among the applications, we selected 25 people, and according to the results of training the five best students we took to our IT team. How are their working days now - read under the cut.


Eugene, backend developer


Now I am studying in the specialty “Information Security of Telecommunication Networks” at NNSU named after Lobachevsky, but I became interested in programming in high school.

In high school, I started looking for a job with the opportunity to engage in really interesting projects in the field of software development. It was necessary to determine the language. I chose Java because this language is used in large companies that pay special attention to reliability and security - I always wanted to join in the development of large and complex systems, apply the theoretical knowledge gained at the university. On hh, I learned about Rosbank's Java school. I was attracted to the training program and the prospect of employment.

During training, we had a cool practice mentor. He clearly told the theory, and we also had a lot of practice and work on real tasks. Over 90 hours of training, we became acquainted with the “kitchen” of development: JavaCore, Spring Framework, Hibenate, PostgreSQL, etc. But, what's the most cool, after defending the final project, I was hired by Rosbank.

Now I work at the Competence Development Center for EDMS and portal solutions. Thanks to school, I feel confident and am developing a backend for internal projects of the bank. The work is interesting and very versatile, which only fuels interest and desire to develop. I also want to note the working conditions: a comfortable office, a wonderful team lead and a team.


Cyril, Java developer


I began to study programming at 11 years old. After graduating from the physical and mathematical lyceum, I went to study in St. Petersburg as an IT specialist.

In the fall of 2019, at the job fair, he learned about Rosbank's Java school. Interest in Java was caused by the fact that it is an infrastructure-developed programming language.

At the stage of selection, I did not think that I would pass - the questions were difficult. As a result, I was among the 25 best students who were taken to school. In the first lesson, the teacher gave us good advice: next month to forget about everything except Java, and promised that we will remember learning for a long time.

Separately, I want to note the training program: in a short time I managed to completely immerse myself in Java. The brain was boiling. In the evening, a lecture, and the next day we are already starting to put the same material into practice. We also had to learn how to present the results of our work to business representatives. This is a very important skill.

Learning was difficult, sometimes I even thought about giving up. However, I reached the finals, created a graduation project and got a job. Now I am engaged in the development of microservices for internal use at Rosbank. Very like.

Yana, Java Developer


My interest in programming appeared at school. When it came time to apply to the university, I knew for sure that I wanted to become a developer. After studying at the university, I realized that I had gained a lot of fundamental knowledge, but there was not enough practice. I wanted to get more development experience on real cases. Before that, I already independently studied the next programming language from scratch, but now it was interesting to do new projects, having feedback from the teacher. At that moment I found out about Rosbank’s Java school and thought: “Well, that’s exactly what I need!”

Schooling was as intense as possible: an incredible amount of new information and homework. Sometimes it was very difficult. Was it worth it? Definitely. For a short period of training, we received a tremendous amount of knowledge professionally filed by the teacher. All tasks for independent execution were as close as possible to real ones. After graduation, I felt ready to start working as a Java developer.

I like to work at Rosbank. Very comfortable office, no dress code. I work in a department that develops applications for internal use by bank employees. This is very cool - I know that I make the necessary and convenient programs for people working next to me. Now I'm developing a web service using Spring. I work in a great team - at any time, senior colleagues can help with difficult questions.

Alexander, Java developer


I graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and Physics, then worked for a specialty for 2.5 years and realized that I had hit the ceiling. He began to think about further professional development and remembered that since childhood he had been staring at programming. On the advice of his older comrades, he chose Java.

He learned about the Rosbank Java school on the hh portal and decided to try his hand.
The training turned out to be quite dense: 6 weeks of concentrated qualitative (very important) theory and practice, homework and graduation project. Separately, it is worth noting the course teacher and certainly a professional in his field - Ilnaz Gilyazov.

I like my work at Rosbank. Now I am involved in the development of a service for processing internal applications. The project is interesting and architecturally complex, but fortunately colleagues and senior comrades are happy to help in contentious situations.

Roman, backend developer


I graduated from the undergraduate university. Lobachevsky in the direction of "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science". After completing the 4th year, I started looking for a job, and I saw an advertisement for a Java school. I thought it would be a good experience, as they promised a lot of practice (it was).

The training lasted a month and a half, and during this time I realized that I really like it. For myself, I decided that I definitely want to get to Rosbank, and tried to do my best to achieve this.

As a result, I successfully completed training, defended the project and got into the development team of Rosbank. I got an excellent team lead that will explain and help in any situation and my colleagues are close to me in spirit. My first project was to create an AOP shell to synchronize two applications with each other. This project allowed me to better understand the backend development.

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